Katharina Thiel

Katharina Thiel, M.A.
Research Assistant and Ph.D. Student


Room: Building C, Room 331
Tel.:  +49 651 201-2614
E-Mail: thieluni-trierde


Katharina Thiel studied business administration with a Bachelor of Arts degree at the DHBW Karlsruhe and completed her M.A. in Human Resources Development at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.

After several years as a manager and employee in various organizations nationally and internationally, she worked as an employee of the personnel development department at the University of Trier. As a sideline, Ms. Thiel works as a lecturer and examiner for the Handwerkskammer Trier.

Currently, Ms. Thiel works as a research assistant at the Chair of Management at the University of Trier. There she is the contact person for the project "SPIRIT – Entwicklung unternehmerischer Kompetenzen in den Geistes- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften“ at the University of Trier.


  • Nomination for the Teaching Award Trier University 2022
  • Teaching Award Trier University „Excellently taught” – didactic concept and implementation, 2021.
  • Nomination Teaching Award Trier University „Excellently taught” – didactic concept and implementation and „Bridges built” – communication and cooperation, 2021.

Panel discussions

  • Interdisciplinary founding - combining medicine and computer science
  • regiocart - a novel distribution concept for the self-marketing of regional food products
  • Effective stress management for everyone - a personalized and digitalized solution
  • Challenges for Europe - a sustainable digitization concept


Thiel, K., & Semrau, T. (2022). Learning from Failure Feedback for Subsequent Task Performance: A Matter of Personality?Frontiers in Psychology13, 8079.