We are happy to announce that the conference "CEF20 - Cultural Economics and Finance" will be held online from June 20 to June 21. The conference will take place on Zoom. This platform will allow us to have interactions nearly as good as at a live event.

Cultural differences and cultural transitions play a pivotal role in economics and financial decision making. Our conference will bring together researchers from different areas to discuss these effects. The conference will include a special session about China and East Asia.

Topics include: cultural differences in economic and financial preferences as well as in financial markets, transmission of cultural norms and transitions of economic decision making. 

Given the current situation regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemics, the PhD workshop from June 19 to June 20 must be cancelled.


Prof. Thorsten Hens, University of Zurich, NHH Bergen and University of Lucerne

Prof. Marc Oliver Rieger, University of Trier

Local organizers:Dr. Lea Shih, Eugenia Bartel

Keynote lectures:

Elke U. Weber, 
Princeton University 
Luigi Guiso 
EIEF, Rome

Special panel discussion on China and Europe:

Michael Kahn-Ackermann, Mercator Foundation, Beijing
Sebastian Heilmann, University of Trier
Mei Wang, WHU

Conference home page:  cef.uni-trier.de

The conference program is available here

Important Dates:

  • Deadline for submission of papers or extended abstracts (PDF): Extended to April 15, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2020
  • Conference registration deadline: June 17, 2020

The conference is sponsored by Deutsche Bundesbank.

Submissions and registrations:
By email with the subject “CEF submission” to bartel(at)uni-trier.de.

Special issue

We are happy to announce that papers presented at the CEF20 can also be submitted to the special issue “Culture and Financial Decision Making” of the “Global Finance Journal”. Further details here

Call for papers / Conference Poster