Anne Schneibel

Refereed Journal Articles

Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Röder, A., Frantz, D., Kowalski, B., Haß, E. & Hill, J. (2017): Assessment of spatio-temporal changes of smallholder cultivation patterns in the Angolan Miombo belt using segmentation of Landsat time series.Remote Sensing of Environment, 195, 118-129. DOI

Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Röder, A., Finckh, M., Revermann, R., Frantz, D. & Hill, J. (2016): Evaluating the trade-off between food and timber resulting from the conversion of Miombo forests to agricultural land in Angola using multi-temporal Landsat data. Science of The Total Environment, 548–549: 390-401. DOI

Röder, A., Stellmes, M., Domptail, S., Eschenbach, A., Finckh, M., Gröngröft, A., Helmschrot, J., Pröpper, M., Schneibel, A. & Stoffels, J. (2013): Cumulative Effects of Policy and Management Actions on Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Methodological Approaches in The Future Okavango ProjectBiodiversity & Ecology, 5, 167-183. Link

Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Revermann, R., Finckh, M., Röder, A. & Hill, J. (2013): Agricultural expansion during the post-civil war period in southern Angola based on bi-temporal Landsat data. Biodiversity & Ecology, 5, 311-319. Link



Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Röder, A., Finckh, M., Revermann R., Hill J. (2015): Temporal and spatial evaluation of agricultural expansion and fallow regeneration in Southern Angola with Landsat data. AK Subsaharisches Afrika, 27.-28. November, Köln

Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Röder, A., Finckh, M., Revermann R., Hill J. (2015): Evaluation of Agricultural Expansion and Fallow Regeneration in Southern Angola. European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL), Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images, 17.-19. June, Stockholm

Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Röder, A., Finckh, M., Revermann R., Hill J. (2014): Post-civil war assessment of the ecosystem services crop and tree growth with remote sensing data in southern Angola. GLP-OSM Land Transformations: Between Global Challenges and Local Realities, 19.-21. March 2014, Berlin



Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Frantz, D., Finckh, M., Revermann, R. (2013): Cusseque - Earth Observation.  Biodiversity & Ecology, 5, 55-57. Link

Frantz, D., Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Revermann, R., Finckh, M. (2013): Caiundo - Earth Observation. Biodiversity & Ecology, 5, 87-89. Link

Röder, A., Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Frantz, D. (2013): Mashare - Earth Observation. Biodiversity & Ecology, 5, 113-115. Link

Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Frantz, D., Revermann, R., Finckh, M. (2013): Seronga - Earth Observation. Biodiversity & Ecology, 5, 139-141. Link