Markus Cillien
Student of history and political science as well as the teaching degree programme in history, social sciences and philosophy/ethics (supplementary subject) and the additional certificate "European Studies" at the universities of Trier and Saarbrücken since winter semester 2009/10.
Since 2014 member of the Forum Celtic Studies. Participation in courses in Indo-European and Celtic studies, introduction to Sanskrit. Actively involved in projects on experimental archaeology (Roman military technology), a travel guide to monuments of Celtic regional history and the proceedings of the First European Symposium in Celtic Studies in 2013. Participation in several scoil seminars, recently with a paper on war bands in Indo-European and Celtic cultures.
Fields of interest: Celtic and neighbouring cultures in antiquity and the Middle Ages, military history, ancient and far eastern philosophy, pre-Islamic Central Asia.
Contact via celticuni-trierde