If you need counselling or help, here are the contacts
Prof. Dr. Claudia Ritzi
Senate Commissioner for the Protection against Sexual Harassment at Trier University
Campus I, Building A, Room 127
0651/201-2135 | sbutuni-trierde
Dr.in Claudia Seeling
Equal Opportunities Officer at Trier University
Campus I, Building DM, Room 38
0651/201-3196 | seelinguni-trierde
Dr. Sibylle Rahner
Women’s Representative at Trier University
Campus I, Building DM, Room 51
0651/201-3198 | rahneruni-trierde
Judith Berg
Office for Discrimination Complaints according to Equity Laws
Human Resources, Campus I, Building V, Room 211
0651/201-4254 | jberguni-trierde
Maria Kiefer-Koltes, Dipl.-Ing. FH
Chairperson of the Staff Representative Committee
0651/201-3195 | kiefermuni-trierde
AStA - Trier University Student Council
Student Office for Queer-Feminist Students
Universitätsring 12b
0651/201-3569 | astafrauuni-trierde
Student Organisation for LGBTQIA+
Universitätsring 12b
0651/201-3575 | astarosauni-trierde
Studierendenwerk Trier
Iris Lorenz, Dipl.-Psychologin
Psychosocial Counselling for Students
Studierendenwerk, Wohnanlage Tarforst, Haus I
0651/201-2066 | iris.lorenzstudiwerkde
Nicole Arendt, Dipl.-Psychologin
Psychosocial Counselling for Students
Studierendenwerk, Wohnanlage Tarforts, Haus I
0651/201-2044 | nicole.arendtstudiwerkde
Legal Advice for Students
StudiwerkOffice SO! Tarforst
Foyer Mensa Tarforst, M12
0651/201-3551 | SOstudiwerkde
Off-campus Contacts in Trier
Women’s Emergency Hotline in Trier
Beratung und Unterstützung von Frauen – Fachstelle sexualisierte Gewalt / Counselling and Support for Women – Sexual Violence Support Center
Ostallee 27, 54290 Trier
0651/200 65 88 | infofrauennotruf-trierde
Women’s Shelter in Trier
Zufluchtsstätte für misshandelte und von Misshandlung bedrohte Frauen mit ihren Kindern; Beratung und Schutz / Shelter for abused women and women at risk of abuse with their children; Counselling and Protection
Böhmerstraße 22, 54290 Trier
0651/744 44 | mitarbeiterinnenfrauenhaus.trierde
Immediate Assistance for Victims, Trier Police Headquarters
0651/9779 1255 | opferschutz.pptrierpolizei.rlpde
S.I.E. e.V. Intervention Support in Trier
Ostallee 27, 54290 Trier
0651/9948 774 | infointerventionsstelle-trierde
Angelika Winter
City of Trier Women’s Representative
Rathaus, Am Augustinerhof, 54290 Trier
0651/718 3001
Angelika Mohr
Equal Opportunity Commissioner Trier-Saarburg
Paulinstr. 60, 54292 Trier
0651/715 253 | angelika.mohrtrier-saarburgde
Weißer Ring e.V.
Asssistance for Victims and the Family of Victims of Crime and Violence
Außenstelle Trier/Trier-Saarburg
0151/55164631 | waltraud-kraemerwebde
Nationwide help hotline for victims: 116 006
Pro Familia Beratungsstelle Trier
Balduinstr. 6, 54290 Trier
0651/463 021 20 | trierprofamiliade
Catholic Women’s Social Services in Trier
Beratungsstelle Trier
Krahnenstraße 33-34, 54290 Trier
0651/9496 0 | skfskf-trierde
Schwul-lesbisches Zentrum Trier e.V. SCHMIT-Z e.V. / Gay and Lesbian Centre Trier
Mustorstraße 4, 54290 Trier
0651/42514 | infoschmit-zde
Central Criminal Police Trier (K2)
Kürenzer Straße 3, 54292 Trier
Permanent Hotline
0651/97 79-22 90 oder 0651/97 79-22 91
Pressing Charges
Central Criminal Police Trier (K2)
Kürenzer Straße 3, 54292 Trier
Permanent Hotline
0651/97 79-22 90 oder 0651/97 79-22 91
National Contacts
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
Help Line
030/18555 1865 | www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.de
Hotline for Violence against Women
Nationwide help hotline
08000/116 016 | www.hilfetelefon.de
Hotline for Violence against Men
Nationwide help hotline
0800/1239900 | https://www.maennerhilfetelefon.de/
Medical emergency aid after rape
Confidential aid after sexual assaults or rape
For more information see https://www.soforthilfe-nach-vergewaltigung.de/ (in german)
Confidential / Anonymous Evidence Collection following Sexual Assault
Mother House Hospital – Gynecology Outpatient Clinic
Feldstr. 16, 54290 Trier
Tel.: 0651 947-2632 (07:30 - 16:00 Uhr)
Tel.: 0651 947-0 (16:00 - 07:30 Uhr)
Information about anonymous evidence collection (in german)
St. Elisabeth Hospital
Abt. für Frauenheilkunde / Gynecology Department
Olga Truszkowski (Frauenärztin)
Tel.: 06571/15-22 534