Nina Fabiola Schumacher, M.A.


Academic CV and Research Interests

Nina Fabiola Schumacher is a doctoral researcher in the research unit of Prof. Christian Nuernbergk since April 2020. She studied sociology and history (2013­ to 2017) and media and cultural sociology (2017 to 2020) at the University of Trier.

From 2018 to 2020, she worked as a research assistant in various institutions at the University of Trier. For example, she supported the department of Prof. Dr. Martin Endreß for General Sociology, the administrative office of the Forschungszentrum Europa and the DFG research group 2539 “Resilience” in project 3 “Theory of Resilience” and in project Z “Coordination”. In addition, she was a research assistant at Prof. Dr. Christian Nuernbergk’sdepartment on public media communication from 2019 to 2020.

Nina is working on her PhD thesis entitled: “Evaluative interactions between politics, political parties and political journalism. A comparison between Twitter and journalistic coverage”.

Research interests

Political journalism, journalism studies, political communication, interaction and interaction patterns of journalists and political actors (especially with focus on conflict/cooperation, change of journalistic role perception in course of digitalization/media change), public communication with focus on digitalized publics, media and cultural sociology, empirical research methods/media research


Selected Publications

Schumacher, N. F., Maurer, P., & Nuernbergk, C. (2021). Towards New Standards? Interaction Patterns of German Political Journalists in the Twittersphere. The International Journal of Press/Politics.

Schumacher, N. F. (2018). Strategien, Dispositionen und Ressourcen sozialer Resilienz. Unijournal 44(1), 22–23.

Master Thesis:

Schumacher, N. F. (2020). Patterns of political-media interactions on Twitter. A qualitative analysis of the patterns of digital interactions illustrated by the communicative figuration of political journalism. Thesis for the degree of Master of Arts under supervision of Dr. Gerrit Fröhlich and Prof. Dr. Christian Nuernbergk.


Research project