Dipl.-Geogr. Monika Harbich
ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
M. Vohland, M. Harbich, O. Schmidt, Th. Jarmer, C. Emmerling & S. Thiele-Bruhn: Use of imaging spectroscopy to assess different organic carbon fractions of agricultural soils. Proc. SPIE 8174, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIII, 81741E. DOI
M. Harbich, T. Udelhoven, A. Jung, M. Vohland, M. Ludwig, S. Thiele-Bruhn: The use of full range spectroradiometer data to assess properties of a heterogeneous soil set in a regional scale survey. SPIE Remote Sensing, oral presentation. 22.-25.09.2014, Amsterda