Dr. Lisa Johnson
✉ University of Trier
Fachbereich IV - Ethnologie
Universitätsring 15
D-54286 Trier
Curriculum Vitae
10/2008 – 04/ 2012 B.A. Sociology and Political Science, University of Trier
10/2012 – 04/2015 M.A. Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Bayreuth
04/2016 – 01/2020 Doctoral Researcher, IRTG Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces (DFG), University of Trier, irtg-diversity.com
09/2017 – 02/2018 Maternity & parental leave
02/2020 – 01/2021 Postdoc Fellow, IRTG Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces (DFG), University of Trier, irtg-diversity.com
07/2020 Ph.D. (Dr.in phil.) at the department IV Sociology/ Ethnology, University of Trier
04/2019 – Now Lecturer for Cultural Studies & Popular Culture, Department of North American Literary & Cultural Studies, Saarland University
02/2021 – Now Research assistant in the project "The impact of COVID-19 on the lived realities of refugees in refugee shelters in Germany and Greece", Institute of Ethnology, University of Trier
- Migration, Mobility, Border Studies
- Space, Place, Temporality
- Transculturality
- Gender Studies
- Music, Sound, Popular Culture
- Social Network Analysis (SNA)
- Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Studies/ Research Stays
10/2013 – 04/2014 Field research on Jamaican music, artistry, visual and performing culture in Kingston, Jamaica as part of the M.A. at the University of Bayreuth.
07/2016 – 11/2016 Field research on Jamaican migration/ integration and mobility in Montreal
& Toronto, Canada as part of the Ph.D. project, University of Trier.
12/2016 – 03/2017 Field research on return migration and mobility in Miami, USA and Jamaica as part of the dissertation project, University of Trier.
01/2019 – 03/2019 Field research on return migration and mobility in Jamaica as part of the dissertation project, University of Trier.
2012 Jung, Lisa: Die kulturelle Aneignung des jamaikanischen Reggaes von deutschen Reggae-Interpreten (WiKu-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Fachbuchreihe Medien und Kultur, Band 19).
2020 Johnson, Lisa: Coronavirus, Social Boundaries and Food Security: Observations in Jamaica, In: Christian Wille and Rebekka Kanesu (Eds.): Bordering in Pandemic Times. Insights into the COVID-19 Lockdown. Borders in Perspective, Vol. 4, 2020 UniGR-Center for Border Studies.
2020 Johnson, Lisa: Sehnsuchtsräume und Beheimatungsstrategien jamaikanischer Frauen in Montreal, In: Dr. Beate Caesar, Kaiserslautern/ Julian Hollstegge, Bayreuth/ Prof. Dr. Florian Weber, Saarbrücken/ Dr. Christian Wille, Luxemburg (Heraus.), Geographien der Grenze, Buchreihe: Räume – Grenzen – Hybriditäten, Springer VL.
2020 Audio-visual publication, Johnson, Lisa: “Temporalities of Diversity from an Anthropological Perspective”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQopTlw1tk4&list=PLUPjpmnoD29pAVOKFNW4Sg0B11iCf3mwX&index=5, IRTG Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces, University of Trier
2021 (forthcoming): Johnson, Lisa: Moves - Spaces - Places: The Life Worlds of Jamaican Women in Montreal. An Ethnography, transcript Verlag.
Lectures/ Talks
10/2019 “Mobility and Return in the Migratory Life Pathways of Retired Jamaican Women in Montreal”, DGSKA, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (Konstanz): “Das Ende der Aushandlungen?”, University of Konstanz.
11/2019 “Beyond Transnationalism: Mobility after Migration”, International Conference “Transculturality in Eastern and Western Contexts, University of Trier.
11/2019 “Frictions in Paradise: Jamaican Women´s Trajectories”, UdS, American Studies Graduate Forum “Liquid Trajectories: Flight, Mobility and Migration”, Saarland University.
02/2020 “The Laws of Attraction: Jamaican Female Spaces, Identity and Belonging in Montréal”, GKS, 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien e.V. 2020: “Politische Ordnungen / Political Orders / Ordres politiques”, Hotel am Badersee, Grainau.
05/2020 “Imaginaries and Desires: The Importance of Mobility and Return in the Migratory Life Pathways of Retired Jamaican Women in Montreal”, Workshop Max Planck Research Group ‘Ageing in a Time of Mobility’: "Aspiring in Later Life: Making Selves, Places, Relations across Locales", University of Gottingen.
06/2020 “Die Tücke der Erwartungen: Mobile Praktiken jamaikanischer Migrantinnen in Montreal“, Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung: Auf dem Weg zur Transkulturalität. Kulturelle Dimensionen der Globalisierung, Prof. Dr. Michael Schönhuth, University of Trier.
10/2020 “Gendered Distancing: Transnational Jamaican Grannies in the U.S. – Keeping A Distance in Times of Covid-19, UdS American Studies Graduate Forum “Distance & Diversity”, Saarland University.
10/2020 “Fluid Borders: Expanding Fixed Terrains with Jamaican Women in Montreal“, KWG, 6. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft e.V. „B/Orders in Motion“, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).
11/2020 “Health over Wealth: Covid-19, Gender and Medical Self-Sufficiency in Jamaica”, Guest lecture in “Gender & Covid-19”, Gender and Sexuality Research Cluster, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.
11/2020 “Qualitative & Ethnographic Research Methods“, Guest lecture in „International Market Research & Analysis“, Dipl. BW Claudia Jung, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Saar, Saarbrücken.
01/2021 “Overstanding Patois: An Introduction to Jamaica´s National Language”, Guest lecture in the seminar: Race, Class, Gender and their Intersections: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Dipl. Translator Eva Nossem, Saarland University.
Work Experiences
05/2006- 12/2015 Freelancer in the field of market research and qualitative social research for MKS International Research & Consultancy SARL, Luxembourg
12/2013 - 12/2015 Freelancer in the field of music management for EDB Entertainment; organisation, booking and support of artists, Kingston (JM)
06/2018 Freelance translator, e.g. translations of Marie- Yanick Duatelly poems into Jamaican Patois, in: Meune, Manuel/ Mutz, Katrin/ Schallié, Charlotte (2018/2019): Revue transatlantique d'études suisses (8/9): Stratégies d'écriture en Suisse et aux Antilles, De la diglossie affichée aux traces de langues, Université de Montréal, pp. 295-313.
06/2014 – Now Freelance author and photographer for the music magazine RIDDIM Magazine, Cologne.
01/2020 – Now Research associate for Organizational Anthropology and Corporate Culture, JUNGs, Organisation - Personal - Kommunikation, Bechhofen.
- German Society for Social and Cultural Anthropology (DGSKA)
- Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (KWG)
- AG Bordertexturen, UniGr Centre for Border Studies, European Centre for Border Studies, Saarland University/ University of Luxembourg, borderstudies.org
Language Skills
- German
- English
- French
- Jamaican Patois
- Swahili