
Die Statistik ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Bachelor-Studiengänge der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Die Grundausbildung in Statistik gliedert sich in die Lehrveranstaltungen Statistik I (Deskriptive Statistik) und Statistik II (Induktive Statistik). Mit der Grundausbildung sollen allgemeine Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Zahlen und Daten im Sinne der Statistik vermittelt werden.

Im einzelnen werden folgende Themen schwerpunktmäßig behandelt:

  • Spezielle Kennzahlen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik
  • Für die schließende Statistik notwendige Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, von Zufallsvariablen und Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen, sowie allgemeine Kenntnisse der schließenden Statistik
  • Grundkenntnisse im Schätzen und Testen

Des Weiteren bietet die Professur die Veranstaltung Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Teil A): Einführung in die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung an. 

Diese können sie im Rahmen ihres Studiums als VWL-Spezialisierung belegen oder aber auch als Wahlfach, in letzterem Fall heißt dieses, Wirtschaftsstatistik (in Porta aber dennoch nur als Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Teil A): Einführung in die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung zu finden). Die Veranstaltung "Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Teil A)" ist im Rahmen des Kernfach-Bachelor-Studiums in Volkswirtschaftslehre auch als Wahlfach belegbar. Dies ist bspw. im Bachelor-Studium "Economics and Finance" nicht der Fall. Konkrete Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der für Sie relevanten Prüfungsordnung und den Seiten der Studienberatung Ihres Faches. 

Durch die Erbringung einer Prüfungsleistung in dieser Veranstaltung, können sie sich dieses Fach als VWL-Spezialisierung oder Wahlfach anrechnen lassen. 

Beachten Sie bitte, dass eine doppelte Anrechnung der Veranstaltung nicht möglich ist.

Applied Statistics, M.Sc.

A survey might best be described as a method used to gather rather detailed information from a sample (i.e. a usually very small subset of a population of interest) of individuals, households, firms, etc. (see Scheuren, 2004, p. 9). Survey statistics is concerned with the planning, scientific monitoring, and statistical analysis of surveys and the data gathered. The master programme in Survey Statistics at Trier University focusses on modern applied methods of statistics. Due to the Economic and Social Statistics Department’s main research priorities, a special emphasis is put on computational survey statistics. Thereby, the programme mainly caters to the ever evolving demands in the fields of institutional and official statistics. Consequently, Trier University was the first German university to offer the EU certificate European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS). Furthermore, students can get insights into actual statistical research through the Research Institute for Official and Survey Statistics (RIFOSS) located at Trier University.

As the need for evidence-based policies, and consequently for sound complex data analyses, rises, the need for well-trained applied statisticians increases as well. Through its structure, the master programme ensures that students are not only trained in statistics but also get insights into subject matters like economics, social sciences, etc., creating a multidisciplinary environment. Graduates are thus able to fine-tune their profile to their desired future line of work. This ability is further enhanced by a collaboration with the University of Bamberg and Freie Universität Berlin that ensures a broad spectrum of lectures from which students may choose. An international double master’s degree with the University of Pisa as well as studying abroad using ERASMUS funding are possible. Double master’s degrees in combination with Business Mathematics, Data Science, Economics, and Economic Sociology provide further possibilities for students to shape their individual study tracks.

Trier is located close to the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) and other European institutions in Luxembourg. It is not far from the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) in Wiesbaden and the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) in Frankfurt am Main either. Accordingly, high-profile internship opportunities are close by. Graduates will typically work in national statistical institutes (NSIs), central banks, or quantitatively oriented research institutes or pursue Ph.D. studies (for excellent students especially at the Economic and Social Statistics Department) and an academic career. Other likely future employers are banks and investment fund corporations, consultancies, market research firms, international organisations, and governmental agencies.

Data Science, M.Sc.

Data Science is becoming a key component of any large business in the world, which is why three of our main facultys decided to join together to create an interdisciplinary program teaching this subject. 

The profile of the master's program in Data Science is characterized by:

  • a unique interdisciplinary curriculum integrating aspects from computer science, mathematics and statistics witha focus on data science
  • all courses are taught in English language
  • introductory courses on computer science, mathematics and statistics in the first semester enable taking up the study program with a diversity of bachelor degrees
  • E-learning courses can be attended in the beginning, in order to compensate for different knowledge levels
  • compulsory research project (10 credits) as introduction to independent scientific work
  • broad selection of specialty courses with free choice
  • double degree masters in combination with computer science, business computer science, applied mathematics, business mathematics and survey statistics

General Information


Scripts and Documents:Stud.IP

You will have access to the documents in Stud.IP within 36 hours after registration for the lectures in PORTA. If any problems occur, please contact us!

You will find further information on all lectures in PORTA!

Examination Regulations for the Master Program Data Science: PO MA DS


IMPORTANT NEWS - Registration for Examinations and Lectures in PORTA

New General Examination Regulations have entered into force recently!

These regulations prescribe that all students have to register for lectures  AS WELL AS for examinations in PORTA-System at Trier University.

Please note that these regulations are also applicable for lectures which are offered as video conferences from Berlin and Bamberg University! In these cases you have to enroll both in PORTA for lecture and examination and to register (mostly per mail) for the course and the exam at the external university.
ERASMUS-Students or other international student who cannot register to PORTA have to sign in in our secretary's office for all examinations! In case of video conferences, please contact the external university as well as our chair!

Please consider these rules carefully, as otherwise you might cause problems with the approval of your achieved grades.

You will find registration periods for the lectures right below this note as well as on the PORTA start page. In case you fail to register in PORTA for a lecture (although you have carefully observed the rules), please contact us per mail to and tell us your exact course of studies including your current examination regulations (PO) as well as the exact module name for which you wish the lecture to be credited!

Registration periods for the examinations will be provided by the Hochschulprüfungsamt (examination office).