
“Transitions in Asia and Europe: Cultures, Societies and Nations” (with Hiroko Masumoto and Christian Soffel), Kobe University (2020).


“Cultural Finance – A World Map of Risk, Time and Money” (with Mei Wang and Thorsten Hens), World Scientific (2020)



[Translate to Englisch:]

"Solutions to Financial Economics: Exercises on Classical and Behavioral Finance", 220 pages (with Thorsten Hens), Springer Verlag (2019).


Financial Economics

“Financial Economics – a concise introduction to classical and behavioral finance”, approx. 400 pages., (with Thorsten Hens), Springer Verlag (2nd ed. 2016).


Optionen Derivate und strukturierte Produkte

„Optionen, Derivate und strukturierte Produkte – ein Praxisbuch“, ca. 350 S., NZZ-Verlag, Zürich und Verlag Schäffer Poeschel (2009, 2nd ed. 2016).