Dr. Thomas Simacek
Thomas Simacek joined the Department of Educational Psychology in October 2019. He completed his doctorate in January 2022.
In his research, he investigates factors influencing knowledge acquisition processes.
Thomas Simacek on Researchgate
Stricker, J., Simonsmeier, B. A., Buecker, S., Simacek, T., & Wang, K. (2022). Relations of the german almost perfect scale-revised and short almost perfect scale with the big five personality facets. Current Psychology, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03386-3[pdf]
Simacek, T. (2021). Knowledge Acquisition on the Learner Level: A Meta-Analysis, a Longitudinal Study and a Second-Order Meta-Analysis on Prerequisites, Processes, and Results of Learning [Doctoral dissertation, University of Trier]. https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-2410-ba34[pdf]
Simonsmeier, B. A., Flaig, M., Simacek, T., Schneider, M. (2021). What sixty years of research says about the effectiveness of patient education on health: A second order meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2021.1967184[pdf]
Buecker, S., Simacek, T., Ingwersen, B., Terwiel, S., & Simonsmeier, B. A. (2020). Physical activity and subjective well-being in healthy individuals: a meta-analytic review. Health Psychology Review, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2020.1760728 [pdf]
Conference Talks & Presentations
Simacek, T., Nuraydin, S., Schneider, M. (2022, October 12-14). A New Paradigm to Assess Children's Intuitive Number-Space Mappings [Poster presentation]. 2022 Meeting of the Scientific Research Community W000519N, Leuven, Belgium.
Simacek, T., Simonsmeier, B.A., Schneider, M. (2021, August 23-27). Explaining Interindividual Stability in Knowledge. A Mediation-Meta-Analysis on the Role of Motivation [Paper presentation]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Simacek, T., Simonsmeier, B.A., Schneider, M. (2021, March 23-26). Explaining Interindividual Stability in Knowledge. A Mediation-Meta-Analysis on the Role of Motivation [Round table session]. ZIB Academy on research syntheses in educational research, Munich, Germany.
Organization and chair of the symposium The Role of Prior Knowledge in Learning auf derEuropean Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, Thessaloniki, Greece (2023)
Academic Services
Study program coordinator for the B.Sc. Psychology and M.Sc. Psychology programs
Academic consultant for B.Sc. students
Member of the teaching planning team for the Department of Psychology
Member of the task force "Introduction to Teaching in Psychology"
Member of the task force "Study satisfaction"
Member of the Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching