I. State-Church Relations
- International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies
- European Consortium for Church and State Research
- European Studies on Religion and State Interaction
- EUREL: sociological and legal data on religion in Europe -Research and higher education in Germany (Education on the law of religions,...)
- Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose (OSLIB) (University of Milano/Prof. Ferrari and Prof. Chizzoniti): Documents, data, information, articles relating to Church and State in Italy.
- Droit, religion, entreprise et société - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (DRES-CNRS, Université Robert Schuman, Straßburg / Prof. Messner): - (bibliographical databases on state-church relations in european states)
- Institut für Kirchenrecht und Rheinische Rechtsgeschichte der Universität zu Köln
- Datenbank "Staatskirchenrecht" of the Evangelical Church in Germany
- Universität Tübingen, NomoK@non: Online-journal on canon law and constitutional law relating to the church
- Institut für Recht & Religion (Universität Wien / Prof. Dr. Potz): Austrian Canon Law
- Religion and Law Research Consortium: Database on law concerning religious liberties including reports of U.S. State Department on the state of freedom of religion in various countries
- Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft: Journal for the Study of Beliefs and Worldviews
- www.kirchenrecht.net: (further canon law links)
- Caspar-Olevian Gesellschaft e.V.
II. Constitutional Law
- Verfassungen in der Europäischen Union
- Walter Hallstein-Institut für Europäisches Verfassungsrecht, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin
- International Constitutional Law
- Department of Constitutional Law, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Polen
- Association Tunisienne de Droit constitutionnel
- Deutschsprachiges Fallrecht (DFR)
- Bundesverfassungsgericht
- A Constitution for Europe
- The European Convention
III. Human Rights
- European Court of Human Rights
- HUDOC (Human Rights DOCumentation): ECHR Document Collections
- egmr.org: ECHR decisions and judgments in German