Prof. Dr. Frank Thomas (Ret.)

Research Fields

  • Water and nutrient relations of plants and soil,
  • adaptation and acclimatisation of plants to site conditions,
  • Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of plants to stress factors (deficiency and excess of nutrients, drought and waterlogging, frost, defoliation),
  • Nutrient budgets of forest ecosystems,
  • Cause-effect research on the factorial complex of oak decline in Central Europe,
  • Ecology of ecosystems in arid regions.


Aktuelle Tätigkeit

seit 06/2006   Professur (W3) für Geobotanik, Universität Trier, FB VI Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften


2011   Berufung auf die Universitätsprofessur für Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen, Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU) Wien (abgelehnt)


2004   Preis des Stiftungsrats der Universität Göttingen in der Kategorie „Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit“ (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Christoph Leuschner)

Wissenschaftliche Berufstätigkeit nach der Habilitation

2002-2006   Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Göttinger Zentrums für Biodiversitätsforschung und Ökologie, Universität Göttingen

1999-2004   Lehrbeauftragter (Universitätsdozent) am Institut für Forstbotanik, Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie, Universität Göttingen


2004   Umhabilitation an die Biologische Fakultät der Universität Göttingen (venia legendi für Botanik)

2000   Habilitation an der Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie, Universität Göttingen (venia legendi für Forstbotanik und Ökophysiologie)


1994-1999   Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften der Universität Göttingen, Abt. Ökologie und Ökosystemforschung

1991-1994   Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter an der Niedersächsischen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt Göttingen


1991   Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. (Biologie, Schwerpunkt Pflanzenökologie), Biologische Fakultät, Universität Göttingen. Promotionsschrift: Mechanismen der Säureneutralisation in Blättern der Stieleiche (Quercus robur L.) bei SO2-Begasung

1988-1990   Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Systematisch-Geobotanischen Institut des Fachbereichs Biologie, Universität Göttingen

1987-1988   Promotionsstipendiat (Graduiertenstipendium des Landes Niedersachsen) am Systematisch-Geobotanischen Institut des Fachbereichs Biologie, Universität Göttingen

Freiberufliche Tätigkeiten

2000-2002   Wissenschaftsautor (Übersetzungen, Beiträge zu Schulbüchern und Unterrichtsmaterial)


1986   Diplom in Biologie, Systematisch-Geobotanischen Institut der Universität Göttingen; Diplomarbeit: Untersuchungen über die Ionengehalte des Interzellularraums von Blättern


1979-1986   Studium der Biologie (Botanik und Zoologie) an der FU Berlin und der Universität Göttingen

1976-1979   Studium der Psychologie an der TU Berlin (Abschluss: Vordiplom)

Research Projects

since April 2005:
Productivity and nutrient relations of trees in deciduous forests with contrasting tree species diversity“. Project within the framework of the Research Training Group (DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1086) "The role of biodiversity for biogeochemical cycles and biotic interactions in temperate deciduous forests" (University of Göttingen)

March 2003 – February 2004:
Sustainable management of the shelterbelt vegetation of river oases in the Taklimakan Desert”. European Union (Accompanying Measure) (University of Göttingen)

June 1999 – May 2002:
"Effects of defoliation and drought on growth and water relations of oaks (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur)". German Federal Foundation for the Environment (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) (University of Göttingen)

August 1998 — July 2001:
Ecological basis for a sustainable management of the indigenous vegetation in a Central Asian desert”. European Union (INCO-DC) (University of Göttingen)

September 1991 — December 1994:
"Cause-effect research on oak decline in Northern Germany". BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research) (Forest Research Station of Lower Saxony, Göttingen)

April 1988 - March 1990:
"Mechanisms of acid neutralisation in the leaves of Quercus robur L. under SO2 fumigation, in dependence upon duration and intensity of the stress and on the form of nitrogen nutrition". BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research) (University of Göttingen)

Editorial Serviceship

Referee serviceship for scientific organisations:

Regular expert referee for the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung;

Member of the Editorial Boards of Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, and of Plants (Basel) - Sections "Plant Ecology" und "Plant Response to Abiotic Stress and Climate Change"

Editorial serviceship for:

Acta Oecologica; Acta Physiologiae Plantarum; African Journal of Agricultural Research; African Journal of Biotechnology; Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung; Annals of Botany; Annals of Forest Science; Arid Land Research and Management; Basic and Applied Ecology; Canadian Journal of Forest Research; Dendrochronologia; Ecohydrology; Ecological Applications; Ecological Engineering; Ecological Research; Ecosystem Health and Sustainability; Environmental and Experimental Botany; Environmental Earth Sciences; Environmental Pollution; European Journal of Forest Research; Feddes Repertorium; Forest Ecology and Management; Forest Ecology, Landscape Research and Nature Conservation; Forest Pathology; Forestry; Forests; Fresenius Environmental Bulletin; Geoderma; Global and Planetary Change; Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions; International Journal of Biometeorology; Journal of Arid Environments; Journal of Ecology; Journal of Forest Research; Journal of Forestry Research; Journal of Plant Ecology; Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science – Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde; Journal of Tropical Forest Science; Journal of Vegetation Science; Natur und Landschaft; New Forests; New Phytologist; Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems; Oecologia; Pakistan Journal of Botany; Photosynthetica; Physiologia Plantarum; Plant and Soil; Plant Biology; Plant Ecology; Plant Ecology & Diversity; Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Plants (Basel); PLoS One; Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research; Science; Science of the Total Environment; Scientific Reports; Silva Fennica; Tree Physiology; Trees – Structure and Function; Tuexenia; Wetlands; Wood Science and Technology


in press


Ho, L.T., Thomas, F.M. (2022) Anatomical and blue intensity methods to determine wood density converge in contributing to explain different distributions of three palaeotropical pine species. IAWA Journal (doi: 10.1163/22941932-bja10073) (in press)

Thomas, F.M., Rzepecki, A., Werner, W. (2022) Non-native Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in Central Europe: Ecology, performance and nature conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 506: 119956 (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119956)


Ho, L.T., Hoppe, J., Thomas, F.M. (2021) Resistance, recovery and resilience of two co-occurring palaeotropical Pinus species differing in the sizes of their distribution areas. Forests 12: 511 (doi: 10.3390/f12040511).

Ho, L.T., Schneider, R., Thomas, F.M. 2020. Growth of the tropical Pinus kesiya as influenced by climate and nutrient availability along an elevational gradient. Journal of Plant Ecology13: 97-106 (doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtz046).

Poyatos, R., Granda, V., Flo, V., …, Eichstaedt, R., …, Lang, P., …, Thomas, F.M., …, Werner, W., …, Mencuccini, M., Martínez-Vilalta, J. 2021. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database 13:2607–2649. Earth System Science Data (doi: 10.5194/essd-2020-227).

Thomas, F.M., Lang, P. 2021. Growth and water relations of riparian poplar forests under pressure in Central Asia's Tarim River Basin. River Research and Applications 37: 233–240 (doi: 10.1002/rra.3605).

Thomas, F.M., Lang, P. 2021. Ecology of riparian forests. In: Cyffka, B., Disse, M., Betz, F. (eds.) Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River/China (SuMaRiO), pp 73-86. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.


Hoppe, J., Zhang, X., Thomas, F.M. (2020) Belowground inter-ramet water transport capacity in Populus euphratica, a Central Asian desert phreatophyte. Plant Biology 22: 38-46. doi: 10.1111/plb.13042

Joseph, J., Gao, D., Backes, B., Bloch, C., Brunner, I., Gleixner, G., Haeni, M., Hartmann, H., Hoch, G., Hug, C., Kahmen, A., Lehmann, M.M., Li, M.-H., Luster, J., Peter, M., Poll, C., Rigling, A., Rissanen, K.A., Ruehr, N.K., Saurer, M., Schaub, M., Schönbeck, L., Stern, B., Thomas, F.M., Werner, R.A., Werner, W., Wohlgemuth, T., Hagedorn, F., Gessler, A. 2020. Rhizosphere activity in an old-growth forest reacts rapidly to changes in soil moisture and shapes whole-tree carbon allocation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117: 24885-24892 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.2014084117).

Thomas, F.M., Lang, P. 2020. Growth and water relations of riparian poplar forests under pressure in Central Asia's Tarim River Basin. River Research and Applications. doi: 10.1002/rra.3605

Wang, A., Siegwolf, R.T.W., Joseph, J., Thomas, F.M., Werner, W., Gessler, A., Rigling, A., Schaub, M., Saurer, M., Li, M.-H., Lehmann, M.M.2020. Effects of soil moisture, needle age, and leaf morphology on C and O uptake, incorporation, and allocation: A dual labelling approach with 13CO2 and H218O in foliage of a coniferous forest. Tree Physiology 41: 50–62 (doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpaa114).


Bögelein, R., Lehmann, M.M., Thomas, F.M. (2019) Differences in carbon isotope leaf-to-phloem fractionation and mixing patterns along a vertical gradient in mature European beech and Douglas fir. New Phytologist 222: 1803-1815.

Bögelein, R., Pérez, C.A., Schäfer, P., Thomas, F.M. (2019) How competitive is the "pioneer-climax" tree species Nothofagus alpina in pristine temperate forests of Chile? Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 144-156 (doi: 10.1093/jpe/rty006).

Möhl, P., Mörsdorf, M.A., Dawes, M. A., Hagedorn, F., Bebi, P., Viglietti, D., Freppaz, M., Wipf, S., Körner, C., Thomas, F.M., Rixen C. (2019) Twelve years of low nutrient input stimulates growth of trees and dwarf shrubs in the treeline ecotone. Journal of Ecology 107: 768–780. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13073.

Thomas, F.M., Krug, K., Zoldan, J., Schröck, H.-W. (2019) Long-term effects of liming on the species composition of the herb layer in temperate Central-European forests. Forest Ecology and Management 437: 49-58. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.01.026


Ammer, C., Fichtner, A., Fischer, A., Gossner, M.M., Meyer, P., Seidl, R., Thomas, F.M., Annighöfer, P., Kreyling, J., Ohse, B., Berger, U., Feldmann, E., Häberle, K.-H., Heer, K., Heinrichs, S., Huth, F., Krämer-Klement, K., Mölder, A., Müller, J., Mund, M., Opgenoorth, L., Schall, P., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Seidel, D., Vogt, J., Wagner, S. 2018. Key ecological research questions for Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology 32: 3-25.

Kramp, K., Schmitt, T., Lang, P., Jeschke, M., Schäfer, P., Kulanek, D., Zhang, X., Yu, R., Thomas, F.M. 2018. Clones or no clones: genetic structure of riparian Populus euphratica forests in Central Asia. Journal of Arid Land 10: 750-766.

Thomas, F. 2018. Grundzüge der Pflanzenökologie. Springer Spektrum, Berlin. 298 p. Print: ISBN 978-3-662-54138-8; E-book: ISBN 978-3-662-54139-5.

Thomas, F.M., Rzepecki, A., Lücke, A., Wiekenkamp, I., Rabbel, I., Pütz, T., Neuwirth, B. 2018. Growth and wood isotopic signature of Norway spruce (Picea abies) along a small-scale gradient of soil moisture. Tree Physioloy 38: 1855-1870.


Bögelein, R., Thomas, F.M., Kahmen, A. 2017. Leaf water 18O and 2H enrichment alond vertical canopy profiles in a broadleaved and a conifer forest tree. Plant, Cell and Environment 40: 1086-1103.

Pérez, C.A., Thomas, F.M., Silva, W.A., Aguilera, R., Armesto, J.J. 2017. Biological nitrogen fixation in a post-volcanic chronosequence from South-Central Chile. Biogeochemistry 132: 23-36.

Rzepecki, A., Thomas, F.M. 2017. A new Fiji-plugin for visualizing intra-annual density fluctuations and analyzing intra-annual theoretical volumetric flow rate fluctuations along wood cross-sections. Dendrochronologia 44: 58-65.

Schäfer, P., Saleh, M., Yu, R., Zhang, X., Thomas, F.M. 2017. Decrease in growth increment of Populus euphratica upon defoliation by Lepidopteran larvae in a Central-Asian floodplain forest. Journal of Arid Environments 146: 99-102.

Thomas, F.M., Yu, R., Schäfer, P., Zhang, X., Lang, P. 2017. How diverse are Populusdiversifolia” leaves? Linking leaf morphology to ecophysiological and stand variables along water supply and salinity gradients. Flora 233: 68-78.


Lang, P., Ahlborn, J., Schäfer, P., Wommelsdorf, T., Jeschke, M., Zhang, X., Thomas, F.M. 2016. Growth and water use of Populuseuphratica trees and stands with different water supply along the Tarim River, NW China. Forest Ecology and Management 380: 139-148.

Walter, C., Pérez, C.A., Thomas, F.M. 2016. Weather or weathering? Growth of Nothofagusdombeyi on volcanic soils differing in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Journal of Plant Ecology 9: 596-607.


Lang, P., Jeschke, M., Wommelsdorf, T., Backes, T., Lv, C., Zhang, X., Thomas, F.M. 2015. Wood harvest by pollarding exerts long-term effects on Populuseuphratica stands in riparian forests at the Tarim River, NW China. Forest Ecology and Management 353: 87-96.

Rumbaur, C., Thevs, N., Disse, M., Ahlheim, M., Brieden, A., Cyffka, B., Duethmann, D., Feike, T., Frör, O., Gärtner, P., Halik, Ü., Hill, J., Hinnenthal, M., Keilholz, P., Kleinschmit, B., Krysanova, V., Kuba, M., Mader, S., Menz, C., Othmanli, H., Pelz, S., Schroeder, M., Siew, T.F., Stender, V., Stahr, K., Thomas, F.M., Welp, M., Wortmann, M., Zhao, X., Chen, X., Jiang, T., Luo, J., Yimit, H., Yu, R., Zhang, X., Zhao, C. 2015. Sustainable management of river oases along the Tarim River (SuMaRiO) in Northwest China under conditions of climate change. Earth System Dynamics 6: 83-107.

Thomas, F.M., Bögelein, R., Werner, W. 2015. Interaction between Douglas fir and European beech – investigations in pure and mixed stands. Forstarchiv 86: 83-91.


Pérez, C.A., Thomas, F.M., Silva, W.A., Segura, B., Gallardo, B., Armesto, J.J. 2014. Patterns of biological nitrogen fixation during 60 000 years of forest development on volcanic soils from south-central Chile. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 189-200.

Thomas, F.M. 2014. Ecology of Phreatophytes. In: Lüttge, U., Beyschlag, W., Cushman, J. (eds.) Progress in Botany, vol. 75, pp 335-375. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

Thomas, F.M., Molitor, F., Werner, W. 2014. Lignin and cellulose concentrations in roots of Douglas fir and European beech of different diameter classes and soil depths. Trees – Structure and Function 28: 309-315.

Thomas, F.M., Werner, W. 2014. Forschungskooperationen der FAWF mit der Geobotanik Trier. AFZ – Der Wald 22: 10-13.


Dettmann, S., Pérez, C.A., Thomas, F.M. 2013. Xylem anatomy and calculated hydraulic conductance of four Nothofagus species with contrasting distribution in South-Central Chile. Trees – Structure and Function 27: 685-696.


Bögelein, R., Hassdenteufel, M., Thomas, F.M., Werner, W. 2012. Comparison of leaf gas exchange and stable isotope signature of water-soluble compounds along canopy gradients of co-occurring Douglas-fir and European beech. Plant, Cell and Environment 35: 1245-1257.

Reinert, S., Bögelein, R., Thomas, F.M. 2012. Use of thermal imaging to determine leaf conductance along a canopy gradient in European beech (Fagussylvatica). Tree Physiology 32: 294-302.


Neykova, N., Obando, J., Schneider, R., Shisanya, C., Thiele-Bruhn, S., Thomas, F.M. 2011. Vertical root distribution in single crop and intercropping agricultural systems in Central Kenya. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174: 742-749.

Rzepecki, A., Zeng, F., Thomas, F.M. 2011. Xylem anatomy and hydraulic conductivity of three co-occurring desert phreatophytes. Journal of Arid Environments 75: 338-345.


Bruelheide, H., Vonlanthen, B., Jandt, U., Thomas, F.M., Foetzki, A., Gries, D., Wang, G., Zhang, X., Runge, M. 2010. Life on the edge – to which degree does phreatic water sustain vegetation in the periphery of the Taklamakan Desert? Applied Vegetation Science 13: 56-71.

Jacob, M., Leuschner, C., Thomas, F.M. 2010. Productivity of temperate broad-leaved forest stands differing in tree species diversity. Annals of Forest Science 67: 503p1-503p9.

Jacob, M., Viedenz, K., Polle, A., Thomas, F.M. 2010. Leaf litter decomposition in temperate deciduous forest stands with a decreasing fraction of beech (Fagussylvatica). Oecologia 164: 1083-1094.

Thoms, C., Gattinger, A., Jacob, M., Thomas, F.M., Gleixner, G. 2010. Direct and indirect effects of tree diversity drive soil microbial diversity in temperate deciduous forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 1558-1565.


Guckland, A., Jacob, M., Flessa, H., Thomas, F.M., Leuschner, C. 2009. Acidity, nutrient stocks, and organic-matter content in soils of a temperate deciduous forest with different abundance of European beech (Fagussylvatica L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172: 500-511.

Jacob, M., Weland, N., Platner, C., Schaefer, M., Leuschner, C., Thomas, F.M. 2009. Nutrient release from decomposing leaf litter of temperate deciduous forest trees along a gradient of increasing tree species diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41: 2122-2130.

Thomas, F.M., Sporns, K. 2009. Frost sensitivity of Fagus sylvatica and co-occurring deciduous tree species at exposed sites. Flora 204: 74-81.


Thomas, F.M., Foetzki, A., Gries, D., Bruelheide, H., Li, X., Zeng, F., Zhang, X. 2008. Regulation of the water status in three co-occurring phreatophytes at the southern fringe of the Taklamakan Desert. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 227-235.

Thomas, F.M., Sprenger, S. 2008. Responses of two closely related oak species, Quercusrobur and Q. petraea, to excess manganese concentrations in the rooting medium. Tree Physiology 28: 343-353.


Thomas, F.M., Foetzki, A., Arndt, S.K., Bruelheide, H., Gries, D., Li, X., Zeng, F., Zhang, X., Runge, M. 2006. Water use by perennial plants in the transition zone between river oasis and desert in NW China. Basic and Applied Ecology 7: 253-267.

Thomas, F.M., Bartels, C., Gieger, T. 2006. Alterations in vessel size in twigs of Quercusrobur and Q. petraea upon defoliation and consequences for water transport under drought. IAWA Journal 27: 395-407.


Gieger, T., Thomas, F.M. 2005. Differential response of two Central-European oak species to single and combined stress factors. Trees – Structure and Function 19: 607-618.

Gries, D., Foetzki, A., Arndt, S.K., Bruelheide, H., Thomas, F.M., Zhang, X., Runge, M. 2005. Production of perennial vegetation in an oasis-desert transition zone in NW China – allometric estimation, and assessment of flooding and use effects. Plant Ecology 181: 23-43.


Runge, M., Arndt, S.K., Bruelheide, H., Foetzki, A., Gries, D., Thomas, F.M., Wang, G., Zhang, X. 2004. Recommendations for regeneration and sustainable management of the indigenous foreland vegetation of a Taklamakan desert oasis. In: Breckle, S.-W., Schweizer, B., Fangmeier, A. (eds.), Results of Worldwide Ecological Studies. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the A.F.W. Schimper Foundation, Hohenheim, 23. October 25, 2002, pp 61-69. Verlag Günter Heimbach, Stuttgart.

Thomas F.M. 2004. Water use of Alhagisparsifolia, Calligonumcaput-medusae, Populuseuphratica and Tamarixramosissima. In: Runge, M., Zhang, X. (eds.), Ecophysiology and Habitat Requirements of Perennial Plant Species in the Taklimakan Desert, pp 75 90. Shaker Verlag, Aachen.

Thomas, F.M. 2004. Outline of set-up and methods in the project “Ecological basis for a sustainable management of the indigenous vegetation in a Central-Asian desert”. In: Runge, M., Zhang, X. (eds.), Ecophysiology and Habitat Requirements of Perennial Plant Species in the Taklimakan Desert, pp. 43-48. Shaker Verlag, Aachen.

Thomas, F.M., Meyer, G., Popp, M. 2004. Effects of defoliation on the frost hardiness and the concentrations of soluble sugars and cyclitols in the bark tissue of pedunculate oak (Quercusrobur L.). Annals of Forest Science 61: 455-463.


Bruelheide, H., Jandt, U., Gries, D., Thomas, F.M., Foetzki, A., Buerkert, A., Wang, G., Zhang, X., Runge, M. 2003. Vegetation changes in a river oasis on the southern rim of the Taklamakan desert in China between 1956 and 2000. Phytocoenologia 33: 801-818.

Gries, D., Zeng, F., Foetzki, A., Arndt, S.K., Bruelheide, H., Thomas, F.M., Zhang, X., Runge, M. 2003. Growth and water relations of Tamarixramosissima and Populuseuphratica on Taklamakan desert dunes in relation to depth to a permanent water table. Plant, Cell and Environment 26: 725-736.


Gieger, T., Thomas, F.M. 2002. Effects of defoliation and drought stress on biomass partitioning and water relations of Quercusrobur and Quercuspetraea. Basic and Applied Ecology 3: 171-181.

Li, X.Y., Zhang, X.M., Zeng, F.J., Foetzki, A., Thomas, F.M., Li, X.M., Runge, M., He, X.Y. 2002. Water relations of Alhagisparsifolia in the southern fringe of Taklamakan desert. Acta Botanica Sinica 44: 1219-1224.

Thomas, F.M., Blank, R., Hartmann, G. 2002. Abiotic and biotic factors and their interactions as causes of oak decline in Central Europe. Forest Pathology 32: 277-307.


Runge, M., Arndt, S.K., Bruelheide, H., Foetzki, A., Gries, D., Huang, J., Popp, M., Thomas, F.M., Wang, G., Zhang, X. 2001. Contributions to a sustainable management of the indigenous vegetation in the foreland of Cele oasis – A project report from the Taklamakan desert. In: Breckle, S.-W., Veste, M., Wucherer, W. (eds.), Sustainable Land Use in Deserts, pp 343-349. Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc.

Thomas, F.M. 2001. Adaptation and acclimation of Central-European deciduous forest trees to different water relations. In: Labrecque, M. (ed.), L´Arbre 2000 – The Tree, pp. 38-45. I. Quentin, Montréal.

Thomas, F.M. 2001. Die Rolle schnellwachsender Baumarten bei der CO2-Bindung und Klimaverbesserung. Forst und Holz 56: 81-85.


Schmull, M., Thomas, F.M. 2000. Morphological and physiological reactions of young deciduous trees (Quercusrobur L., Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl., Fagussylvatica L.) to waterlogging. Plant and Soil 225: 227-242.

Thomas, F.M. 2000. Growth and water relations of four deciduous tree species (Fagussylvatica L., Quercuspetraea [Matt.] Liebl., Q. pubescens Willd., Sorbusaria [L.] Cr.) occurring at Central-European tree-line sites on shallow calcareous soils: physiological reactions of seedlings to severe drought. Flora 195: 104-115.

Thomas, F.M. 2000. Vertical rooting patterns of mature Quercus trees growing on different soil types in northern Germany. Plant Ecology 147: 95-103.

Thomas, F.M., Bruelheide, H., Foetzki, A., Gries, D., Huang, J., Popp, M., Wang, G., Zhang, X., Runge, M. 2000. Ecological basis for a sustainable management of the indigenous vegetation in a Central-Asian desert: presentation and first results. Journal of Applied Botany – Angewandte Botanik 74: 212-219.

Thomas, F.M., Gausling, T. 2000. Morphological and physiological responses of oak seedlings (Quercuspetraea and Q. robur) to moderate drought. Annals of Forest Science 57: 325-333.

Thomas, F.M., Hilker, C. 2000. Nitrate reduction in leaves and roots of young pedunculate oaks (Quercusrobur) growing on different nitrate concentrations. Environmental and Experimental Botany 43: 19-32.


Thomas, F.M., Ahlers, U. 1999. Effects of excess nitrogen on frost hardiness and freezing injury of above-ground tissue in young oaks (Quercuspetraea and Q. robur). New Phytologist 144: 73-83.

Thomas, F.M., Schafellner, C. 1999. Effects of excess nitrogen and drought on the foliar concentrations of allelochemicals in young oaks (Quercusrobur L. and Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.). Journal of Applied Botany – Angewandte Botanik 73: 222-227.


Thomas, F.M., Brandt, T., Hartmann, G. 1998. Leaf chlorosis in pedunculate oaks (Quercusrobur L.) on calcareous soils resulting from lime-induced manganese/iron-deficiency: soil conditions and physiological reactions. Journal of Applied Botany – Angewandte Botanik 72: 28-36.

Thomas, F.M., Büttner, G. 1998. Nutrient relations in healthy and damaged stands of mature oaks on clayey soils: two case studies in northwestern Germany. Forest Ecology and Management 108: 301-319.

Thomas, F.M., Büttner, G. 1998. Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährungsstatus und Belaubungsgrad in Alteichenbeständen Nordwestdeutschlands. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 117: 115-128.

Thomas, F.M., Hartmann, G. 1998. Tree rooting patterns and soil water relations of healthy and damaged stands of mature oak (Quercusrobur L. and Quercuspetraea [Matt.] Liebl.). Plant and Soil 203: 145-158.


Thomas, F.M., Gehlen, R. 1997. Effects of different forms of nitrogen supply on the gas exchange of young pedunculate oaks (Quercusrobur L.). Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 160: 209-215.


Thomas, F.M., Blank, R. 1996. The effect of excess nitrogen and of insect defoliation on the frost hardiness of bark tissue of adult oaks. Annales des Sciences Forestières 53: 395-406.

Thomas, F.M., Blank, R., Hartmann, G. 1996. Der Einfluß von Stammexposition, Stickstoff-Status und Blattfraß auf die Frosthärte des Bastes von Alteichen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 26: 153-160.

Thomas, F.M., Hartmann, G. 1996. Soil and tree water relations in mature oak stands of northern Germany differing in the degree of decline. Annales des Sciences Forestières 53: 697-720.


Thomas, F.M., Kiehne, U. 1995. The nitrogen status of oak stands in northern Germany and its role in oak decline. In Nilsson, L.O., Hüttl, R.F., Johansson, U.T. (eds.), Nutrient Uptake and Cycling in Forest Ecosystems. Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences 62: 671-676. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht etc.


Büttner, G., Hartmann, G., Thomas, F.M. 1993. Vorzeitige Vergilbung und Nährstoffgehalte des Buchenlaubes in Südniedersachsen. Forst und Holz 48: 627-630.

Hartmann, G., Thomas, F.M. 1993. Ernährungszustand von Kiefern mit Nadelvergilbungen im nordwestdeutschen Flachland. Forst und Holz 48: 667-671.

Thomas, F.M., Büttner, G. 1993. Excess nitrogen, drought, and winter frost as possible predisposing factors of oak decline in northern Germany. In: Luisi, N., Lerario, P., Vannini, A. (eds.), Recent Advances in Studies on Oak Decline, pp 285-291. Dipartimento di Patologia Vegetale, Università degli Studi, Bari.


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