Bachelor's Degree Programs: Computer Science, Business Informatics and Computer Science Teaching

Below you will find documents and information for the individual bachelor's degree programs in computer science, business informatics and computer science teaching.


The general examination regulations of the University of Trier form the basis for the subject examination regulations. These regulations listed below therefore only contain subject-specific additions.

[Translate to Englisch:] FS

Bachelor of Science Computer Science

Documents for your studies (core subject/main subject/minor subject)


Bachelor of Science Business Informatics

Documents fory studying

For those who are interested in studying business informatics, a separate website has been set up with lots of information about the course:

Bachelor of Education Computer Science Teaching

Documents for studying

Current documents for the B.Ed. Computer Science (Version 1.10.2019)

  • Study plan (examination regulations 2019)
  • Appendix to the sbuject examination regulations (examination regulations 2019)
  • Module handbook (in PDF format, examination regulations 2019)

In June 2018, the Ministry of Education approved new curricular standards for computer science teachers. In particular, the subject link between computer science and mathematics was abolished. According to the study plan above, you can combine computer science with any other teaching subject at the university.

Bei Einschreibung vor Wintersemester 2019:

  • Study plan (examination regulations 2014)
  • Appendix to the sbuject examination regulations (examination regulations 2014)
  • Module handbook (in PDF format, examination regulations 2014)

Students starting their studies in the winter semester of 2018 or later are recommended to switch to PO 2019 after consulting their student advisor!