Please register in PORTA for the respective events. The binding registration is absolutely necessary so that we can prepare the arrangement of the events in the best possible way.


CourseLV-TypeDateUniversity lecturerRoom

14302787 / 14202588
BA: Organisationsgestaltung (lecture and tutorial)

V and/or Ü 

Flipped Classroom (more information will be provided at the introductory event on 25.10.2022, 2:15 pm in HS 1)

Tue, 2-4 pm,

Wed, 2-4 pm

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Semrau

HS 1, A9/10
BA: Studienprojekt
SWed, 10am-12pm, additionally 07.12. - 21.12.2022: 8 am - 12 pmProf. Dr. Thorsten Semrau, Yannick LoeppkeK 101, Schulungsraum UB

MA: Grundlagen der BWL - Behavioral Perspectives

V and/or ÜThur, 27.10. & 03.11.2022, 2-6 pmProf. Dr. Thorsten Semrau, Prof. Dr. Katrin MuehlfeldA9/10

MA: Change and Organizational Behavior

V and/or Ü

Flipped Classroom (more information will be provided at the introductory event on 10.11.2022, 2:15 pm)

Thur, from 10.11.2022, 2-6 pm

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Semrau


BA/MA: Kolloquium Abschlussarbeiten

SWed, 2-4 pm

Prof. Dr. Thorsten SemrauKatharina Thiel, Yannick Loeppke

C 326

Forschungsseminar BWL

 Wed, 5-7 pmProf. Dr. Thorsten SemrauC2

BA: Bachelor courses, MA: Master courses