Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen

Muehlfeld, K., Loderer, A., Semrau, T., & Wilken, R. (2025). Foreign Language Use, Virtuality, and the Creative Performance of Dyadic Teams. Management International Review, 1-29.
Larson, B. Z., Moser, C., Caza, A., Muehlfeld, K., & Colombo, L. A. (2024). Critical Thinking in the Age of Generative AI. Academy of Management Learning & Education. https://https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2024.0338
Colombo, L., Moser, C., Muehlfeld, K., & Joy, S. (2024). Sowing the Seeds of Change: Calling for a Social-Ecological Approach to Management Learning and Education. Academy of Management Learning & Education. doi.org/10.5465/amle.2024.0086
Loderer, A., Muehlfeld, K., Wilken, R., Moritz, A., & Slomski, V. (2024). The language barrier as a springboard towards (team) creativity: An exploratory study of foreign language use in teams. International Business Review. [Link]
Ossadnik, J., Muehlfeld, K., & Goerke, L. (2023). Man or machine - or something in between? Social responses to voice assistants at work and their effects on job satisfaction. Computers in Human Behavior, 149, 107919. [Link]
Loderer, A., Muehlfeld K., & Wilken, R. (in press). Implications of Foreign Language Use for Creative Self-Evaluation Bias and Creative Performance. management revue, 34(3), 305-334. [Link]
Schmidt X., Muehlfeld, K., & Peter, A. (2022) Determinants of role-incongruent knowledge transfer behavior of apprentices and trainers in the context of the German apprenticeship system. German Journal of Human Resource Management36(4), 474–504 [Link]
Muehlfeld, K., Wang, M.  (2022). Intellectual Property Rights in China—A Literature Review on the Public's Perspective. Frontiers in Sociology. [Link]
Barth, J., Muehlfeld, K. (2021). Thinking out of the box - by thinking in other boxes: A systematic review of interventions in early entrepreneurship vs. STEM education research. Management Review Quarterly. [PDF]
Geenen, N.Y., Muehlfeld, K., Urbig, D. (in press). Foundations of innovativeness in the international arena: Foreign language use and creative performance. European Journal of International Management. 

Schmidt, X., Muehlfeld, K., & Peter, A. (2022). Determinants of role-incongruent knowledge transfer behavior of apprentices and trainers in the context of the German apprenticeship system. German Journal of Human Resource Management36(4), 474–504. [PDF]

Urbig, D., Muehlfeld, K., Procher, V., van Witteloostuijn, A. (2020). Strategic Decision-Making in a Global Context: The Comprehension Effect of Foreign Language Use on Cooperation. Management International Review, 60, 351–385. [PDF]
Rigtering, C., Weitzel, U., Muehlfeld, K. (2019). Masse und Klasse: Durch Framing innovative Ideen fördern. Fachzeitschrift IM+io [Link]
Rigtering, C., Weitzel, U., Muehlfeld, K. (2019). Increasing quantity without compromising quality: How managerial framing affects intrapreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 34(2), 224–241. [PDF]
Westbrock, B., Muehlfeld, K., Weitzel, U. (2019). Selecting Legal Advisors in M&As: Organizational Learning and the Role of Multiplicity of Mental Models. Journal of Management, 45(5), 2193-2224. [PDF]
Van der Laan, G., Muehlfeld, K., Salomons, A. (2018). The Adaptive Gender – Female CEOs, Board Context, and the Completion of M&As in the U.S. Food Industry. In Lynne E. Devnew, Ronald J. Burke, Marlene Janzen Le Ber, and Mariateresa Torchia (Eds). More Women on Boards of Directors: An International Perspective (pp. 241-253). Charlotte (NC): Edward Elgar Publishing.
Muehlfeld, K., Urbig, D., Weitzel, U. (2017). Entrepreneurs’ Exploratory Persistence in Learning Settings. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 41(4), 533-565. [PDF]
Schmidt, X., & Muehlfeld, K. (2017). What's so special about intergenerational knowledge transfer? Identifying challenges of intergenerational knowledge transfer, Management Revue, 28(4), 375-411.[PDF]
Schmidt, X., Ury, M., & Muehlfeld, K. (2017). Motivationsfaktoren zur Teilnahme am intergenerationellen Wissenstransfer im Rahmen von Mentoringprogrammen. In H. Surrey & V. Tiberius (Ed.). Die Zukunft des Personalmanagements 2025: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Gestaltungsoptionen (pp. 109-116). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag.
Paulus, P., Muehlfeld, K. (2017). Host country language skills and expatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment in the presence of fear of terror. Journal of Global Mobility, 5(4): 418-442. [PDF]
Gargalianou, V., Muehlfeld, K., Urbig, D., van Witteloostuijn, A. (2016). Foreign Language Anxiety in Professional Contexts - A Short Scale and Evidence of Personality and Gender Differences. Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr), 17, 195-223. [PDF]
Geenen, N. Y., Urbig, D., Muehlfeld, K., van Witteloostuijn, A., & Gargalianou, V. (2016). BIS and BAS: Biobehaviorally rooted drivers of entrepreneurial intent. Personality and Individual Differences, 95, 204-213.[PDF]
Urbig, D., Terjesen, S., Procher, V., Muehlfeld, K., van Witteloostuijn, A. (2016). Come on and Take a Free Ride: Contributing to Public Goods in Native and Foreign Language Settings. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 15(2), 268-286. doi:10.5465/amle.2014.0338 [PDF]
Muehlfeld, K., Urbig, D., Weitzel, U. (in press). Entrepreneurs' exploratory perseverance in learning settings. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. doi: 10.1111/etap.12224. [PDF]
Muehlfeld, K., Weitzel, U. van Witteloostuijn, A. (2013). Individual Differences in Investors’ Motivational Systems and Fundamental Shocks in Asset Prices. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34: 195-209.
Muehlfeld, K., Rao Sahib, P. van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). A Contextual Theory of Organizational Learning from Failures and Successes – A Study of Acquisition Completion in the Global Newspaper Industry, 1981-2008. Strategic Management Journal, 33(8): 938-964. [PDF]