Literaturliste der Umweltprobenbank (seit 2005)
Stand: 01.10.2019
- Teubner D., Klein R., Paulus M. and Wesch C. (2019): Changes of fish growth in German rivers, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 11: 59-64
- Dreyer A., Neugebauer F., Lohmann N., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Grotti M., Rauert C. and Koschorreck J. (2019): Recent findings of halogenated flame retardants (HFR) in German and Polar environment. Environmental Pollution 253: 850-863
- Dreyer, A., Neugebauer, F., Rüdel, H., Klein, R., Lohmann, N., Rauert, C. and Koschorreck, J, (2018): Halogenated flame retardants in tree samples applied as bioindicators for atmospheric pollution, Chemosphere 208: 233-240
- Corman, A-M., Schwemmer, P., Mercker, M., Asmus, H., Rüdel, H., Klein, R., Boner, M., Hofem, S., Koschorreck, J. and Garthe, S. (2018): Decreasing δ13C and δ15N values in four coastal species at different trophic levels indicate a fundamental food-web shift in the southern North and Baltic Seas between 1988 and 2016. Environ Monit Assess 190:461
- Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Lohmann, N., Paulus, M., Jud, M., Pirntke, U. and Koschorreck, J. (2018): Assessment of seafood contamination under the marine strategy framework directive: contributions of the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25: 26939-26956
- Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Bream (Abramis brama). publications/26845
- Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus). fck/download/SOP_ESB_Eelpout_V2.0.3_2018_en.pdf
- Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. and Paulus, M. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Norway Spruce (Picea abies) / Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris).
- Paulus, M., Klein, R. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing. Herring Gull (Larus argentatus).
- Paulus, M., Klein, R. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing. Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis complex).
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R. and Paulus, M. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus).
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Lombardy Poplar (Populus nigra ‘Italica).
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R. ,Paulus, M. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Red Beech (Fagus sylvatica).
- Teubner D., Paulus M., Tarricone K. and Klein R. (2018): Guideline for sampling and sample processing earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea longa).
- Teubner D., Klein R., Tarricone K. and Paulus M. (2018): Guideline for sampling and sample processing zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha).
- Teubner D., Klein R., Tarricone K. und Paulus M. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Dreikantmuschel (Dreissena polymorpha).
- Teubner D., Paulus, M. Tarricone K. und Klein R. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Regenwurm (Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea longa).
- Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Brassen (Abramis brama).
- Paulus, M., Klein, R. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Miesmuschel (Mytilus edulis-Komplex).
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Pyramiden-Pappel (Populus nigra `Italica`).
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Rot-Buche (Fagus sylvatica).
- Klein, R.,Tarricone, K.,Teubner, D. und Paulus, M. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Fichte (Picea abies) und Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris).
- Klein, R., Paulus, M.,Tarricone, K. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus).
- Paulus, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Silbermöwe (Larus argentatus).
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R. und Paulus, M. (2018):Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Europäisches Reh (Capreolus capreolus).
- Brinke, A., Reifferscheid, G., Klein, R., Feiler, U. & Buchinger, S. (2017): Transcriptional changes measured in rice roots after exposure to arsenite-contaminated sediments. Environ Sci. Pollut. Res. 25:2707–2717
- Wesch, C., Elert, A.M., Wörner, M., Braun, U., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2017): Assuring quality in microplastic monitoring: About the value of clean-air devices as essentials for verified data. Nature Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 5424.
- Fliedner A., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Buchmeier G., Lowis J., Heiss C., Wellmitz J. and Koschorreck J. (2016): Biota monitoring and the Water Framework Directive – can normalization overcome shortcomings in sampling strategies? Environmental Science and Pollution Research,in press, doi:10.1007/s11356-016-7442-2
- Fliedner A., Lohmann N., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Wellmitz J. and Koschorreck J. (2016): Current levels and trends of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority substances in freshwater fish from the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Pollution, 216, 866-876
- Teubner D., Wesslein A.-K., Brown Rønne P., Veith M., Frings C. and Paulus M. (2016): Is a visuo-haptic differentiation of zebra mussel and quagga mussel based on a single external morphometric shell character possible? Aquatic Invasions 11: 145-154
- Wesch, C., Bredimus, K., Paulus, M., Klein, R. (2016): Towards the suitable monitoring of ingestion of microplastics by marine biota: A review. Environ. Poll. 218: 1200-1208
- Wesch, C., Barthel, A.-K., Braun, U., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2016): No microplastics in benthic eelpout (Zoarces viviparus): An urgent need for spectroscopic analyses in microplastic detection. Environ. Res. 148: 36-38
- Klein, R., Braunbeck, T., Gercken, J., Guhl, B., Löffler, R., Triebskorn, R., von der Trenck, T. (2015): Fische als Akkumulations- und Wirkungsindikatoren im Monitoring – zwei VDI-Richtlinien für eine sachgerechte Probenahme. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 75(4): 143-145
- Lohmann N., Rolle S., Paepke O., Ruedel H., Teubner D. and Koschorreck J. (2015): Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDES) and Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in Fish of German Waters: A Study in the Context of the EU Water Framework Directive. Organohalogen Compounds 77: 538-541
- Paulus M., Teubner D., Rüdel H. and Klein, R. (2015): Bioaccumulation and long-term monitoring in freshwater ecosystems - Knowledge gained from 20 years of zebra mussel analysis by the German Environmental Specimen Bank. In: Amon, R., Hänninen, O. (Eds.): Environmental Indicators. Springer, Science+ Business Media, Dodrecht. Pp 781-803
- Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2015). Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Tarricone, K., Wagner, G.,Klein, R. (2015): Toward standardization of sample collection and preservation for the quality of results in biomonitoring with trees – A critical review, pp. 341-359.
- Teubner D., Paulus M., Veith M., and Klein R. (2015): Biometric parameters of the bream (Abramis brama) as indicators for long-term changes in fish health and environmental quality – Data from the German ESB Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22: 1620–1627.
- Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Weinfurtner, K., Paulus, M., Ricking, M., Koschorreck, J. (2014): Spatial and temporal trends of metals and arsenic in German freshwater compartments. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 21:5521–5536
- Paulus M., Teubner D.,Hochkirch A. and Veith M. (2014): Journey into the past: Using cryogenically stored samples to reconstruct the invasion history of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis) in German river systems. Biological Invasions 16, 2591-2597,
- Wesch, C., Stöfen, A., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2014): Microplastics in freshwater environments: A need for scientific research and legal regulation in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. EurUP 4: 275-278
- Rüdel H., Böhmer W., Müller M., Fliedner A., Ricking M. Teubner D. and Schröter-Kermani, C. (2013): Retrospective study of triclosan and methyl-triclosan residues in fish and suspended particulate matter: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Chemosphere 91(11): 1517-1524
- Kinitz T., Quack M., Paulus M., Veith M., Bergek S., Strand J., Tuvikene A., Soirinsuo A. & Hochkirch A. (2013): Strong isolation-by-distance in the absence of genetic population structure in the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus, Linnaeus 1758). Ecological Indicators 27: 116-122.
- 33. Teubner D., Müller P. (†) and Paulus, M. (2013): Derivation of dynamic reference values for the classification of contaminant concentrations in bream (Abramis brama) of German rivers and lakes using data of the Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators 2: 162-165.
- Falk, S. Brunn, H., Schröter-Kermani, C., Failing, K., Georgii, S., Tarricone, K., Stahl, T. (2012): Temporal and spatial trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in liver of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Environ Poll 171: 1-8.
- Bergek, S., Franzén, F., Quack, M., Hochkirch, A., Kinitz, T., Prestegaard, T., Appelberg, M. (2012): Panmixia in Zoarces viviparus: Implications for environmental monitoring studies. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 2302-2316.
- Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C.K., Koschorreck, J., Rüdel, H., Quack, M., Brooks, B.W., Usenko, S. (2012): Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in German Fish Tissue: A National Study. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (16): 9047-9054.
- Klein, R., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Koschorreck, J., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner, G., Weimann, T., Veith, M. (2012): Standardization of egg collection from aquatic birds for biomonitoring - a critical review. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 5273−5284.
- Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. (2012): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Bream (Abramis brama). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Teubner D., Tarricone K., Veith M., Wagner G., Bartel-Steinbach M., Klein R., Körner A., Quack M. and Paulus M. (2011): Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators 11: 1487-1489.
- Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Jürling, H., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Koschorreck, J. (2011): Survey of patterns, levels, and trends of perfluorinated compounds in aquatic organisms and bird eggs from representative German ecosystems. Environ Sci Pollut Res 18(9): 1457-1470.
- Klein, R., Bartel, M., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner G. (2010): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Ealpout (Zoarces viviparus). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Paulus, M., Quack, M., Teubner, D., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Wagner, G., Körner, A., Veith, M. (2010): Climate impact research - contributions and options of the German ESB. In: Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry - Environmental Specimen Bank, (Isobe, T., Nomiyama, K., Subramanian, A. & Tanabe, S., eds.). pp. 95-101. Terrapub.
- Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Jürling, H., Paulus, M., Schröter-Kermani, C. (2010): Retrospektives Monitoring von Perfluorierten Verbindungen (PFCs) in archivierten Silbermöweneiern. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 16: 64-66.
- Paulus, M., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D.; Wagner, G. (2010): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Herring gull (Larus argentatus). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Paulus, M., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D.; Wagner, G. (2010): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Feral pigeon (Columba livia f. domestica). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Teubner, D. (2010): Aufbau eines nationalen Referenzsystems für das Biomonitoring aus den Daten der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes. Dissertation. Universität Trier, FB VI - Geographie / Geowissenschaften.
- Klein, R., Koschorreck, J., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Naulin, A., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner, G. (2009): Bericht zum Workshop zum nationalen Vogeleimonitoring am 22. September 2009 in Trier. Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 15: 101-102.
- Wagner, G., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D. (2009): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra ‘italica‘).German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Wagner, G., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D. (2009): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Red Beech (Fagus sylvatica). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D., Wagner, G. (2009): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Norway Spruce (Picea abies) / Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
- Lermen, D., Bloemeke, B., Browne, R., Clarke, A., Dyce, P., Fixemer, T., Fuhr, G., Holt, W., Jewgenow, K., Lloyd, R., Lötters, S., Paulus, M., McGregor Reid, G., Rapoport, D., Rawson, D., Ringleb, J., Ryder, O. A., Spörl, G., Schmitt, T., Veith, M., Müller, P. (2009). Cryobanking of viable biomaterials: implementation of new strategies for conservation purposes. Molecular Ecology 18: 1030-1033.
- Rüdel, H., Schröder, W. von der Trenck, K.T., Wiesmüller, G.A., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., . Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröter-Kermani, C., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., Wagner, G. (2009): Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring. Environ Sci Pollut Res 16(5):486-498
- Wagner, G., Wellmitz, J. (2009): Die Probenahme von Umweltproben als Gegenstand von Qualitätsmanagement und Akkreditierung. in: Rasemann, W. (Hrsg.) (2009): 14. Freiberger Probenahmetagung - Probenahme und Qualitätssicherung – Arbeitsschwerpunkte in Industrie, Forschung und Entwicklung, S. 9-1 bis 9-11, ISBN 978-3-938390-06-1.
- Gies, A., Schröter-Kermani, C., Rüdel, H., Paulus, M., Wiesmüller, G. (2007): Frozen environmental history: The German environmental specimen bank. Organohal. Comp. 69: 504-507.
- Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W.; Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, C., Schulze, T.; Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N.; Trenck, T.v.d., Wagner, G., Wiesmüller, G. A. (2007): Positionspapier zum stoffbezogenen Umweltmonitoring, Arbeitskreis Umweltmonitoring in der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (Teil 1). Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 13: 34-41.
- Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, Ch., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., von der Trenck, Th., Wagner, G., Wiesmüller, G.A. (2007): Positionspapier zum stoffbezogenen Umweltmonitoring (Teil 2). Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 13: 72-79.
- Bartel, M., Klein, R. (2006): Spatial Transferability of PAH Data of the German ESB by Artificial Neural Networks. Environmental Bioindicators 1 (4): 242-259.
- Schröter-Kermani, C.; Kreft, D.; Schilling, B.; Herrchen, M.; Wagner, G. (2006): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pine and spruce shoots - temporal trends and spatial distribution. J. Environ. Monit. 8, 806-811.
- Klein, R., Bartel, M., He, X., Müller, J., Quack, M. (2005): Is there a linkage between bioaccumulation and effects of alkylphenols on male breams (Abramis brama)? Environmental Research 98(1): 55-63. Paulus, M.; Bartel, M.; Klein, R.; Nentwich, K.; Quack, M.; Teubner, D.; Wagner, G.; (2005): Effect of monitoring strategies and reference data of the German Environmental Specimen Banking Program. Nukleonika 50 (Suppl. 1), 806-811.