
Courses during the summer term 2017

BA: Human Resource Management (lecture)A-BWL III "Strategie, Organisation und HRM"Thu, 16-18 
(Beginning: 20/04/17)
HS 5Prof. Dr. Semrau
BA: Human Resource Management (tutorial)A-BWL III "Strategie, Organisation und HRM"Fri, 08-10 
(Beginning: 20/04/17)
HS 5Noreen Geenen
MA: Case Study/ Research Seminar ESM*Entrepreneurship and Strategic ManagementFri, 10-12 UhrC 502Prof. Dr. Semrau
MA: Research Project Human Resource DevelopmentResearch ProjectWed, 10-12 Uhr
(Beginning: 19/04/17)
K 101 (Campus 2)Prof. Dr. Semrau,
Prof. Dr. Muehlfeld,
Philipp Paulus
BA/MA: Colloquium final assignmentsafter advance noticeProf. Dr. Semrau

BA: course Bachelor, MA: course Master

* Prof. Semrau manage one track within the scope of the course "Advanced Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management". For further information click on the following homepage Professur für Unternehmensführung.