Visiting Professor 2022
Gilles Dupuis, a specialist in French and French-Canadian modern novel, joined Trier University as a visiting professor from the 1st of May until the 31st of July 2022. He is full professor at the French Department of the University of Montreal and recently the co-director of the Interuniversitary Research Centre on Québécois Literature and Culture (CRILCQ). His research projects focus mainly on migrant writing, parody and pastiche. He is the author of a monograph entitled Le Cycle des reincarnations. L’œuvre transmigramte de Ying Chen (Classiques Garnier, 2021) and co-editor of a series of four volumes: À la carte. Le roman québécois (Peter Lang, 2007, 2011, 2017, 2021). He also co-edited Italie-Québec. Croisements et coïncidences littéraires (Nota bene, 2009), Transmédiations.Traversées culturelles de la modernité tardive (PUM, 2012), Présences, résurgences et oublis du religieux dans les littératures française et québécoise (Peter Lang, 2017), and Avec ou sans Partipris. Le legs d’une revue (Nota bene, 2018). He published several articles in peer reviews and collective works, and gave numerous lectures as keynote or guest speaker at international conferences organized in Canada, the United-States, Europe (France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, Greece, Poland, Sweden and the Netherlands), and Asia (South-Korea, Japan and China). He is an active member of the CIÉF (Conseil International d’Études Francophones), the ACQS (American Council for Québec Studies) and the AIÉQ (Association internationale d’études québécoises). His own projects on migrant and transmigrant writing, as well as parody and pastiche, have been funded by the FRQSC (Québec) and SSHRC (Canada). He is also a founder and regular member of the International Research Training Group (IRTG) on Diversity funded by the SSHRC and the DFG in Germany.
Gilles co-taught a seminar on "Asian Canadian Literature: French and English Texts" with Ralf Hertel in the summer term 2022.