Série de Publications du Centre d'Études Canadiennes

Volume 10
Giving Voice: German and Canadian Perspectives

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 2001.

Volume 9
Gagner la vie: Socio-Cultural Studies on Work and Life in Canada and Germany

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1999.

Volume 8
Informal Empire? Cultural Relations Between Canada, the US and Europe

Peter Easingwood, Konrad Groß & Hartmut Lutz (Eds.), 1998.

Volume 7
The University at the Turn of the Century

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1997.

Volume 6
Dennis Cooley. Passwords: Transmigrations between Canada and Europe

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1999 (deuxième édition remaniée).

Volume 6
Dennis Cooley. Passwords: Transmigrations between Canada and Europe

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1996 (première édition).

Volume 5
1945 in Canada and Germany: Viewing the Past through the Present

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1996.

Volume 4
Postmodernization? A Comparative View of Canada and Europe

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1995.

Volume 3
Studying and Writing the Difference: Essays in Canadian Culture(s) and Society

Hans Braun, Wolfgang Klooss (Eds.), 1993.

Volume 2
The Ethnic Strain - Place & Vernacular Musings

Wolfgang Klooss, Herbert Zirker (Eds.), 1992.

Volume 1
Shaping - Telling - Perspectives

Johannes Michael Nebe, Herbert Zirker (Eds.), 1990.