(Kopie 2)

Profile picture prof Manuel Fröhlich

International Relations and Foreign Policy
Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich

International Organisations | United Nations | Globalisation and Global Governance | Political Philosophy of International Relations | History of Ideas in the 20th Century | Politics and Governace in Germany | Political Language 

Government: Western Governmental Systems
Prof. Dr. Uwe Jun

Research on political parties | Comparative parliaments research | Federalism | Political communication | Research on coalitions

Government: Politics and Economy of China
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heilmann

Chinas politics and economy | Economic policy /-regulation | New approaches on political economy | Member of the Center of East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Trier (ZOPS)

Political Theory and History of Political Ideas
Prof. Dr. Claudia Ritzi

Contemporary Democratic Theory | Post-Democracy | Democracy and Digitality | Participation | Democratic Governance in the 21st Century


[Translate to Englisch:] Prof. Dr. Joachim Schild

Comparative Politics and Jean-Monnet-Chair
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schild

French European policy | Franco-German relations | Political economy of European integration | Political System of the French Fifth Republic

Fachdidaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Matthias Busch

Geschichte der historisch-politischen Bildung | Demokratische Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung | Erinnerungskultur und Partizipation in europäischen Grenzräumen | Fächerübergreifendes Lernen im gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fächern | Lernen und Lehren in der digitalen Gesellschaft