E-Learning in Celtic Studies
E-learning and blended learning, i.e. the combination of online courses with classroom teaching, are becoming increasingly important. Learning independent of location and time is particularly important for interdisciplinary topics and courses outside the curriculum, where students hardly find a common date. Furthermore, interested people outside the University of Trier, such as members of other universities, pupils, professionals and senior citizens can benefit from it.
In the summer semester 2019, the Forum Celtic Studies is offering a course in blended learning for the first time with the support of the e-learning funding initiative.
Celtic cultural heritage between regional history and European identity
The course is based upon a framework of monthly face-to-face meetings, which provide opportunities for introductory notes, discussion and in-depth studies in project groups. The contents of the course are taught via a learning program integrated into Stud.IP, which can be used independent of location and, within a month, also of time. Interactive forms ensure contact between the participants and thus counteract the disadvantages of autonomous learning (distraction, reduced contacts and feedback). By offering a wide range of integrated materials, topicality and authenticity are achieved and interest is aroused. The event is designed for sustainability and will be documented in detail for this purpose.
Students please register via PORTA (course no. 13 40 21 85), interested persons outside the University of Trier via the email address celtic(at)uni-trier.de .
The introductory date is Friday, 12 April 2019, 12:15 p.m. in room A 6.