Philipp Schäfer

PhD Student


Thomas, F.M., Yu, R., Schäfer, P., Zhang, X., Lang, P. How diverse are Populusdiversifolia” leaves? Linking leaf morphology to ecophysiological and stand variables along water supply and salinity gradients. Flora doi: 10.1016/j.flora.2017.05.007

Lang, P., Ahlborn, J., Schäfer, P., Wommelsdorf, T., Jeschke, M., Zhang, X., Thomas, F.M. 2016. Growth and water use of Populus euphratica trees and stands with different water supply along the Tarim River, NW China. Forest Ecology and Management 380: 139-148.

Conference contributions

Schäfer, P., Lang, P., Yu, R., Zhang, X., Thomas F. 2016. Genetic distribution of Populus euphratica along natural stands and the effect of pollarding and herbivory. Vortrag am 20.09.2016 in Urumqi, Xinjiang, VR China: Sino-German MEECAL Conference 2016, Management of Ecosystems and Environmental Changes in Arid Lands in Central Asia (MEECAL).

Schäfer, P., Lang, P., Zhang, X., Thomas, F. 2016. Productivity and water use of Populus euphratica trees and stands along groundwater gradients in riparian forests of central Asia. Vortrag am 07.09.2016 in Marburg: 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ).

Lang, P., Jeschke, M., Schäfer, P., Zhang, X., Thomas, F. 2015. Growth and water use of trees and stands of Populus euphratica (Tarim-Basin, NW-China) – effects of different Groundwater level. Vortrag am 01.09.2015 in Göttingen: 45. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ).

Lang, P., Jeschke, M., Schäfer, P., Zhang, X., Thomas, F. 2015. Einfluss unterschiedlicher Grundwasserstände auf Wachstum und Wassernutzung von Populus euphratica im Tarim-Becken, NW-China. Vortrag am 12.03.2015 in Rastatt: 6. Auenökologischer Workshop des WWF-Auen-Instituts Rastatt.

Lang, P., Jeschke, M., Schäfer, P., Zhang, X., Thomas, F. 2015. Effects of Groundwater level on growth and water use of trees and stands of Populus euphratica at the Tarim Basin, NW-China. Vortrag am 06.02.2015 in Schloss Rauischholzhausen. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Wüstenrandforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie.