Publications Jörn Hendrich Block

Publications in Academic Journals

in press and (conditionally) accepted

  • Block, J., Brandstetter, C., Zaggl, M. (in press). Maker motives and entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation in academic makerspaces. Small Business Economics.
    (article - open access)
  • Welch, N., Ahrens, J.-P., Block, J. (in press). Regional labor market integration of women and gender diversity in the management of mid-sized firms: are family firms different? Review of Regional Research.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Follert, F., Widmann, M. (in press). Grüne Patente als Datenquelle und Bestandteil einer datenbasierten Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung: Möglichkeiten, Vorteile und Herausforderungen. WPg - Die Wirtschaftsprüfung.
  • Block, J., Eroglu, O. (in press). Cash-holdings of single family office-owned firms. Entrepreneurship Research Journal.
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Gnad, M. (in press). Religion and entrepreneurship through the lens of the theory of planned behavior: a systematic literature review. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship.
  • Lampe, H., Block, J., Willeke, T., Clauß, T., Steinmetz, H. (in press). Technological innovations of hidden champions: evidence from patent data. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Benz, L., Krämer-Eis, H., Botsari, A., Lang, F., Mandys, F. (in press). Climate issues in portfolio investment decisions: a comparison of private equity and venture capital. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance.
    (article - open access)


  • Schenkenhofer, J., Block, J., Vismara, S. (2025). University knowledge spillovers and innovation of hidden champions: evidence from Italy. R&D Management. 55(2), 598-613.
    (article - open access)
  • Hock-Doepgen, M., Heaton, S., Clauß, T., Block, J. (2025). Identifying microfoundations of dynamic managerial capabilities for business model innovation. Strategic Management Journal. 46(1), 470-501.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., Meloni, D. (2025). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy. 54(1): 105138.
    (article - open access)


  • Block, J., Lorenzen, S., Steinmetz, H. (2024). Decarbonization types of medium-sized and mid-cap firms in the manufacturing sector. Business Strategy and the Environment. 33(8), 8833-8850.
    (article - open access)
  • Kraemer-Eis, H., Block, J., Botsari, A., Lang, F., Lorenzen, S., Diegel, W. (2024). Entrepreneurial finance in Europe and the Russian war against Ukraine. Journal of Technology Transfer. 49, 2273-2305.
    (article - open access)
  • Benz, L., Block, J., Johann, M.S. (2024). Hidden champions as a determinant of regional development: An analysis of German districts. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie–Advances in Economic Geography. 68(1), 9-39.
    (article - open access)
  • Darnihamedani, D., Block, J., Jansen, J. (2024). Institutional reforms and entrepreneurial growth ambitions. International Small Business Journal. 42(7): 805-840.
    (article - open access)
  • Moritz, A., Block, J., Morina, F. (2024). Entrepreneurship in post-conflict countries: a literature review. Review of Managerial Science. 18: 3025-3083.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Sharma, P., Benz, L. (2024). Stakeholder pressures and decarbonization strategies in Mittelstand Firms. Journal of Business Ethics. 193: 511-533.
    (article - open access)
  • Lorenzen, S., Gerken, M., Steinmetz, H., Block, J., Hülsbeck, M., Lux, F. S. (2024). Environmental sustainability of family firms: a meta-analysis of handprint and footprint. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 48(5): 1266-1284.
    (article, working paper version, data set)
  • Block, J., Jang, Y. S, Kaplan, S. N., Schulze, A. (2024). A survey of private debt funds. The Review of Corporate Finance Studies. 13(2): 335-383.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Fathollahi, R., Eroglu, O. (2024). Capital structure of single family office-owned firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 15(3): 100596.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Gnad, M., Steinmetz, H., Moritz, A., Block, J., Lasch, F. (2024). Contextual predictors of social and ecological considerations in entrepreneurship: A country-level explorative machine learning approach. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. 76(2): 121-150.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Diegel, W., Fisch, C. (2024). How venture capital funding changes an entrepreneur's digital identity: more self-confidence and professionalism but less authenticity! Review of Managerial Science.18(8): 2287–2319.
    (article - open access, data set)
  • Thurik, R., Audretsch, Block, J., Burke, A., Carree, M., Dejardin, M., Rietveld, C. A., Sanders, M., Stephan, U., Wiklund, J. (2024). The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields. Small Business Economics. 62: 727-751.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Diegel, W., Fisch, C. (2024). Schumpeterian entrepreneurial digital identity and funding from venture capital firms. Journal of Technology Transfer. 49: 119-157.
    (article, working paper version, data set)
  • Bertschek, I., Block, J., Kritikos, A., Stiel, C. (2024). German financial state aid during COVID-19 pandemic: higher impact among digitalized self-employed. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 36(1-2): 76-97.
    (article - open access)


  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Kanwal, N., Lorenzen, S., Schulze, A. (2023). Replication studies in top management journals: an empirical investigation of prevalence, types, outcomes, and impact. Management Review Quarterly. 73: 1109-1134.
    (article - open access)
  • Iurchenko, D., Petty, J., Block, J. (2023). The effect of online discussion boards on equity crowdfunding dynamics. Journal of Small Business Management. 61(6): 3284-3314.
  • Block, J., Fathollahi, R. (2023). Foundation ownership and firm growth. Review of Managerial Science. 17: 2633-2654.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Hirschmann, M., Kranz, T., Neuenkirch, M. (2023). Public family firms and economic inequality across societies. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 19: Article e00376.
  • Block, J., Hansen, C., Steinmetz, H. (2023). Are family firms doing more innovation output with less innovation input? A replication and extension. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 47(4): 1496-1520.
    (article, working paper version, data set)
  • Kragl, J., Palermo, A., Xi, G. Block, J. (2023). Hiring family or non-family managers when non-economic (sustainability) goals matter? A multitask agency model. Small Business Economics. 61: 675-700.
    (article - open access)
  • Maier L., Baccarella C.V., Block J., Wagner T., Voigt K.-I. (2023). The legitimization effect of crowdfunding success: a consumer perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 47(4): 1389-1420.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Petty, J. (2023). How knowledge shapes the scope of early business planning. Journal of Small Business Management. 61(2): 411-440.
  • Block, J., Ulrich, L. (2023). Are family owners and managers good stewards in global crises? Evidence from stock market reactions to Covid-19. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 14(1): Article 100534.
  • Moritz, A., Graffius, M., Felden, B., Block, J. H. (2023). Unternehmenskäufe und -verkäufe im Rahmen der Nachfolge von KMU in Deutschland – Eine empirische Untersuchung. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. 2: S. 249ff.
    (working paper version)
  • Hossinger, S., Block, J., Chen, X., Werner, A. (2023). Venture creation patterns in academic entrepreneurship: The role of founder motivations. Journal of Technology Transfer. 48: 68-125.
    (article - open access)


  • Block, J., Millán, J., Moritz, A., Ramos-Poyatos, J. D. (2022). Working hours, working time flexibility and stress at work of different types of entrepreneurs. Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat. 2022/HS2: 59-100.
  • Hirschmann, M., Block, J. (2022). Trademarks and how they relate to the sustainability and economic outcomes of social startups. Journal of Cleaner Production. 376: Article 134320.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Johann, M., Block, J., Benz, L. (2022). Financial performance of hidden champions: Evidence from German manufacturing firms. Small Business Economics. 59: 873-892.
    (article - open access)
  • Krieger, A., Block, J., Stuetzer, M., Obschonka, M., Salmela-Aro, K. (2022). Closing the gender gap in entrepreneurship: The importance of skill variety. PLOS ONE.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Kritikos, A., Priem, M., Stiel, C. (2022). Emergency aid for self-employed in the COVID-19 pandemic: a flash in the pan? Journal of Economic Psychology. 93(December): Article 102567.
    (article, data set).
  • Fisch, C., Meoli, M., Vismara, S., Block, J. (2022). The effect of trademark breadth on IPO valuation and post-IPO performance: an empirical investigation of 1,510 European IPOs. Journal of Business Venturing. 37(5): 873-892.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Hirschmann, M., Moritz, A., Block, J. (2022). Motives, supporting activities, and selection criteria of social impact incubators: An experimental conjoint study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 51(5): 1095-1133.
  • Abbasianchavari, A., Block, J. (2022). Perceptual factors explaining the gender gap in entrepreneurial propensity: A replication and extension. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 17 (June): e00303.
    (article, data set)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Hirschmann, M. (2022). The determinants of bootstrap financing in crises: evidence from entrepreneurial ventures in the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business Economics. 58: 867-885.
    (article - open access)
  • Steiniger, D., Brohman, M. K., Block, J. (2022). Digital entrepreneurship: what is new if anything? Business & Information Systems Engineering. 64: 1-14.
    (article - open access)
  • Newman, A., Obschonka, M. Block, J. (2022). Small businesses and entrepreneurship in times of crises: the renaissance of entrepreneur-focused micro perspectives. International Small Business Journal. 40(2): 119-129.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Ikeuchi, K., Kato, M. (2022). Trademarks as an indicator of regional innovation: Evidence from Japanese prefectures. Regional Studies. 56(2): 190-209.
  • Moritz, A., Diegel, W., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2022). VC investors’ venture screening: the role of the decision maker’s education and experience. Journal of Business Economics. 92(1): 27-63.
    (article - open access)
  • El Shoubaki, A., Block, J., Lasch, F. (2022). The couple business as a unique form of business: A review of the empirical evidence. Management Review Quarterly. 72(1): 115-147.
    (article - open access)


  • Fisch, C., Wyrwich, M., Nguyen, T. L., Block, J. (2021). Historical institutional differences and entrepreneurship: Socialist legacy in Vietnam. International Review of Entrepreneurship. 19(4).
    (article, working paper version)
  • Tian, G.Gongjue T., Wang, M., Rieger, M. O., Block, J. (2021). How do thinking style and motivation influence household sector innovation? Evidence from a cross-country survey. International Review of Entrepreneurship. 19(2): 201-224.
  • Baù, M., Block, J., Discua Cruz, A., Naldi, L. (2021). Bridging locality and internationalization – A research agenda on the sustainable development of family firms. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 33(7-8): 477-492.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J.H., Groh, A., Hornuf, L., Vanacker, T., Vismara, S. (2021). The entrepreneurial finance markets of the future: a comparison of crowdfunding and initial coin offerings. Small Business Economics. 57(2): 865-882.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Hirschmann, M. Fisch, C. (2021). Which criteria matter when impact investors screen social enterprises? Journal of Corporate Finance. 66 (February): 101813.
    (article - open access)
  • Fisch, C., Block, J. (2021). How does entrepreneurial failure change an entrepreneur’s digital identity? Evidence from Twitter data. Journal of Business Venturing. 36(1): 106015.
    (article, working paper version, data set)
  • Fisch, C., Masiak, C., Vismara, S., Block, J. (2021). Motives and profiles of ICO investors. Journal of Business Research. 125(3): 564-576.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Hansen, C., Block, J. (2021). Public family firms and capital structure: a meta-analysis. Corporate Governance: An International Review. 29(3): 297-319.
    (article - open access)
  • Jaskiewicz, P., Block, J., Wagner, D., Carney, M., Hansen, C. (2021). How do cross-country differences in institutional trust and trust in family explain the mixed performance effects of family management? A meta-analysis. Journal of World Business. 56(5): Article 101196.
  • Kormann, H., Block, J. (2021). Strategische Ziele einer Akquisition. Zeitschrift für Familienunternehmen und Strategie. 5: 172-180.


  • Block, J., Jarchow, S., Kammerlander, N., Hosseini, F., Achleitner, A.-K. (2020). Performance of foundation-owned firms in Germany: The role of foundation purpose, stock market listing, and family involvement. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 11(4): 100356.
  • Block, J., Hirschmann, M., Leirich, L., Moritz, A. (2020). Die Unterstützungslandschaft für Social Entrepreneurship im DACH-Raum -- ein Überblick. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship. 68(3-4): S. 219–257.
  • Wismans, A., … Block, J., … et al. (2020) Hygiene and social distancing as distinct public health related behaviours among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Psychological Bulletin, 15(4), e4383.
  • Iurchenko, D., Petty, J. S., Shang, C. S., Block, J. (2020). Enabling equity crowdfunding: understanding the legal approval process across four countries. International Review of Entrepreneurship. 18(2): 221-254.
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Rehan, F. (2020). Religion and entrepreneurship: a map of the field and a bibliometric analysis. Management Review Quarterly. 70(4): 591-627.
  • Masiak, C., Block, J., Masiak, T., Neuenkirch, M., Pielen, K. (2020). Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): market cycles and relationship with Bitcoin and Ether. Small Business Economics: 55(4): 1113-1130.
    (article - open access)
  • Benz, L., Block., J., Johann, M. (2020). Börsennotierte Hidden Champions. zfo – Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation. 5: 291-295.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J. (2020). Der (unheimliche) Erfolg des Begriffs "Hidden Champion". zfo – Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation. 5: 311.
  • Hansen, C., Block, J. (2020). Exploring the relation between family involvement and firms’ financial performance: A replication and extension meta-analysis. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 14.
    (article, data set)
  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F., Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2020). The survival of business takeovers and new venture start-ups. Industrial and Corporate Change. 29(3): 797-826.
    (article - open access)
  • Hansen, Block, J., Neuenkirch, M. (2020). Family firm performance over the business cycle: A meta-analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 34(3): 476-511.
  • Achleitner, A.-K., Bazhutov, D., Betzer, A., Block, J., Hosseini, F. (2020). Foundation ownership and shareholder value: An event study. Review of Managerial Science, 14: 459-484.
    (article - open access)
  • Castaldi, C., Block, J., Flikkema, M. J. (2020). Editorial: why and when do firms trademark? Bridging perspectives from industrial organisation, innovation and entrepreneurship. Industry and Innovation, 27 (1-2): 1-10.
    (article - open access)


  • Zaggl, M., Block, J. (2019). Do small funding amounts lead to reverse herding? A field experiment in reward-based crowdfunding. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 13.
  • Rehan, F., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2019). Entrepreneurship in Islamic communities: How do Islamic values and Islamic practices influence entrepreneurship intentions? Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 13(5): 557-583.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J. Fisch, C., Vismara, S., Andres, R. (2019). Private equity investment criteria: An experimental conjoint analysis of venture capital, business angels, and family offices. Journal of Corporate Finance, 58: 329-352.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Lau, J., Obschonka, M., Presse, A. (2019). How do labor market institutions influence the preference to work in family firms? A multilevel analysis across 40 countries. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43(6): 1067-1093.
    (article - open access)
  • Masiak, C., Block, J., Moritz, A., Lang, F., Kraemer-Eis, H. (2019). How do micro firms differ in their financing patterns from larger SMEs? Venture Capital. An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 21(4): 301-325.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Landgraf, A., Semrau, T. (2019). The differential impact of societal cultural practices on part-time and full-time self-employment: A multi-level, multi-country study. International Small Business Journal, 37(1): 43-68.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Obschonka, M., Sandner, P. (2019). A personality perspective on business angel syndication. Journal of Banking and Finance,100: 306-327.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Fisch, C., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2019). The impact of acquisitions on Chinese acquirers' innovation performance: An empirical investigation of 1,545 Chinese acquisitions. Journal of Business Economics / Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 89(2): 125-153.
    (article - open access)


  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F., Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2018). Work experience from paid employment and entry mode to entrepreneurship: business takeover versus new venture start-up. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat,17(2): 91-112.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Darnihamedani, P., Block, J., Hessels, J., Simonyan, A. (2018). Taxes, start-up costs, and innovative entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 51(2): 355-369.
    (article - open access)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., van Praag, M. (2018). Quantity and quality of jobs by entrepreneurial firms. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 34(4): 565-583.
    (article - open access, working paper version)
  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F. Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2018). Mode of entry into hybrid entrepreneurship: new venture start-up versus business takeover. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16(2): 217-240.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Krieger, A., Block, J., Stützer, M. (2018). Skill variety in entrepreneurship: A literature review and research directions. International Review of Entrepreneurship,16(1): 29-62.
  • Block, J., Hornuf, L., Moritz, A. (2018). Which updates during a crowdfunding campaign increase crowd participation? Small Business Economics, 50(1): 3-27.
    (article - open access, working paper version)
  • Doluca, H., Wagner, M., Block, J. (2018). Sustainability and environmental behaviour in family firms: a longitudinal analysis of environmentally-related activities, innovation and performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(1): 152-172.
  • Block, J., Colombo, M., Cumming, D., Vismara, S. (2018). New players in entrepreneurial finance and why they are there. Small Business Economics, 50(2): 239-250.
    (article - open access)


  • Jaskiewicz, P., Block, J. Combs, J., Miller, D. (2017). Founder versus family owners' impact on non-CEO top manager pay dispersion: Implications for firm performance. Journal of Management, 43(5): 1524-1552.
  • De Vries, G., Pennings, E., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2017). Trademark or patent? The effects of market concentration, customer type, and venture capital financing on start-ups' initial IP applications. Industry and Innovation, 24(4): 325-345.
    (article - open access, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Cumming, D., Vismara, S. (2017). International perspectives on venture capital and bank finance for entrepreneurial firms. Economia e Politica Industriale (Journal of Industrial and Business Economics), 44(1): 3-22.
  • Jaskiewicz, P., Block, J., Combs, J., Miller, D. (2017). The effects of founder and family ownership on hired CEOs' incentives and firm performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41(1): 73-103.
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., van Praag, M. (2017). The Schumpeterian entrepreneur: A review of the empirical evidence on the antecedents, behavior, and consequences on innovative entrepreneurship. Industry and Innovation, 24(1): 61-95.
    (article, working paper version)


  • Verheul, I., Rietdijk, W., Block, J., Franken, I., Larsson, H., Thurik, R. (2016). The association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) symptoms and self-employment. European Journal of Epidemiology, 31(8): 793-801.
  • Koellinger, P., Block, J. (2016). How does the gender and attractiveness of the supervisor influence the performance of supervisees? Implications for hiring processes in new ventures. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 14(4).
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Lau, J., Obschonka, M., Presse, A. (2016). Who prefers working in a family firm? An exploratory study of individuals' organizational preferences across 40 countries. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7(2): 65-74.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Ter Wal, A., Alexy, O., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2016). The best of both worlds: the benefits of specialized-brokered and diverse-closed syndication networks for new venture success. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(3): 393-432.
    (article - open access, ASQ blog)
  • Moritz, A., Block, J., Heinz, A. (2016). Financing patterns of European SMEs - An empirical taxonomy. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 18(2): 115-148.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J. (2016). Corporate income taxes and entrepreneurship activity. IZA World of Labor.
    (article - open access)
  • Zhou, H., Sandner, P., Martinelli, L., Block, J. (2016). Patents, trademarks, and their complementarity in venture capital funding. Technovation, 47: 14-22.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Walter, S., Block, J. (2016). Outcomes of entrepreneurship education: An institutional perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(2): 216-233.
  • Block, J., Henkel, J., Schweisfurth, T., Stiegler, A. (2016). Commercializing user innovations by vertical diversification: the user-manufacturer innovator. Research Policy, 45(1): 244-259.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Landgraf, A. (2016). Transition from part-time entrepreneurship to full-time entrepreneurship: the role of financial and non-financial motives. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(1): 259-282.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Fisch, C., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2016). Chinese university patents: Quantity, quality, and the role  of subsidy programs. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2): 318-345.
    (article, working paper version)


  • Moritz, A., Block, J., Lutz, E. (2015). Investor communication in equity-based crowdfunding: A qualitative-empirical study. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 7(3): 309-342.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Stiglbauer, M., Kühn, A. L., Wagner, D. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility communication of German family firms: a content analysis. UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 23(4): 251-257.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Hahn, A. Sandner, P. (2015). Why do SMEs file trademarks? Insights from US firms in innovative industries. Research Policy, 44(10): 1915-1930.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Parboteeah, P., Walter, S., Block, J. (2015). When does Christian religion matter for entrepreneurial activity? The contingent effect of a country's investments into knowledge. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(2): 447-465.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Stough, R., Welter, F., Block, J., Wennberg, K., Basco, R. (2015). Family business and regional science: "bridging the gap". Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(4): 208-218.
  • Adam-Müller, A., Andres, R., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2015). Socialist heritage and the opinion on entrepreneurs: Micro-level evidence from Europe. Die Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration Review), 75(4): 211-232.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J., Spiegel, F., Zischka, H. (2015). Cross-functional patent management in family firms. Journal of Business Economics (formerly Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft), 85(2): 181-203.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Verheul, I., Block, J., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Tiemeier, H., Thurik, R., Turturea, R. (2015). ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurial intentions. Small Business Economics, 45(1): 85-101.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Fisch, C., Hassel, T., Sandner, P., Block, J. (2015). University patenting: A comparison of 300 leading universities worldwide. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2): 318-345.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Millan, J., Roman, C., Zhou, H. (2015). Job satisfaction and wages of family employees. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(2): 183-207.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Wagner, D., Block, J., Miller, D., Schwens, C., Xi, G. (2015). A meta-analysis of the financial performance of family firms: Another attempt. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(1): 3-13.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Kohn, K., Miller, D., Ullrich, K. (2015). Necessity entrepreneurship and competitive strategy. Small Business Economics, 44(1): 37-54.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Sandner, P., Spiegel, F. (2015). How do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? The role of motivation and procedural utility. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(1): 183-206.
    (article, working paper version)


  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2014). The effect of family ownership on different dimensions of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from large US firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(7): 475-492.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2014). Ownership versus management effects on corporate social responsibility concerns in large family and founder firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(4): 339-346.
  • Block, J., De Vries, G., Schumann, J., Sandner, P. (2014). Trademarks and venture capital valuation. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(4): 453-484.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Moritz, A., Block, J. (2014). Crowdfunding und Crowdinvesting: State-of-the-Art der wissenschaftlichen Literatur. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 62(1): 57-89.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Goerke, L., Millan, J., Roman, C. (2014). Family employees and absenteeism. Economics Letters, 123(1): 94-99.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Sandner, P. (2014). Trademark families: Characteristics and market values. Journal of Brand Management, 21(2): 150-170.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Miller, D., Wagner, D. (2014). Bayesian methods in family business research. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1): 97-104.
    (article, working paper version)


  • Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2013). Family firm density and regional innovation output: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 4(4): 270-280.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Henkel,J., Block, J. (2013). Peer influence in network markets: a theoretical and empirical analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(5): 925-953.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Thurik, R., Zhou, H. (2013). What turns knowledge into innovative products? The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(4): 693-718.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Thurik, R., Van der Zwan, P., Walter, S. (2013). Business takeover or new venture? Individual and environmental determinants from a cross-country study. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(5): 1099-1121.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Fisch, C., Block, J. (2013). Die Bedeutung des CEO für die Internationalisierung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 60(1): 139-153.
    (working paper version)
  • Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P., Spiegel, F. (2013). Economic and technological importance of innovations in large family and founder firms: an analysis of patent data. Family Business Review, 26(2): 180-199.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Spiegel, F., Block, J. (2013). Regionale Bedeutung von Familienunternehmen in Westdeutschland. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 61(1-2): 7-34.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Hoogerheide, L., Thurik, R. (2013). Education and entrepreneurial choice: an instrumental variables analysis. International Small Business Journal, 31(1): 23-33.
    (article, working paper version)


  • Block, J., Hoogerheide, L., Thurik, R. (2012). Are education and entrepreneurial income endogenous? A Bayesian analysis. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2(3).
    (article, working paper version)
  • Alexy, O., Block, J, Sandner, P., Ter Wal, A. (2012). Social capital of venture capitalists and start-up funding. Small Business Economics, 39(4): 835-851.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Lau, J., Block, J. (2012). Corporate cash holdings and their implications on firm value in family and founder firms. Corporate Ownership and Control, 9(4): 309-326.
    (working paper version)
  • Hoogerheide, L., Block, J., Thurik, R. (2012). Family background variables as instruments for education in income regressions: a Bayesian analysis. Economics of Education Review, 31(5): 515-523.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J. (2012). R&D investments in family and founder firms: an agency perspective.Journal of Business Venturing, 27(2): 248-265.
    (article, working paper version)


  • Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, F. (2011). Innovativität als Kriterium bei Venture Capital Entscheidungen. Kredit und Kapital, 44(4): 509-541.
    (article, working paper version)
  • De Vries, G., Block, J. (2011). Venture capital syndication in times of economic crisis. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 13(3): 195-213.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Sandner, P. (2011). Venture capital funding in the middle of the year 2011: are we back to pre-crisis boom levels? Strategic Change. Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 20(5-6): 161-169.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P. (2011). Ownership versus management effects on performance in family and founder companies: a Bayesian reconciliation. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2(4): 232-245.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Sandner, P., Block, J. (2011). The market value of R&D, patents and trademarks. Research Policy, 40(7): 969-985.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Sandner, P., Wagner, M. (2011). Selbständigkeit von Ausländern in Deutschland: Einkommenseffekte und Implikationen für die Gründungsförderung. Soziale Welt Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, 62(1): 7-23.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J. (2011). How to pay a non-family manager in a family business – a multi-task principal-agent model. Family Business Review, 24(1): 9-27.
    (article, working paper version)

Before 2010

  • Block, J. (2010). Family management, family ownership, and downsizing: evidence from S&P 500 firms. Family Business Review, 23(2): 1-22.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2010). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in Germany: characteristics and earnings differentials. Schmalenbach Business Review, 62(2): 154-174.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). What is the effect of the financial crisis on venture capital-financing? Empirical evidence from US internet start-ups. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 11(4): 295-309.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Wie wirkt sich die Finanzkrise auf Venture-Capital-Finanzierungen aus? FINANZ BETRIEB, 7/8: 427-432.
  • Block, J., Köllinger, P. (2009). I can’t get no satisfaction – necessity entrepreneurship and procedural utility. Kyklos, 62(1): 191-209.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs and their duration in self-employment: evidence from German micro data. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 9(2): 117-137.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Lutz, A., Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2009). Unglücklich trotz Erfolg – Faktoren für die Zufriedenheit von Gründern. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 1: 9-11.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Sandner, P., Block, J., Lutz, A. (2008). Determinanten des Erfolgs staatlich geförderter Existenzgründungen – eine empirische Untersuchung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft,78(7/8): 753-777.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Thams, A. (2007). Bayesianische Ökonometrie. WiSt–Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 4: 205-208.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Köllinger, P. (2007). Peer influence in network markets – an empirical investigation. Schmalenbach Business Review, 59(4): 364-386.
    (article, working paper version)

Book Chapters in Edited Books (Selection)

  • Block, J. (2024). Business incubators. In: Cumming, D., Hammer, B. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
    (book chapter)
  • Block, J., Halberstadt, J, Högsdal, N., Kuckertz, A., Neergaard, H. (2023). The Future of Entrepreneurship Education and Training: Some Propositions. In: J. H. Block, A. Kuckertz (Series Eds.), J. H. Block, J. Halberstadt, N. Högsdal, A. Kuckertz, H. Neergaard (Vol. Eds.), FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Vol. 11. Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training: New Methods, Tools, and Lessons Learned from Practice. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 1-9.
    (book chapter - open access)
  • Willeke, T., Block, J., Johann, M., Lambrecht, D., Steinmetz, H., & Wunnam, I. (2023). Patent data and how it can be matched to (family) firm data: an example and a guideline. In Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms (pp. 370-390). Edward Elgar Publishing.
    (book chapter, working paper version
  • Block, J., Lorenzen, S. (2021). Unternehmerfamilien als Eigentümer von Hidden Champions: Fit oder Misfit? In: Equa Stiftung (Hrsg.), Unternehmerfamilien. Eigentum verpflichtet. EQUA Schriftenreihe Band 27, S. 334-354.
    (book,working paper version)
  • Henkel, J., Block, J. (2021). Wertaneignung – von Innovation profitieren. In: C. Weinmann, P. Münch, J. Herren (Hrsg.), Schweizer IP-Handbuch, 2. Auflage, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, S. 385-397.
  • Block, J., Kammerlander, N. (2020). Führung und Kontrolle von Stiftungsunternehmen. In: J. Block, P. May, A. Betzer, D. von Au (Hrsg.). Die Familienstiftung. Ein Instrument zur Zukunftssicherung von Familienunternehmen. Springer Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg, S. 35-49.
    (book chapter)
  • Diegel, W., Moritz, A., Block, J. H., Botsari, A., Lang, F., Krämer-Eis, H. (2020). Measuring venture capital sentiment in Europe. In: J. H. Block, A. Kuckertz (Series Eds.), A. Moritz, J. H. Block, S. Golla, A. Werner (Vol. Eds.), FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Vol. 7. Contemporary Developments in Entrepreneurial Finance: An Academic and Policy Lens on the Status-Quo, Challenges and Trends. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 137-174.
    (book chapter)
  • Herrenknecht, M., Herrenknecht, M-D., Block, J. (2020). Interview mit Dr.-Ing. E. h. Martin Herrenknecht und Martin-Devid Herrenknecht. In: J. Block, P. May, A. Betzer, D. von Au (Hrsg.). Die Familienstiftung. Ein Instrument zur Zukunftssicherung von Familienunternehmen. Springer Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg, S. 173-180.
  • Masiak, C., Fisch. C., Block, J. (2020). In which regions do governmental, independent, and corporate venture capital firms invest? An empirical investigation across 402 German Regions. In: J. H. Block, A. Kuckertz (Series Eds.), A. Moritz, J. H. Block, S. Golla, A. Werner (Vol. Eds.), FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Vol. 7. Contemporary Developments in Entrepreneurial Finance: An Academic and Policy Lens on the Status-Quo, Challenges and Trends. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 201-227.
    (book chapter)
  • Würth, R., Block, J. (2020). Interview mit Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth. In: J. Block, P. May, A. Betzer, D. von Au (Hrsg.). Die Familienstiftung. Ein Instrument zur Zukunftssicherung von Familienunternehmen. Springer Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg, S. 165-172.
  • Achleitner, A.-K., Block, J. (2018). Stiftungsunternehmen als hybride Organisationen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Gewinn- und Gemeinwohlorientierung. In: A.-K. Achleitner, J. Block, R. Strachwitz (Hrsg.). Stiftungsunternehmen: Theorie und Praxis. Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Fallbeispiele. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
    (book chapter)
  • Masiak, C., Fisch. C., Block, J. (2018). What drives the intellectual property output of high-tech firms? Regional- and firm-level factors. In: J. H. Block, A. Kuckertz (Series Eds.), A. Presse, O. Terzidis (Vol. Eds.), FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Vol. 3. Technology Entrepreneurship. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 157-175.
    (book chapter)
  • Block, J., Hosseini, F. (2017). Stiftungsunternehmen als hybride Organisationen: Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmensperformance. In: B. Weitemeyer, R. Hüttemann, P. Rawert, K. Schmidt (Hrsg.). Non Profit Law Yearbook 2016/2017. Bucerius Law School Press, Hamburg, S. 13-24.
    (book chapter, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Walter, S. (2017). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and modes of entry into entrepreneurship. In: J. Bonnet, M. Dejardin, D. Garcia-Perez-de-Lema (eds.), Exploring the entrepreneurial society. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 22-34.
    (book chapter, working paper version)
  • Henkel, J., Bock, A., Block, J. (2016). Selling to competitors – competitive implications of user-manufacturer integration. In: D. Harhoff, K. Lakhani (eds.), Revolutionizing innovation - users, communities and open innovation. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 379-396.
    (book chapter, working paper version)
  • Block, J., Moritz, A. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility im Mittelstand: theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Evidenz. In: G. Fahrenschon, A. G. Kirchhoff, D. B. Simmert (Hrsg.), Mittelstand - Motor und Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Erfolgskonzepte für Management, Finanzierung und Organisation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 145-159.
  • Sarasvathy, S., Ali, I., Block, J., Lutz, E. (2015). Partitioning socioemotional wealth to stitch together the effectual family enterprise. In: K. Randerson, C. Bettinelli, G. Dossena, A. Fayolle (eds.). Family entrepreneurship: rethinking the research agenda. Routledge, New York, pp. 14-46.
  • Block, J. (2015). Unternehmertum auf dem Land: Gründungen, Hidden Champions und Familienunternehmen. In: H. Arend, G. Troeger-Weiß (Hrsg.), Starke Wirtschaft - Starke Regionen. Gute Aussichten für das Land. Mainz: ZIRP, S. 49-52.
  • Moritz, A., Block, J. H. (2015). Crowdfunding: A literature review and research directions. In J. H. Block, A. Kuckertz (Series Eds.), D. Brüntje, O. Gajda (Vol. Eds.), FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Vol. 1. Crowdfunding in Europe – State of the Art in Theory and Practice. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 25-53.
    (working paper version)
  • Block, J., Moritz, A. (2014). Crowdfunding als Finanzierungsalternative von Gründungen aus der Wissenschaft. In: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 15 Jahre EXIST – EXIST-Tagungsband 2014, pp- 65-70.
  • Block, J., de Vries, G. Sandner, P. (2012). Venture capital and the financial crisis: an empirical study across industries and countries. in: D. Cumming (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital, Oxford University Press, pp. 37-61.
    (working paper version)
  • Block, J., Kohn, K. (2011). Sozialpolitische Ziele der Gründungsförderung am Beispiel von Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. in: N. Irsch, P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, KfW Research, S. 69-93.
    (working paper version)
  • Block, J. (2011). Zur Gründungskultur in Deutschland: Persönlichkeitseigenschaften als Gründungshemmnis? in: N. Irsch, P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, KfW Research, S. 131-143.
    (working paper version)

Monographs / Edited Books

  • Block, J., Halberstadt, J, Högsdal, N., Kuckertz, A., Neergaard, H. (Hrsg.) (2023). Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training: New Methods, Tools, and Lessons Learned from Practice. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Castaldi, C., Block, J., Flikkema, M. J. (eds.) (2021). Trademarks and Their Role in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Organization. Routledge: London.
  • Block, J., May, P., Betzer, A., von Au, D. (Hrsg.) (2020). Die Familienstiftung. Ein Instrument zur Zukunftssicherung von Familienunternehmen. Springer Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg.
  • Moritz, A., Block, J., Golla, S., Werner, A. (eds.) (2019). Contemporary Developments in Entrepreneurial Finance: An Academic and Policy Lens on the Status-Quo, Challenges and Trends. Cham: Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Achleitner, A.-K., Block, J., Strachwitz, R. (Hrsg.) (2018). Stiftungsunternehmen: Theorie und Praxis. Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Fallbeispiele. Springer Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg
  • Block, J. (2009). Long-term orientation of family firms, Dissertation TU München, Gabler Verlag: Wiesbaden.