Geography and its didactics
The subject “Geography and its didactics” focuses on spatially-oriented competences in research and teaching, especially on the areas Evaluation and Action. It has been coordinated by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hoffmann until 2012 and since then by Prof. Dr. Leif Mönter.
Teacher’s teaching in geography emphasizes on theory-based practical experience. In doing so, the “Geography and its didactics” department closely cooperates with the department of Geography and Geosciences, the department of Education as well as the Teachers Training Centre ((Namensgebung bitte anpassen)). Here, “Geography and its didactics” is responsible for planning and scheduling the Bachelor of Education (BEd.) and Master of Education (MEd.) Geography „Realschule Plus“ and „Gymnasium“ study programmes, which are coordinated by PD Dr. Anja Reichert-Schick and Prof. Dr. Leif Mönter. In addition, courses in “Geography and its didactics” are offered in the study programme of Applied Geography.
Research and apprenticeship within “Geography and its didactics” focuses on:
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Empirical research on experimentation in geography
- Political, multicultural and antiracist education in geography