Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo J. Timm

Ingo J. Timm studied computer science at the University of Bremen with a focus on artificial intelligence (Diploma, 1997) and received his doctorate in 2003 for his thesis on "Dynamic conflict management as behavior control of intelligent software agents". In 2006 he received the venia legendi for "Computer Science" for his habilitation on "Strategic Management of Autonomous Software Systems".

From 1997 to 2006, Mr. Timm worked at the University of Bremen, the Technical University of Ilmenau and the Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI) as a PhD student, research assistant, visiting researcher, "senior researcher" and in 2006 also as the managing director of the Intelligent Systems department of the Technology Center for Computer Science. In 2006, Mr. Timm was appointed to the Chair of Business Information Systems and Simulation at the Goethe University Frankfurt and in 2010 he followed the call to Trier to the Chair of Business Information Systems I. Here he founded the Center for Informatics Research & Technologies (CIRT) in 2016 together with colleagues from the computer sciences, of which he is also the spokesman. Among other things, he is a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Trier and the subcommittee for the development of guidelines for application and review.

Professor Timm is co-spokesman of the Artificial Intelligence Department of the German Informatics Society (GI e.V.), member of the GI Presidential Working Group for Grand Challenges in Informatics and speaker of the GI Grand Challenge "Control of Systemic Risks in Global Networks". He is also a founding member of the GI working group "Autonomous Systems, Institutions and Law". Ingo TImm is also member of the ethics board of Trier University as well as of the thinktank "Zukunftsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit (ZOES)" (Perspectives in Public Safety).

Mr. Timm has published more than 150 scientific publications as author, co-author or editor and is a member of numerous program and organization committees of national and international workshops and conferences.

Description of a research focus:
The working group of Prof. Timm and the TriLabS (Trier Lab for Simulation)@CIRT is researching approaches to simulate knowledge-intensive processes using methods of distributed artificial intelligence (VKI), among others. In contrast to "simpler" material flow systems, the simulation of knowledge-intensive processes involves cognitive decision models and complex interactions between decision makers. Besides work on logic-based deliberation approaches of software agents, approaches for the strategic control of autonomous software systems are developed. Furthermore, Mr. Timm researches on the systematic planning, execution and evaluation of simulation studies and the development of intelligent assistance functions.