List of Technical Reports Mathematics / Computer Science 1995
- 01: C. Damm, M. Holzer, P. Rossmanith
Expressing Uniformity via Oracles - 02: M. Mundhenk
Monotonous Oracle Machines - 03: J. Bern, Ch. Meinel, A. Slobodová
Global Rebuilding of OBDD's - Tunneling Memory Requirement Maxima - 04: D. Baum
Zur strukturellen Stabilität von Kommunikationssystemen - Eine kurze Einführung in die Grundlagen - 05: Ch. W. Keßler, H. Seidl
Integrating Synchronous and Asynchronous Paradigms: The Fork95 Parallel Programming Language - 06: H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein
On Generic One-Parametric Semi-Infinite Optimization - 07: C. T. Kelley, E. W. Sachs
Local Convergence of the Symmetric Rank-One Iteration - 08: H. Seidl
A Modal mu-Calculus for Durational Transition Systems - 09: C. Damm, S. Jukna
On Multiparity Games for Pointer Jumping - 10: S. Jukna
The Graph of Integer Multiplication is Hard for Read-k-Times Networks - 11: S. Jukna
On Communication Games with More than Two Players - 12: T. Rautert, E. W. Sachs
Computational Design of Optimal Output Feedback Controllers - 13: R. J. Gardner, P. Gritzmann
Discrete Tomography: Determination of Finite Sets by X-Rays - 14: T. Burger, P. Gritzmann, V. Klee
Polytope Projection and Projection Polytopes - 15: P. Gritzmann, A. Hufnagel
On the Algorithmic Complexity of Minkowski's Reconstruction Theorem - 16: F. Leibfritz
Logarithmic Barrier Methods for Solving the Optimal Output Feedback Problem - 17: C. Damm, S. Jukna, J. Sgall
Some Bounds on Multiparty Communication Complexity of Pointer Jumping
(See the accepted paper on the ECCC server.) - 18: A. Kaplan, R. Tichatschke
Proximal Methods in View of Interior-Point-Strategies - 19: D. Kleist, E. W. Sachs
Convergence Rate of the Augmented Lagrangian SQP Method - 20: H. Jäger, E. W. Sachs
Global Convergence of Inexact Reduced SQP Methods - 21: Ch. Meinel
Die Entwicklung der Informatik braucht Theorie und Praxis. Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem CAD-Schaltkreisentwurf - 22: D. Baum
On Approximate Solution Methods for Multi-Queue Systems with 1-Limited Deterministic Service - 23: Ch. W. Keßler, H. Seidl
Language Support for Synchronous Parallel Critical Sections - 24: H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein
Generalized Semi-Infinite Optimization: A First Order Optimality Condition and Examples