
Literaturliste der Umweltprobenbank (seit 2005)

Stand: 01.10.2019

  1. Teubner D., Klein R., Paulus M. and Wesch C. (2019): Changes of fish growth in German rivers, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 11: 59-64
  2. Dreyer A., Neugebauer F., Lohmann N., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Grotti M., Rauert C. and Koschorreck J. (2019): Recent findings of halogenated flame retardants (HFR) in German and Polar environment. Environmental Pollution 253: 850-863
  3. Dreyer, A., Neugebauer, F., Rüdel, H., Klein, R., Lohmann, N., Rauert, C. and Koschorreck, J, (2018): Halogenated flame retardants in tree samples applied as bioindicators for atmospheric pollution, Chemosphere 208: 233-240
  4. Corman, A-M., Schwemmer, P., Mercker, M., Asmus, H., Rüdel, H., Klein, R., Boner, M., Hofem, S., Koschorreck, J. and Garthe, S. (2018): Decreasing δ13C and δ15N values in four coastal species at different trophic levels indicate a fundamental food-web shift in the southern North and Baltic Seas between 1988 and 2016. Environ Monit Assess 190:461
  5. Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Lohmann, N., Paulus, M., Jud, M., Pirntke, U. and Koschorreck, J. (2018): Assessment of seafood contamination under the marine strategy framework directive: contributions of the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25: 26939-26956
  6. Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Bream (Abramis brama). publications/26845
  7. Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus). fck/download/SOP_ESB_Eelpout_V2.0.3_2018_en.pdf
  8. Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. and Paulus, M. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Norway Spruce (Picea abies) / Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris).
  9. Paulus, M., Klein, R. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing. Herring Gull (Larus argentatus).
  10. Paulus, M., Klein, R. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing. Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis complex).
  11. Tarricone, K., Klein, R. and Paulus, M. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus).
  12. Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Lombardy Poplar (Populus nigra ‘Italica).
  13. Tarricone, K., Klein, R. ,Paulus, M. and Teubner, D. (2018): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Processing Red Beech (Fagus sylvatica).
  14. Teubner D., Paulus M., Tarricone K. and Klein R. (2018): Guideline for sampling and sample processing earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea longa).
  15. Teubner D., Klein R., Tarricone K. and Paulus M. (2018): Guideline for sampling and sample processing zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha).
  16. Teubner D., Klein R., Tarricone K. und Paulus M. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Dreikantmuschel (Dreissena polymorpha).
  17. Teubner D., Paulus, M. Tarricone K. und Klein R. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Regenwurm (Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea longa).
  18. Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Brassen (Abramis brama).
  19. Paulus, M., Klein, R. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Miesmuschel (Mytilus edulis-Komplex).
  20. Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Pyramiden-Pappel (Populus nigra `Italica`).
  21. Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Rot-Buche (Fagus sylvatica). 
  22. Klein, R.,Tarricone, K.,Teubner, D. und Paulus, M. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Fichte (Picea abies) und Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris).
  23. Klein, R., Paulus, M.,Tarricone, K. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus).
  24. Paulus, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K. und Teubner, D. (2018): Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Silbermöwe (Larus argentatus).
  25. Tarricone, K., Klein, R. und Paulus, M. (2018):Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Europäisches Reh (Capreolus capreolus).
  26. Brinke, A., Reifferscheid, G., Klein, R., Feiler, U. & Buchinger, S. (2017): Transcriptional changes measured in rice roots after exposure to arsenite-contaminated sediments. Environ Sci. Pollut. Res. 25:2707–2717
  27. Wesch, C., Elert, A.M., Wörner, M., Braun, U., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2017): Assuring quality in microplastic monitoring: About the value of clean-air devices as essentials for verified data. Nature Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 5424. 
  28. Fliedner A., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Buchmeier G., Lowis J., Heiss C., Wellmitz J. and Koschorreck J. (2016): Biota monitoring and the Water Framework Directive – can normalization overcome shortcomings in sampling strategies? Environmental Science and Pollution Research,in press, doi:10.1007/s11356-016-7442-2
  29. Fliedner A., Lohmann N., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Wellmitz J. and Koschorreck J. (2016): Current levels and trends of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority substances in freshwater fish from the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Pollution, 216, 866-876
  30. Teubner D., Wesslein A.-K., Brown Rønne P., Veith M., Frings C. and Paulus M. (2016): Is a visuo-haptic differentiation of zebra mussel and quagga mussel based on a single external morphometric shell character possible? Aquatic Invasions 11: 145-154
  31. Wesch, C., Bredimus, K., Paulus, M., Klein, R. (2016): Towards the suitable monitoring of ingestion of microplastics by marine biota: A review. Environ. Poll. 218: 1200-1208
  32. Wesch, C., Barthel, A.-K., Braun, U., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2016): No microplastics in benthic eelpout (Zoarces viviparus): An urgent need for spectroscopic analyses in microplastic detection. Environ. Res. 148: 36-38
  33. Klein, R., Braunbeck, T., Gercken, J., Guhl, B., Löffler, R., Triebskorn, R., von der Trenck, T. (2015): Fische als Akkumulations- und Wirkungsindikatoren im Monitoring – zwei VDI-Richtlinien für eine sachgerechte Probenahme. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 75(4): 143-145
  34. Lohmann N., Rolle S., Paepke O., Ruedel H., Teubner D. and Koschorreck J. (2015): Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDES) and Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in Fish of German Waters: A Study in the Context of the EU Water Framework Directive. Organohalogen Compounds 77: 538-541
  35. Paulus M., Teubner D., Rüdel H. and Klein, R. (2015): Bioaccumulation and long-term monitoring in freshwater ecosystems - Knowledge gained from 20 years of zebra mussel analysis by the German Environmental Specimen Bank. In: Amon, R., Hänninen, O. (Eds.): Environmental Indicators. Springer, Science+ Business Media, Dodrecht. Pp 781-803
  36. Tarricone, K., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2015). Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  37. Tarricone, K., Wagner, G.,Klein, R. (2015): Toward standardization of sample collection and preservation for the quality of results in biomonitoring with trees – A critical review, pp. 341-359.
  38. Teubner D., Paulus M., Veith M., and Klein R. (2015): Biometric parameters of the bream (Abramis brama) as indicators for long-term changes in fish health and environmental quality – Data from the German ESB Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22: 1620–1627. 
  39. Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Weinfurtner, K., Paulus, M., Ricking, M., Koschorreck, J. (2014): Spatial and temporal trends of metals and arsenic in German freshwater compartments. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 21:5521–5536
  40. Paulus M., Teubner D.,Hochkirch A. and Veith M. (2014): Journey into the past: Using cryogenically stored samples to reconstruct the invasion history of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis) in German river systems. Biological Invasions 16, 2591-2597, 
  41. Wesch, C., Stöfen, A., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2014): Microplastics in freshwater environments: A need for scientific research and legal regulation in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. EurUP 4: 275-278
  42. Rüdel H., Böhmer W., Müller M., Fliedner A., Ricking M. Teubner D. and Schröter-Kermani, C. (2013): Retrospective study of triclosan and methyl-triclosan residues in fish and suspended particulate matter: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Chemosphere 91(11): 1517-1524
  43. Kinitz T., Quack M., Paulus M., Veith M., Bergek S., Strand J., Tuvikene A., Soirinsuo A. & Hochkirch A. (2013): Strong isolation-by-distance in the absence of genetic population structure in the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus, Linnaeus 1758). Ecological Indicators 27: 116-122. 
  44. 33.  Teubner D., Müller P. (†) and  Paulus, M. (2013): Derivation of dynamic reference values for the classification of contaminant concentrations in bream (Abramis brama) of German rivers and lakes using data of the Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators 2: 162-165. 
  45. Falk, S. Brunn, H., Schröter-Kermani, C., Failing, K., Georgii, S., Tarricone, K., Stahl, T. (2012): Temporal and spatial trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in liver of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Environ Poll 171: 1-8.
  46. Bergek, S., Franzén, F., Quack, M., Hochkirch, A., Kinitz, T., Prestegaard, T., Appelberg, M. (2012): Panmixia in Zoarces viviparus: Implications for environmental monitoring studies. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 2302-2316.
  47. Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C.K., Koschorreck, J., Rüdel, H., Quack, M., Brooks, B.W., Usenko, S. (2012): Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in German Fish Tissue: A National Study. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (16): 9047-9054.
  48. Klein, R., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Koschorreck, J., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner, G., Weimann, T., Veith, M. (2012): Standardization of egg collection from aquatic birds for biomonitoring - a critical review. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 5273−5284.
  49. Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. (2012): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Bream (Abramis brama). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  50. Teubner D., Tarricone K., Veith M., Wagner  G., Bartel-Steinbach M., Klein R., Körner A., Quack M. and Paulus M. (2011): Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators 11: 1487-1489. 
  51. Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Jürling, H., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Koschorreck, J. (2011): Survey of patterns, levels, and trends of perfluorinated compounds in aquatic organisms and bird eggs from representative German ecosystems. Environ Sci Pollut Res 18(9): 1457-1470.
  52. Klein, R., Bartel, M., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner G. (2010): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Ealpout (Zoarces viviparus). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples. 
  53. Paulus, M., Quack, M., Teubner, D., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Wagner, G., Körner, A., Veith, M. (2010): Climate impact research - contributions and options of the German ESB. In: Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry - Environmental Specimen Bank, (Isobe, T., Nomiyama, K., Subramanian, A. & Tanabe, S., eds.). pp. 95-101. Terrapub.
  54. Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Jürling, H., Paulus, M., Schröter-Kermani, C. (2010): Retrospektives Monitoring von Perfluorierten Verbindungen (PFCs) in archivierten Silbermöweneiern. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 16: 64-66.
  55. Paulus, M., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D.; Wagner, G. (2010): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Herring gull (Larus argentatus). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  56. Paulus, M., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D.; Wagner, G. (2010): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Feral pigeon (Columba livia f. domestica). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  57. Teubner, D. (2010): Aufbau eines nationalen Referenzsystems für das Biomonitoring aus den Daten der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes. Dissertation. Universität Trier, FB VI - Geographie / Geowissenschaften.
  58. Klein, R., Koschorreck, J., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Naulin, A., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner, G. (2009): Bericht zum Workshop zum nationalen Vogeleimonitoring am 22. September 2009 in Trier. Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 15: 101-102. 
  59. Wagner, G., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D. (2009): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra ‘italica‘).German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  60. Wagner, G., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D. (2009): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Red Beech (Fagus sylvatica). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  61. Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Quack, M., Teubner, D., Wagner, G. (2009): Guideline for Sampling and Sample Treatment: Norway Spruce (Picea abies) / Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). German ESB Guidelines for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Chemical Characterization of Environmental and Human Samples.
  62. Lermen, D., Bloemeke, B., Browne, R., Clarke, A., Dyce, P., Fixemer, T., Fuhr, G., Holt, W., Jewgenow, K., Lloyd, R., Lötters, S., Paulus, M., McGregor Reid, G., Rapoport, D., Rawson, D., Ringleb, J., Ryder, O. A., Spörl, G., Schmitt, T., Veith, M., Müller, P. (2009). Cryobanking of viable biomaterials: implementation of new strategies for conservation purposes. Molecular Ecology 18: 1030-1033.
  63. Rüdel, H., Schröder, W. von der Trenck, K.T., Wiesmüller, G.A., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., . Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröter-Kermani, C., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., Wagner, G. (2009): Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring. Environ Sci Pollut Res 16(5):486-498
  64. Wagner, G., Wellmitz, J. (2009): Die Probenahme von Umweltproben als Gegenstand von Qualitätsmanagement und Akkreditierung. in: Rasemann, W. (Hrsg.) (2009): 14. Freiberger Probenahmetagung - Probenahme und Qualitätssicherung – Arbeitsschwerpunkte in Industrie, Forschung und Entwicklung, S. 9-1 bis 9-11, ISBN 978-3-938390-06-1.
  65. Gies, A., Schröter-Kermani, C., Rüdel, H., Paulus, M., Wiesmüller, G. (2007): Frozen environmental history: The German environmental specimen bank. Organohal. Comp. 69: 504-507.
  66. Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W.; Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, C., Schulze, T.; Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N.; Trenck, T.v.d., Wagner, G., Wiesmüller, G. A. (2007): Positionspapier zum stoffbezogenen Umweltmonitoring, Arbeitskreis Umweltmonitoring in der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (Teil 1). Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 13: 34-41.
  67. Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, Ch., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., von der Trenck, Th., Wagner, G., Wiesmüller, G.A. (2007): Positionspapier zum stoffbezogenen Umweltmonitoring (Teil 2). Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 13: 72-79.
  68. Bartel, M., Klein, R. (2006): Spatial Transferability of PAH Data of the German ESB by Artificial Neural Networks. Environmental Bioindicators 1 (4): 242-259.
  69. Schröter-Kermani, C.; Kreft, D.; Schilling, B.; Herrchen, M.; Wagner, G. (2006): Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pine and spruce shoots - temporal trends and spatial distribution. J. Environ. Monit. 8, 806-811.
  70. Klein, R., Bartel, M., He, X., Müller, J., Quack, M. (2005): Is there a linkage between bioaccumulation and effects of alkylphenols on male breams (Abramis brama)? Environmental Research 98(1): 55-63. Paulus, M.; Bartel, M.; Klein, R.; Nentwich, K.; Quack, M.; Teubner, D.; Wagner, G.; (2005): Effect of monitoring strategies and reference data of the German Environmental Specimen Banking Program. Nukleonika 50 (Suppl. 1), 806-811.