Writing Academic Texts in English

Fr., 19 & Fr., 26 April 2024 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm | in person | DM 22/24

Barbara Marquardt, M.A.



This workshop focuses on the basics of writing academic texts in English and is aimed at (international) PhD candida­tes and master's students, interested in doing a PhD, who need to write their theses and dissertations in English.

Part I: The first part of the workshop focuses on the basics of writing academic texts in English and will provide some theoretical input on academic style, vocabulary, the Dos and Don‘t of academic writing as well as different text types in academia.

Part II: In the second part of this workshop, the participants will have the opportunity to improve their writing skills and to apply the input on writing academic texts they were given in the first part. The participants may either bring a piece of their own work (to revise in the course of the workshop) or write a text in class to discuss their writing with their peers and receive some feedback on and individual recommendations for their writing. Moreover, they will receive a brief introduction to the different types of writers so that they can identify their personal manner of writing and become aware of possible challenges and benefits of their writing style.

Teilnehmerzahl und Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
Max participants: 12 

Please email your registration, including your name and doctoral subject, to gutuni-trierde.
Anmeldung bis: Mo., 15. April 2024 per Mail an gutuni-trierde unter Angabe von Vor- und Nachname sowie Promotionsfach

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Online Workshop


Master‘s students interested in doing a PhD & doctoral candidates
Promotionsinteressierte und Promovierende 

Forschung, Karriere & Beruf
