Andreas J. W. Goldschmidt, Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas J. W. Goldschmidt  [→ see also in → German]
Health Care Management und Logistics
Managing Director of IHCI (01.04.2003 - 30.11.2017)

NOTE: Please contact in all questions concerning the IHCI Mr. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingo Timm (Business Information Systems I) starting from 01.12.2017.

International Health Care Management Institute (IHCI)
University of Trier, Faculty IV (WiSo/WI)
Campus II (H323), Behringstraße
D-54286 Trier (Germany)

Phone: +49 651 201-4160
Fax: +49 651 201 4170

Picture: Bibliomed-TV on behalf of IHCI+zfb on Jan, 24 2013

Health economist, medical information scientist and biostatistician, career changer into medicine. Professional practice in the universities of Frankfurt on the Main and Bonn with advanced training periods in Cambridge / United Kingdom, Cleveland / Ohio and Venice / Italy. Board member in the private sector in Luxembourg. 2003-2017 full professor in "health care management" and logistics at the Univ. of Trier: International Health Care Management Institute and Centre for Health Economics ( - Lecturer in "public health / social medicine" at the business school of the university of applied sciences Rhein-Main in Wiesbaden (since 2018) and in  "health and medical management" at the university of applied sciences FOM of Economics and Management in Frankfurt Main (since 2017). Speaker of health and social management FOM Essen (headquarters). Starting in Dec. 2017 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas J.W. Goldschmidt will be only on some research apointments present in Trier. - Musical background: Lessons for bass, mandolin and classical guitar at the Waldorf schools Ueberlingen on Lake Constance as well as Frankfurt / Main (most recently at Conductor Langkamp from the Musikhochschule Frankfurt / M.),  studies / research on music therapy. - NOTE: 11th ZfG symposium with farewell lecture - "Perspectives and Ethics in Health Management" for retirement and career change of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas J.W. Goldschmidt on tuesday Nov. 7th 2017 (2: 30-6: 00 pm), Campus 2, Room K101 ("Chapel"), University of Trier

Actual research fields and -projects

Health Care-Management and -Logistics, Music Therapy, e-procurement, Health Economics, Medical Controlling, Health Information Systems, Telematics, Clinical Trials. Special research areas are music therapy, pattern recognition, simulation and optimization of processes and organizations. Examples: Nurses survey-2012 of IHCI [Copyright] ( and Patient care close to place of residence Trier+ ( Actual reasearch projects (see also


eHealth / Business Informatics, Study projects, Research internships und Seminars (see also External teachings: - Biostatistics, - Health Care Management and Logistics, - Informationsmanagement / Business Intelligence; Elements: Operations Strategy / Operations Management, Corporate Governance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Health Care Logistics, Biostatistics+Epidemiology, Hospital Information Systems, Management Information Systems.

Boards/examples of transparency

see germany c.v.

Last revision: Apr, 19 2016 <admin>

Literature, Presentations, Memberships, Interviews

Literature list as of 07-2017
Publications list as of 07 2017

Presentations/Abstracts list as of 07-2017
Presentations list as of 07 2017

Memberships and so on as of 01-2017
Membership and so on as of 01 2017

Some Radio- and TV-Interviews

Publications (open shared examples)
Publications (some open shared examples for public download