Maximilian Haße, M.Sc. (Research Assistant)

Maximilian Haße's research deals with informality in governance arrangements in spatial planning. Using case studies from Rhineland-Palatinate, knowledge production on the concept is examined from a postcolonial perspective and further implications for human geography and planning science are being explored.

Maximilian has been a research assistant and doctoral candidate at Trier University since October 2020. In addition to his work as a lecturer in human geography, he evaluated the inter-municipal cooperation project "Starke Kommunen – Starkes Land", which was funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of the Interior and Sport. Maximilian studied B.A. Geography with a minor in Portuguese at the Humboldt University of Berlin and M.Sc. Geographical Development Research at Free University of Berlin and worked as a research consultant for the German Association for International Cooperation in Namibia at the end of his studies.




PhD project: Rethinking Informality in Spatial Planning in Germany


Starke Kommunen – Starkes Land (2020-2021)