Darius Lambrecht, M.Sc.
Research assistant and doctoral candidate.
Research and teaching
Darius Lambrecht's research focuses on the areas of innovation and intellectual property. In particular, he deals with the topics of ecological innovations, patents and trademarks, whereby the research is quantitative and empirical. He is also part of the interdisciplinary UniGR-CIRKLA project to promote networking of prominent scientific and practical stakeholders involved in the circular economy. In teaching, he is involved in the courses "Innovation & Sustainability" (Bachelor), "Strategy and Innovation Management" (Master) and the research project (Master).
Curriculum Vitae
Seit 2021 | Research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Corporate Management, University of Trier |
2018–2021 | Master's degree: Business Administration, University of Trier |
2014–2018 | Bachelor's degree: Business Administration, University of Trier |
2016–2019 | Various study-related activities, including:
Scientific publications in specialist journals
Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., Meloni, D. (in press). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy.
Willeke, T., Block, J., Johann, M., Lambrecht, D., Steinmetz, H., & Wunnam, I. (2023). 18. Patent data and how it can be matched to (family) firm data: an example and a guideline. In Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms, p. 370-390. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Conference presentations
Lambrecht, Block, Willeke (2024). Cutting emissions at the top. The role of green technological innovations in the emission reduction of high-polluting firms. Presentation at the 19th EPIP Conference in Pisa/Italy.
Lambrecht, Block, Willeke, Cucculelli, & Meloni (2023). Ecological patents and trademarks as indicators of firms active in ecological innovation. Presentation at the 23rd European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Dublin, Irland
Lambrecht, Block, Willeke, Cucculelli, & Meloni (2023). Ecological patents and trademarks as indicators of firms active in ecological innovation. Presentation at the 83rd Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Boston, USA
Lambrecht, Block, Willeke, Cucculelli, & Meloni (2023). Ecological patents and trademarks as indicators of firms active in ecological innovation. Presentation at the 18th EPIP Conference, Krakow, Poland
Lambrecht, Block, Willeke, Cucculelli, & Meloni (2023). Ecological patents and trademarks as indicators of firms active in ecological innovation. Presentation at the G-Forum, Darmstadt, Germany
Lambrecht, Block, Neuenkirch, Steinmetz, & Willeke (2022). The triangle of patents, trademarks and sales: A longitudinal panel VAR approach. Presentation at the G-Forum, Dresden, Germany