Program Content
The major focuses on the interaction between the economy and the natural environment. It deals with the causes of environmental problems and the management of scarce natural resources from an economic point of view. Questions of sustainability and the effects of environmental policy instruments are dealt with, as well as the optimal design of international agreements on resource consumption and environmental protection. Methodologically, a broad spectrum of economics is applied, from applied microeconomics and econometrics to integrated assessment models. Numerous interdisciplinary interfaces open the horizon beyond purely economic considerations into natural science, law and political science.
Registration of additional modules
As listed in the appendix of the examination regulations (Link), it is generally possible to choose modules with a maximum scope of 20 CP as "additional modules". This means that successfully completed modules are listed on the transcript after graduation, but the grades are not included in the calculation of the overall final grade. The examination office must be informed via e-mail about the participation in an examination as part of such an additional module prior to examination registration via PORTA. As soon as the examination office confirms the assignment of the examination as an additional module, participation in this context is possible. Note: Once an examination has been taken in another module, it cannot be subsequently converted into an additional module.
Professional Outlook
Environmental economists work in numerous professional fields. Expertise in this subject opens up a broad field of activity and excellent career opportunities: from environmental protection management in industrial companies to sustainability consulting in management consultancies, green investment on the capital market, and occupations in administration. In addition, this specialization qualifies students for further academic careers, whether in the form of individual doctoral projects or graduate programs.