Admission regquirements

Below you find an overview for grade and language requirements. If you meet these requirements, please apply here.

You can also find personal help at the Admissions Office. For questions regarding the Master’s program M.Sc. Economics or the admission requirements, please contact Arina Wischnewsky from the Department of Economics, email to

Admission requirements at a glance...

...if you hold a Bachelor's Degree in Economics

Students who hold a Bachelor's Degree in Economics with a grade of 2.9 (German grade system) or better are admitted into the Master's Program.

...if you hold a Bachelor's Degree with Economics as a Minor

Students who hold a

  • Bachelor's Degree from the University of Trier in either Business Administration, Social Sciences, Information Systems or Business Mathematics
  • Bachelor's Degree from the University of Trier with Economics as a Minor, or
  • Bachelor's Degree that is equivalent to the degrees listed above and with at least 60 credit points in Economics, Mathematics and/or Statistics

are admitted if the grade is 2.5 or better. (Note: If the Examination Board considers an applicant to be basically qualified but lacking some specific knowledge in Economics, the Board may grant a preliminary admission with the additional requirement of passing some extra courses.)

...for the M.Sc. Applied Statistics

Please note the special admission requirements for the M.Sc. Applied Statistics.

Language requirements

Applicants who do not hold the German degree of the "allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife" have to prove their language proficiency in English. Further information can be found here.

Formal admission requirements

The formal admission requirements are stated in the General Examination Regulations of the University of Trier and in the Examination Regulations of the Department of Economics for the M.Sc. Economics.

Additional Information

* Formula for translation of a foreign grade point average (GPA) into a grade according to the German grade system:

[(G max – GPA) / (G max – G min)] x 3 + 1

G max – maximal grade according to the national grade system or to the official grade system of the home university
G min – minimal passing grade according to the national grade system or to the official grade system of the home university
GPA – grade point average of the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree

Example of grade translation:

1) The applicant comes from Belarus, their GPA of the Bachelor’s degree is 8,49.
The maximal grade in Belarus is 10, the minimal passing grade is 1
[(10-8,49) / (10-1)] x 3 + 1 = (1,51 / 9) x 3 + 1 = 0,1677 x 3 + 1 = 0,5031 + 1 = 1,5
The grade of the Bachelor’s degree according to the German grade system is 1,5.

2) The applicant has graduated from the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, their GPA of the Bachelor’s degree is 78.
The maximal grade at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy is 100, the minimal passing grade is 65
[(100-78) / (100-65)] x 3 + 1 = (22 / 35) x 3 + 1 = 0,6286 x 3 + 1 = 1,8858 + 1 = 2,8
The grade of the Bachelor’s degree according to the German grade system is 2,8 (this grade doesn’t fulfil our admission criteria).

** Example of the courses allowed by us for 60 credits in Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics:

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance, World (International) Economy, Labour Economics, Environmental Economics, Political Economics, Industrial Economics

Econometrics, Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Game Theory, Statistics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics