Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jobst Meyer

Universität Trier
Forschungsinstitut für Psychobiologie
Abteilung Verhaltensgenetik
Johanniterufer 15
Raum 1.180
D-54290 Trier

Tel: +49 (0)651 - 201 3713
Fax: +49 (0)651 - 201 3738
E-Mail: meyerjo(-at-)

Curriculum Vitae


2002 - present

Full Professor (W2) of Behavioral Genetics at the University of Trier,
Institute of Psychobiology, Head of the Department of Neurobehavioral Genetics
Research topics:
Psychiatric genetics, ADHD, Stress research, Epigenetics, Triple-X Syndrome, Primary Hyperhidrosis
functional characterization of gene variants, Neuroeconomics

2012 - present

Member of the “focus of research” (“Forschungsschwerpunkt“) “Psychobiology of stress“; established at the University of Trier in 2012

2005 - 2011Member of the International Research Training Group (“Internationales Graduiertenkolleg“) “Psychoendocrinology of Stress: From Molecules and Genes to Affect and Cognition“ (GRK 1389/1; funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG)
1996 - 2002                                        Postdoctoral fellow, University of Wuerzburg, Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
(Klaus-Peter Lesch’s group)
Main research topic:
Monogenic inheritance in otherwise complexly inherited psychiatric traits
1995Award of the German Society of Human Genetics (together with Thomas Wagner and Jutta Wirth) for identifying SOX9 as the causative gene for Campomelic Dysplasia
1993 - 1996            Postdoctoral fellow, University of Freiburg, Department of Human Genetics
(Gerd Scherer’s group)
Research topics:
Sex determination, positional cloning of the gene causing Campomelic Dysplasia, functional studies of mutations, contig assembly
1993Dr. rer. nat. in Zoology („magna cum laude“); University of Tuebingen
(Hans-Joachim Lipps’ group)
Research topics:
Anti-HIV-1 gene therapy, ciliate molecular biology
1989Diploma thesis at the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Ulm
(Horst Hameister’s group)
Research topic:
Mapping and order of genes around the Myc locus at mouse chromosome 15
1983 - 1989     University of Ulm, studies of Biology (Diploma)


Jobst Meyer`s Publications

August 2018