Research methods

Bayesian methods and instruments

  • Hoogerheide, L., Block, J., Thurik, R. (2012). Family background variables as instruments for education in income regressions: A Bayesian analysis. Economics of Education Review, 31(5): 515-523.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Thams, A. (2007). Bayesianische Ökonometrie. WiSt–Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 4: 205-208.
    (article, working paper version)

Meta-analyses and meta-analytical structural equation modelling

  • Steinmetz, H., & Block, J. (2022). MASEM: New tricks of the trade. Management Review Quarterly. 72, 605-626.

  • Burgard, T. & Steinmetz, H. (2022). Evidence in management science related to psychology. Benefits, tools, and an example of a community-augmented meta-analysis. Management Review Quarterly, 73, 1135-1150.
    (article, data set

  • Hansen, C., Steinmetz, H., Block, J. (2022). How to conduct a meta‑analysis in eight steps: a practical guide. Management Review Quarterly, 72(1), 1-19.
    (article - open access)

  • Steinmetz, H., Bosnjak, M., Isidor, R. (2020). Meta-analytische Strukturgleichungsmodelle: Potenziale und Grenzen illustriert an einem Beispiel aus der Organisationspsychologie [Meta-analytical structural equation modelling: Potentials and limitations illustrated with an example from organizational psychology]. Psychologische Rundschau, 71, 111-118.


  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Kanwal, N., Lorenzen, S., Schulze, A. (2023). Replication studies in top management journals: an empirical investigation of prevalence, types, outcomes, and impact. Management Review Quarterly. 73, 1109-1134.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Kuckertz, A. (2018). Seven principles of effective replication studies: strengthening the evidence base of management research. Management Review Quarterly, 68(4), 355-359.
    (article - open access)

Structural equation modelling

  • Steinmetz, H. (2014). Lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle: Eine Einführung mit R (Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden). München: Hampp.

  • Steinmetz, H. (2013). Analyzing observed composite differences across groups: Is partial measurement invariance enough? Methodology, 9(1), 1-12.

  • Steinmetz, H., Davidov, E., & Schmidt, P. (2011). Three approaches to estimate latent interaction effects: Intention and perceived behavioral control in the theory of planned behavior. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(1), 95-110.

  • Steinmetz, H. (2010). Estimation and comparison of latent means across cultures. In P. Schmidt, J. Billiet, & E. Davidov (Eds.), Cross-cultural analysis: Methods and applications (pp. 85-116). Taylor & Francis Group: Routledge.

  • Steinmetz, H., Schmidt, P., Tina-Booh, A., Wieczorek, S., & Schwartz, S. H. (2009). Testing measurement invariance using multigroup CFA: Differences between educational groups in human values measurement. Quality and Quantity, 43(4), 599-616.

Systematic and bibliographic literature reviews

  • Kuckertz, A., Block, J. (2021). Reviewing systematic literature reviews: ten key questions and criteria for reviewers. Management Review Quarterly, 71(3), 519-524.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Fisch, C. (2020). Eight tips and questions for your bibliographic study in business and management research. Management Review Quarterly, 70(3), 307-312.
    (article - open access)

  • Fisch, C., Block, J. (2018). Six tips for your (systematic) literature review in business and management research. Management Review Quarterly, 68(2), 103-106.
    (article - open access)