
2023Reuter, MichaelHerstellung eines klinkerfreien Betons aus Kieswäscheschlämmen der Eifel
2023Nagy, ViktóriaMaterialeignungsprüfung zum Einbau von mineralischen Abfällen als Trag- und Ausgleichschicht für Deponieoberflächenabdichtungen
2023Jaschok, Odilie ElisabethInfluence of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash on the Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement after partial Subtitution
2023Eze, Fabian NnaemekaAlkali Activation of Gravel wash mud from Eifel with Koh, as a substitute for Portland cement
2022Razieh, SalehMechano-Chemical Activation of Gravel Wash Mud for Geopolymer Cement
2022Seelam, Vishnu Vardhan ReddyEffects and Impact of different Factors on solid Waste Management in India
2022Jan, BartschBodenmechanische Eigenschaften von mechanisch-biologisch behandeltem Restabfall aus Luxemburg


Katrin, BeckerSoil-to-substrate variations of biogeochemical properties in soils from three different parent rock materials


Alexander Jürgen, EwaldStabilität von konventionellem Portlandzement nach anteiliger Beimengung von Klärschlammsche


Abubakar, AbdulrahmanLow CO2 cement by calcination and alkaline activation of Gravel Wash Mud from Eifel


Becker, Christoph

Herstellung eines CO2 armen Geopolymerbetons aus kaolinitischem Kieswaschschlamm aus der Eifel


Kaigorodova, Aleksandra

Substitution of OPC by thermally treated GWM and dolomite using alkali activation of NaOH (10M)


Kholdebarin, AtefehThe effect of Different Substitution on New Eco-Cement Strength


Specht, Anna ThaleaUntersuchung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen salzhaltigem Haldenwasser und Tonmineralen in einem Basisabdichtungssystem


Müller, GabrielCharakterisierung von Kieswäscheschlämmen zur Herstellung eines ökologischen Zements


Forens, ArneSoil organic matter gradients in arable topsoils


Odiegwu, CyrilGeophysical Investigation of Landslide Using 2D Electrical Reistivity Tomography (ERT) and Self Potential Techniques. A Case Study of Deysermühle, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg


Mora Rincon, Alejandra

The Effect of Alkali-Activated Binder on Clay Silt (PS < 20 µm) from Gravel Wash Mud


Riem, Jasmin

Strength patterns of concrete based on kaolinitic geopolymer cement consisting of calcined Gravel wash mud


Chukwuka, IwuagwuGeotechnical Implications of Pyrite-bearing Fomations (Black Shale)


Kerchen, MartinBodenphysikalische Eigenschaften von mechanisch-biologisch aufbereitetem Abfall


Oesselmann, LydiaSchwermetallkonzentrationen in Klärschlammaschen in Abhängigkeit von Temperaturen
2017Tabe Arrey Egbe, TommySewage sludge ash as a partial replacement for cement in cement based blocks
2017Benz, DanielHigh-resolution time series analysis on the MA1 stalagmite from southernmost South America
2017Dost, BastianSensor-derived in situ ,measurements to characterise artificial gravitational mass movements
2016Nieswand, MatthiasAuswirkung von Temperaturgradienten auf hoch wassergesättigte Bentonit- und Tonverfüllmassen
2016Klaes, BjörnElement mobility linked to rock weathering and soil formation processes in superhumid Chilean Patagonia
2016Fuady, ZakiulTsunami wave height and flow velocity calculations based on density measurements of boulders
2016Yui Cardenas, Danae WendolynAlternative low CO2 cement through substitution of clinker by a waste product from gravel mining
2016Schneider, MagnusLangzeitentwicklung eines Deponieabdichtungssystems
2016Schneider, BerndAnalysis of inorganic mineral components of particulate matter from fine dust
2016Seider, FannyFe-phases in gravel wash mud and their influence on adsorption of heavy metals
2016Hussain, BabarTo monitor the influence of soil moisture content on electrical conductivity in shallow soil layers through electromagnetic induction and electrical resistivity tomography
2016Höhbauer, SandraSoil Aggregate Stability - A new measurement approach and its valuation in respect to differences in spatial distribution
2016Fadeyi, Oluwaseun OmolajaDirect Current Geoelectric Investigation of Hydrogeological Characteristics of a Model Landfill Cover
2016Elsen, TobiasPotential of green waste material for bioenergy
2015Weis, MarenkaPhosphorus recycling from sewage sludge ash: Influence of sludge origin and incineration temperature on ash characteristics
2015Schumacher, TanjaTerroir an der Luxemburgischen Mosel
2015Hu, NanjieGeopoymerization of illite/smectite (Friedland Clay) - An investigation of reaction processes, microstructure and strength development
2013Zindorf, MarkLateglacial and postglacial changes in terrestrial ecosystems
2013Braun, Ines, geb. HäfeleLandfill cap design - Concepts for the conversion of a temporary to a final landfill cover on the "Muertendall", Luxembourg
2012Jürgensohn, MantaLong-Term Performance of Zero-Valent Iron in a 6 Years old Permeable Reactive Barrier