Research support from A to Z

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Conferences and workshops

If you are organising a workshop or a conference and wish to apply for funding, please contact Daniel Bauerfeld. For this purpose, the Trier University has an annual fund of 30.000 € from overhead allowances at its disposal. Applications may be submitted every 1st April and 1st October. Here you will find further information and instructions for the application.

The staff of Department I (Financial Department) will assist you with the preparation and organisation of your event as well as with administration issues. Please see the conference manual for a first introduction.

You will find a list of contact persons on the website of Department I (Financial Department).

Function: Research consultant
Facility: Research Support Office


If you need assistance with research-related contracts, please contact Ms Regine Schmirander or Mr Ingmar Kortgen. They will provide advice, verify contract drafts and provide you with templates.

Regine Schmirander
Regine Schmirander
Function: Legal advisor
Facility: President's Office - Legal issues, academic boards and elections
Room: V304
Tel.: +49 651 201-4232
Ingmar Kortgen, Ass. jur.
Ingmar Kortgen, Ass. jur.
Function: Legal advisor
Facility: President's Office - Legal issues, academic boards and elections
Room: V315a
Tel.: +49 651 201-4290

Costing and finance management

Department I (Financial Department) of the Trier University will assist you to prepare an exact calculation of costs for you project and make sure it meets all requirements. Please get in touch with the Financial Department’s staff early enough.

You will find a list of contact persons on the website of Department I (Financial Department)

Data management

see Research data management

Diversity / gender equality

see Equal opportunities


easy-Online is an application portal for federal project funding. If you have questions concerning the form system for proposals and project outlines, please contact the Research Support Office. Its staff will assist you with the submission of a project outline or a proposal.

Function: Research consultant
Facility: Research Support Office

ELFI - ELectronic Research Funding Information System

The ELFI-Datenbank is a database designed to help researchers find a suitable funding organisation for their projects. The database contains information on funding programmes, scholarships, travel subsidies, grants for material costs, and other types of third-party funding. The interface allows for specific, project-tailored enquiries.

Equal opportunities

Funders expect, in particular from cooperative research projects, to advance equal opportunities for men and women in research. They provide an additional budget for the career advancement of female researchers in male dominated disciplines. An additional budget may also be granted to support researchers with family care obligations. Grant proposals should include a gender equality plan.

Funding organisations increasingly commit themselves to promote diversity in research. Grant proposals, in particular for cooperative research projects, should include a diversity strategy.

The Research Support Office, in collaboration with the Equality Office and the Family Office, provides advice concerning gender equality and diversity strategies in grant applications. The staff also assists you with the implementation of the respective diversity measures in your project.

Within the framework of the federal funding programme "Professorinnenprogramm III" (Third Female Professors Programme), the Research Support Office organises talks and workshops for female early career researchers, researchers in leading positions and research managers.

The University follows an equality plan (2022-2028) passed by the Senate on 9th February 2023.

Dr. Lina Azazil
Dr. Lina Azazil
Function: Gender consultant
Facility: Research Support Office
Room: T23.107
Tel.: -
Dr. phil. Gisela Minn
Dr. phil. Gisela Minn
Function: Research consultant
Facility: Research Support Office
Room: V303
Tel.: +49 651 201-4024
Fax: +49 651 201-3388

Ethics policy / The University Research Ethics Committee

On 20th February 1992, the Senate of the Trier University has decided to establish an Ethics Committee. The Committee assesses whether empirical research projects involving test persons respect their dignity and rights.

The Ethic Committee’s vote is a recommendation.

Charter of the Ethics Committee

Instructions for preparing a request to the Ethics Committee of the Trier University

The Ethics Commission of the Chamber of Medicine of Rhineland-Palatinate is in charge of medical research projects.

Please direct your questions concerning the Ethics Committee and your application to Daniel Bauerfeld.

Function: Research consultant
Facility: Research Support Office

European research funding

You will find information on the European research funding (news, funding programmes, application process, EU-funded projects at Trier University, expert activities for the EU as well as samples and templates) on the website of the EU Office Europäische Forschungsförderung.

Martina Schnabel, Dipl.-Kffr.
Martina Schnabel, Dipl.-Kffr.
Function: Consultant
Facility: EU Office & Transfer
Room: T23.123
Tel.: +49 651 201-4313


The Trier University provides financial support for research projects. Internal funding is available for conference trips and scientific events. Researchers may also apply for publication grants or start-up grants for third-party funded projects. The internal funding opportunities are open to researchers at all stages of their career.

Grant applications

The Research Support Office announces open calls for

  • start-up scholarships for PhD students
  • writing-up scholarships for PhD students
  • short-term scholarships for postdoc researchers
  • conference and workshop funding
  • start-up funding for research projects

Find out about the application process, deadlines, and the funding opportunities coordinated by the Research Support Office.  


The Trier University appoints three ombudspersons from all full professors. Any member of the Trier University who wants to report scientific misconduct or has been accused of it him/herself may contact them.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Diederich Eckardt
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Diederich Eckardt
Function: Professor
Facility: Faculty V - Law
Room: C232
Office hours: on appointment
Tel.: +49 651 201-2572
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Engelhard
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Engelhard
Function: Professor
Facility: Faculty I - Philosophy
Room: B411
Office hours: on appointment
Tel.: +49 651 201-2341
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Schild
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Schild
Function: Professor
Facility: Faculty III - Politics
Room: A122
Office hours: on appointment
Tel.: +49 651 201-2124
Fax: +49 651 201-3917

Open access publishing

Many research funding organisations expect project results to be made available with free and unlimited access. The Trier University supports researchers who want to make their first publication or the postprint available in open access. The publication of papers and articles in open access journals can be financed via the Publication Funds. On the website “Forschen & Publizieren”, you will find information on further funding possibilities for open access publications and the entire service provided by the Trier University Library to support publishing activities. The most important information is given in the following presentation.

The library staff will help you with any questions concerning open access publishing (openaccessuni-trier). You may also contact Dr Evgenia Grishina.

Dr. phil. Evgenia Grishina
Dr. phil. Evgenia Grishina
Function: Open Access Officer
Facility: Publication Services
Room: BZ119
Office hours: on appointment
Tel.: +49 651 201-2465
Dr. Gabriele Schwalbach
Dr. Gabriele Schwalbach
Function: Head of office
Facility: University Library, Head of Acquisitions / Cataloguing
Room: BZ130
Tel.: +49 651 201-2470

Overhead allowance

Please make yourself familiar with the regulations concerning overhead allowances: Regeln zu Overhead-Einnahmen aus Drittmittelprojekten.

Project notification / Coordination third-party funding

Before you start your research project, you need to undertake several administrative steps. The University Financial Department as well as the Personnel Department will assist you with these measures.

Project notification: Please submit the form “Drittmittelanzeige / Antrag auf Einrichtung eines Projektkontos” together with the required documents (proposal, funding confirmation) to the University Financial Department.

Setting-up a project cost centre and calls for funds: The University Financial Department will set up a project cost centre in order to manage your third-party funding. The staff will develop a timetable with you to call for funds according to the needs of your project.  

You will find further information on the website of the Financial Department.

Publication grants

Possibilities to receive financial support for publishing from University funds are limited.

You will find information on funding opportunities for open access publications here: Open Access Publikationen. As part of funding for conferences, Förderung von Wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen, the University offers a subsidy of up to 1.500 € per proposal for open access publishing of conference papers.

Third party funding organisations provide funds for the publication of project results.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports online publications in journals financially, regardless of a funding via the Open Access Trust. Furthermore, new funding options for monographs are announced.

The Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (VG WORT) offers subsidies for outstanding scientific publications that could not appear without financial aid due to their highly specialised focus and limited run.

The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for Humanities Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim - Stiftung für Geisteswissenschaften offers subsidies for outstanding scientific publications exclusively for those humanities that are associated with the German culture.

The FONTE Stiftung offers further funding opportunities for early career researchers in humanities.

Research data management

Funding programmes of the European Union, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and of the DFG follow certain data policies. Researchers applying for these programmes are required to present a concept for quality-controlled and sustainable data management. This data management plan must contain precise statements on how research data shall be collected, analysed and evaluated, made available, and stored throughout the entire life span of the project. The Service Centre eSciences provides support for developing a concept and preparing a data management plan. In a joint workshop, the Research Support Office and the Service Centre eSciences give a hands-on introduction to “Research data management in funding applications”. The Trier University is currently developing an internal research data policy. 

Marina Lemaire
Marina Lemaire
Function: Consultant
Facility: Service Centre eSciences
Room: DM230
Office hours: on appointment
Tel.: +49 651 201-2104
Fax: +49 651 201-3293

Research integrity

In February 2024, the Senate of the Trier University passed a new Charter for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and a Procedure for dealing with scientific misconduct. The new charter follows the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Praxis issued by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) in 2019 and will replace the university’s guidelines from 2016. The approval by the DFG is currently pending.

You will find more information concerning the standards of good scientific practice and their application on the DFG Research Integrity portal. Further assistance is provided by the Curriculum for good scientific practice courses (2019).

EU-funded research projects need to follow the European Code of Conduct, recognised by the European Commission as the primary standard for upholding research integrity.

Research with business partners / Contract review

Ms Anna Dobrajc will provide advice concerning research projects with commercial enterprises and specific contracts.

Anna Dobrajc, Ass. jur.
Anna Dobrajc, Ass. jur.
Function: Team Third-Party Funding
Facility: Financial Department - Group 1.2: Financial issues
Room: V104a
Tel.: +49 651 201-3593
Fax: +49 651 201-4298


The University offers short-term scholarships for postdoc qualification projects. Call openings are announced by the Research Support Office. The aim of the scholarship is to allow researchers to prepare a project proposal for an external funding institution.

Dr. phil. Gisela Minn
Dr. phil. Gisela Minn
Function: Research consultant
Facility: Research Support Office
Room: V303
Tel.: +49 651 201-4024
Fax: +49 651 201-3388

Science portal Rhineland-Palatinate

see SciPort RLP

SciPort – Science portal Rhineland-Palatinate

SciPort Rhineland-Palatinate is a research database of the federal state. Researchers at all universities and universities of applied sciences are encouraged to register their research projects in the database and thus make them available for the public. In order to become listed in the database, you need to register. After the registration, a SciPort administrator will activate your account. Institutes that wish to assign their own administrators need to contact the SciPort administrators.

Function: Research consultant
Facility: Research Support Office

Support for early career researchers

Researchers in early stages of their career can benefit from a wide range of support. The university’s Graduate Centre GUT coordinates the consulting and support measures offered by different units of the Trier University and other institutions.

The Research Support Office (Forschungsreferat) regularly announces funding opportunities, in particular for project funding, start-up and completion grants, subsidies for conference visits or scientific events. Its staff will assist you during the application process. In cooperation with the Graduate Centre, the Research Support Office also offers workshops on funding opportunities and individual consultation for researchers who plan to develop research projects after their PhD.