(Master/Bachelor) Theses

Assignment of final theses

Basic information

The thesis should be oriented towards the teaching and research programme of the department. Topics can also arise from a seminar paper or be discussed individually with the supervisors. As a basis for the thesis, it is recommended to participate in the courses of the department. When working on the thesis, students are expected to deal with theoretical principles and, if necessary, to apply empirical methods. In this context, attendance of courses in the area of "Statistics/Quantitative Methods/Econometrics" is encouraged. In order to work on a predominantly empirical topic, attendance of the course "Econometrics" or proof of the corresponding knowledge is required.

Please refer to the examination regulations regarding the formal registration and admission to the thesis. During the processing of the thesis, the staff of the department are available as contact persons. The thesis is presented and discussed in the accompanying colloquium.

Four main points are important for the formalities of the final thesis.

1) Neat and consistent appearance of the thesis, as well as linguistic, orthographic and grammatical care in writing the texts.

2) Length: The following are the maximum limits
    - Master's thesis: 80-105,000 characters (approx. 35-45 pages of text)
    - Bachelor's thesis: 60-70,000 characters (approx. 25-30 pages of text)
    - Seminar paper: 23,000 characters (approx. 10 pages of text)

    (Characters incl. spaces, indexes and appendices are not counted)

3) Uniform citation method

4) In addition to the written version, an electronic version (pdf or MS-Word) including all collected data in a suitable format (R, S+ or Stata-compatible, MS-Excel or txt) as well as any scripts used must always be submitted.

Guidelines (german/englisch)

LaTeX-Template (german/englisch)

Word-Template (german/englisch)


Registration of theses

To register for a thesis at our chair, please contact the respective supervisor. After the topic has been defined and the outline has been worked out, the thesis can be registered.

Proposed topics:

  • Financial Stress in Times of Regulation (Impact) of Banking Regulation (Basel III)
  • Variationen zu:
    • Liquidity premiums
    • Credit premiums
    • Cross Cultural Differences in Investment Behaviour
  • Proportionality in banking regulation: Does modern banking regulation discriminate against small banks like cooperative banks and savings banks?
  • Online security vs. gender equity: Does 2-factor authentication harm women's financial independence?

In general, applications and variations of suitable models from the fields of macro and (international) capital markets can be considered as topics for bachelor and master thesis.

Further topics are available in consultation with the lecturers. You can also make your own topic suggestions. In doing so, orientate yourself on the teaching and research orientation of the chair staff, the previous topics, your personal competencies and above all, make sure that the topic is narrowly focused.

Currently worked on topics:

  • Der Bankkapitalkanal als geldpolitischer Transmissionskanal
  • BitCoin und Kryptowährungen
  • Recovery Rates
  • Zinsstrukturen und Kapitalmarkt
  • Islamic Finance