Here you will find important contacts for your ERASMUS matters in Political Science.
ERASMUS Assistance
If you have any questions about your stay abroad or your stay in Trier, please first contact the ERASMUS assistant by e-mail.
Matthias Burtscheidt
E-Mail: eraspols[at]
For all questions concerning the ERASMUS program, stays abroad, learning agreements, recognition of examination and study achievements or transcripts of records, please visit the open office hour: Tuesdays from 12am to 1pm. No registration needed. It is advisable to bring relevant documents with you and to ask more complex, case-related questions by e-mail beforehand.
You will find the Erasmus Assistance office on the second floor on the left, room number A207d.
A digital meeting is also possible on request.
ERASMUS Coordinator
Dr. Sascha Werthes, Senior Lecturer
Campus I, A-Building Room A207d
International Office
If you have other, non-subject-specific concerns, please contact the International Office or the Incomings Coordinators.
Janina Kroener and Jan-Patrick Proost
E-Mail: exchangestud[at]uni-trier[.]de
ERASMUS Interships
Information on the EU program "ERASMUS Internships" as well as other offers for an internship abroad can be found on the website of the Agency for international HEI Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate.
You are also welcome to contact the following persons directly:
Mrs. Rath and Mrs. Johann
Agentur für internationale Hochschul-Mobilität (a.i.m. RLP)
c/o Hochschule Trier
D - 54293 Trier
Tel.: 0651/8103-236/313/349