Andreas Behrje

Andreas Behrje, M.Sc.


Universität Trier
Institut für Psychobiologie
Abteilung für Klinische Psychophysiologie
Raum 3.190
Johanniterufer 15
54290 Trier

Telefon:+49 651/201-3735

Acoustic Startle Response is Sensitive to Subtle Variation in Spatially Indicative Sound Features

Titel der Dissertation:Perception and Processing of Spatially Valid and Spatially Indicative Startling Stimuli

Publications (articles in peer-reviewed journals):

Drost L, Finke JB, Behrje A, Rebeck D, Domes G, Schächinger H (2023). Optimal timing of oral metyrapone intake for the suppression of cold-pressor stress-induced cortisol release. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106328.

Finke JB, Behrje A, Heßlenberg E, Klucken T, Schächinger H (2022). Stressed in afterthought: Neuroendocrine effects of social self-threat during physical effort are counteracted by performance feedback after stress exposure. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 139:105703.

Finke JB, Behrje A, & Schächinger H (2018). Acute stress enhances pupillary responses to erotic nudes: evidence for differential effects of sympathetic activation and cortisol.
Biological Psychology 137:73-82.

Larra MF, Behrje A, Finke J, Blumenthal TD, & Schächinger H (2017). Filling the gap: Evidence for a spatial differentiation in trace eyeblink conditioning.
Neuroscience Letters 654:33-37.


Poster contributions:

Behrje A, Finke, JB, Rebeck, D, Schächinger, H. Effects of spatially indicative sound stimuli on the human startle response. Perception and reaction to spatially indicative “3D” sound bursts. 45. Psychologie und Gehirn Tagung (Dresden, 2019)

Behrje A, Finke, JB; Schächinger. Effects of exertion from isometric handgrip task on the human startle reaction.44. Psychologie und Gehirn Tagung (Gießen, 2018)

Behrje A, Larra MF, Schächinger H (2017). Investigating Spatial and Temporal Contingency Awareness in Unilateral Trace Eyeblink Conditioning. 43. Psychologie und Gehirn Tagung (Trier, 2017)

Behrje A, Larra M, Finke FB, Blumenthal TD, & Schächinger H (2017). Evidence for a spatial differentiation of conditioned responses in unilateral trace eyeblink conditioning depending on contingency awareness (2017). 57th Annual Meeting Society for Psychophysiological Research (Vienna 2017)

Finke BF, Behrje A, & Schächinger H (2017). Acute social stress enhances pupillary responses to erotic nudes: differential effects of subjectively perceived stress and cortisol. 57th Annual Meeting Society for Psychophysiological Research (Vienna 2017)

Behrje A, Larra MF, Blumenthal TD, & Schächinger H (2016). Evidence for a spatial differentiation of conditioned responses in unilateral trace eyeblink conditioning depending on contingency awareness. 42. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn (Berlin, 2016)

Blumenthal TD, Bradley C, Brown L, Peterson H, Whitney M, Behrje A, & Schächinger H (2016).Independence of startle eyeblink reactivity and pairing of a target stimulus with a motor response. 42. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn (Berlin, 2016)


Vorträge / Konferenzbeiträge / Autumn Schools:

Behrje A (2017). Modulation of the human startle response – effects of stress and methodological aspects. Psychophysiology of Fear and Stress - Autumn School (Saarbrücken 2017).



Schächinger H, Diederichs A, Behrje A, Hengesch X, Larra MF, Finke JB, Schönbein K. Konferenz 43. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn (Trier 2017).

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen:

Student Travel Award – 59th Annual Meeting Society for Psychophysiological Research (Washington 2019)

06/2017 – 12/2017
Promotionsförderung - Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz (Förderung von begabten Promovierenden durch die Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Studierender und des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses)


Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA) e.V.


Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters

Juli 2023