Research Foci
International Organizations | United Nations | Theory and Practice of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy | Globalization and Global Governance | International Political Theory and Ethics of International Relations | Political thought of the 20th century | Politics and Governance in Germany | Language and Politics | Personality and Politics
Manuel Fröhlich holds the Chair of International Relations and Foreign Policy at Trier University. His academic stations after studying Political Science, History and English Literature in Mainz and Frankfurt include appointments as Research Assistant and Assistant Professor at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel. First as Junior (2003) and subsequently as Full Professor (2009) at Jena he established a study focus on "International Organizations and Globalization" at the Department of Political Science. At Trier University he established the interdisciplinary Master's program "International Relations & Diplomacy" (IBID) in 2020. Prof. Fröhlich engaged in a number of academic and societal activities: He served several years on the board and as President (2017-2019) of the German Society for Political Science (DGfP) and is one of the co-editors (since 2009) of the German Journal for Political Science ("Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft/ZPol"). He is one of the founders and co-editors of the publication series "The United Nations and Global Change" (Nomos Publishing since 2008). He also holds various tenures as elected member of the Federal Board (2003-2015) and Research Council of the German United Nations Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen/DGVN; Council Coordinator 2005-2009). He was elected to the Association's Presidium by the Members' Assembly (2002). Fröhlich also serves on the Advisory Council on UN policy of the German Foreign Office (since 2018). Other functions include Member of the Select Committee of the Carlo-Schmid-Program for Internships with International Organizations (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/DAAD), Fellow of the NRW School of Governance, Alumnus of the Senior-Level-Peacebuilding Course of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, John W. Holmes Memorial Lecturer of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Erasmus Exchange Professor at the University of Bologna and Laureate of the Presidential Teaching Award of Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena.