Publikationen, Policy Briefs und transdisziplinäre Produkte
Ahmed, A.; Bruns. A. (2024) Energy poverty and the proliferation of heterogeneous infrastructure configurations in Accra: implications for urban energy governance in African cities. Urban Forum.
Bruns, A., Adscheid, T. (2023) Stadtplanung als koloniale Praxis und alltägliche Praktiken der urbanen Transformation. In: Bauriedl, S. & I. Carstensen-Egwuom. Geographien von Kolonialität. transcript Verlag.
Wiegleb, V., Bruns, A. (2023) Working the boundary: science–policy interactions and uneven knowledge politics in IPBES. Sustainability Science.
Bruns, A.; Meisch, S.; Ahmed, A.; Meissner, R.; Romero-Lankao, P. (2022) Nexus disrupted: Lived Realities and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the urban and beyond. Geoforum.
Castillo Jara, E., Bruns, A. (2022): Contested notions of energy justice and energy futures in struggles over tar sands development in British Columbia, Canada. In: Futures 138, S. 102921. DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2022.102921
Alba, R., Bruns, A. (2021) First-Class but not for Long: Heterogeneous Infrastructure and Water Bricolage in Accra’s Kiosk Compounds. Urban Forum.
Bruns, A., Braun, B. (2021): Nachhaltigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation. In: Schneider-Sliwa R., R. Wehrhahn, I. Helbrecht, B. Braun [Hrsg.] Humangeographie, Westermann.
Bruns, A. (2021) Der WEF-Nexus in Städten des Globalen Südens aus Perspektive der Urbanen Politischen Ökologie. In: Becker, S.; Klagge, B.; Naumann, N. [Hrsg.] Lehrbuch Energiegeographie. UTB.
Bruns, A., Bartels L.E. (2021): Urbane Wassergerechtigkeit. Wasser, Infrastrukturen und ungleiche Stadtentwicklung in Accra. In: Geographische Rundschau (6), S. 18-21
Bruns, A.; Fünfgeld, H. (2021): Universalisierung und Entpolitisierung von Klimawandelanpassung? Kritische Perspektiven auf die anwendungsorientierte Klimawandelanpassungsforschung. STANDORT.
Bruns, A. (2021): Wasser: Sprudelnde Gewinne aus einer verschmutzten Lebensgrundlage. Welthaus Info. Schwerpunktheft Wasser. Heft 23.
Niewind, J. (2021): Vulnerabilitätsstudie: Klimawandel und Weinbau an der Mittelmosel. Mosel-AdapTiV Ergebnisbericht 2. Governance and Sustainability Lab. Universität Trier. Trier.
Bruns, A. (2020): No more Riesling? Anpassung an den Klimawandel im Moselweinbau. Ergebnisse eines studentischen Lehrforschungsprojektes - eine Kurzstudie. Mosel-AdapTiV Ergebnisbericht 1. Governance and Sustainability Lab. Universität Trier. Trier.
Kanesu, R.; Wille, C. (2020): Editorial: Borders and COVID-19. In: Borders in Perspective UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue. Bordering in Pandemic Times: Insights into the COVID-19 Lockdown, Vol. 4, p. 9; DOI:
Adscheid, T. (2020): Relating to the inhuman Anthropocene: Nature-culture narratives and the politics of space-time. In: Borders in Perspective - UniGR-CBS thematic issue. B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations. Vol. 5, S. 42-56. DOI:
Bruns, A.; Kanesu, R. (2020): Editorial: B/ordering the Anthropocene. In: Borders in Perspective - UniGR-CBS thematic issue. B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations. Vol. 5, S. 6-8.
Kanesu, R.; Bruns, A. (2020): Durchlässige Grenzen im Anthropozän: über multiple Grenzverschiebungen und Wasser als räumliches, zeitliches und ontologisches Grenzobjekt In: Borders in Perspective - UniGR-CBS thematic issue. B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations. Vol. 5, S. 24-39. DOI:
Alba, R.; Kooy, M.; Bruns, A. (2020): Conflicts, cooperation and experimentation: Analysing the politics of urban water through Accra’s heterogeneous water supply infrastructure. In: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 251484862097534. DOI: 10.1177/2514848620975342. 1-22.
Alba, R.; Klepp, S.; Bruns, A. (2020): Environmental justice and the politics of climate change adaptation – the case of Venice. Geographica Helvetica.
Bruns, A. (2020) Crises in the Anthropocene through and beyond Corona. Undisciplined Perspectives from the Governance & Sustainability Lab. Trier University.
Bartels, L.; Bruns, A.; Simon, D. (2020): Towards Situated Analyses of Uneven Peri-Urbanization: An (Urban) Political Ecology Perspective. Antipode. DOI: 10.1111/anti.12632
Bruns, A. (2020): Provincializing Degrowth: Alternativen zu Entwicklung und der Globale Süden. In: Bastian Lange/Martina Hülz/Christian Schulz/Ben Schmid (Hrsg.) Geographien des Postwachstum. transcript Verlag. S. 241-256 (Full Open Access)
Bruns, A. (2020): Bewertung des Postwachstumsansatzes – Perspektiven aus dem Süden. Themenheft Postwachstum in der Raumentwicklung. politische ökologie 160. S. 79-84.
Akubia, J. E. K.; Ahmed, A.; Bruns, A. (2020): Assessing how Land-Cover Change associated with Urbanisation affects Ecological Sustainability in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. Land.
Bartels, Lara E. (2019): Peri-urbanization as "Quiet Encroachment" of the middle class. The case in P&T in Greater Accra. In: Urban Geography. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2019.1664810. (Full text)
Alba, R., Bruns, A., Bartels, Lara E., Kooy M. (2019): Water Brokers: Exploring Urban Water Governance through the Practices of Tanker Water Supply in Accra. In: Water 11(9). DOI: 10.3390/w11091919. (Full text)
Bartels, L.; Bruns, A. (2019). „Die Rolle der Mittelklasse im informellen Siedlungsbau“. Geographische Rundschau. 11/2019, 18-23.
Kondra, Maria (2019): Understanding the mechanisms that shape access to the fisheries ecosystem service in Tsokomey, Accra. Governance and Sustainability Lab. Trier University. Trier. WaterPower Working Paper, No. 17. (Full text)
Schulz, K., Bruns, A. (2019): Cross-movement alliances as a novel form of agency to increase socially just arrangements in urban climate governance. Jeroen van der Heijden, Harriet Bulkeley, and Chiara Certomà (Eds) The Politics of Urban Climate Futures: Increasing Agency and Contested Empowerment. Cambridge University Press. S. 98-115.
Bruns, A. (2019) Das Anthropozän und die große Transformation – Perspektiven für eine kritische raumwissenschaftliche Governanceforschung. In: Abassiharofteh, M.; Baier, J.; Göb, A.; Thimm, I.; Eberth, A.; Knaps, F.; Larjosto, V.; Zebner, F. (Hrsg.) Räumliche Transformation. Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns. Forschungsberichte der ARL 10. Hannover. S. 53-64
Solecki, W., Grimm, N., Marcotullio, P., Boone, C., Bruns, A., Lobo, J., Luque, A., Romero‐Lankao, P., Young, A., Zimmerman, R. (2019): Extreme events and climate adaptation‐mitigation linkages: Understanding low‐carbon transitions in the era of global urbanization. In: WIREs Climate Change 53 (1), S. 189.
Huq, N., Bruns, A., Ribbe, L. (2019): Interactions between freshwater ecosystem services and land cover changes in southern Bangladesh: A perspective from short-term (seasonal) and long-term (1973-2014) scale. In: The Science of the total environment 650 (Pt 1), S. 132–143. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.430. (Full text)
Wiegleb, Viviana; Bruns, Antje (2018): What Is Driving the Water-Energy-Food Nexus? Discourses, Knowledge, and Politics of an Emerging Resource Governance Concept. In: Front. Environ. Sci. 6, S. 870. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00128. (Full text)
Bartels, Lara E.; Bruns, Antje; Alba, Rossella (2018): The production of uneven access to land and water in peri-urban spaces: de facto privatisation in greater Accra. In: Local Environment 23 (12), S. 1172–1189. DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2018.1533932 (Full text)
Bruns, Antje; Gerend, Jennifer (2018): In search of a decolonial urban transformation. GAIA 27 (3), S. 293– 297. (Full text)
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia; Bhaduri, Anik; Bruns, Antje (2018): Editorial special issue: The Nexus of water, energy and food – An environmental governance perspective. In: Environmental Science & Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.06.021. (Full text)
Romero-Lankao, Patricia; Bruns, Antje; Wiegleb, Viviana (2018): From risk to WEF security in the city: The influence of interdependent infrastructural systems. In: Environmental Science & Policy.
Wiegleb, Viviana; Bruns, Antje (2018): Hydro-social arrangements and paradigmatic change in water governance: an analysis of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). In: Sustain Sci 13 (4), S. 1155–1166. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0518-1. (Full text)
Akiedu, P.; Boakye, W.; Akubia, John E., Baghel, Ravi; Bruns, Antje (2018) Science-Policy Workshop on Water and Energy: The role of Water-Energy interlinkages in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). WaterPower Working Paper No. 16. Trier. Trier University, Governance & Sustainability Lab.
Bartels, Lara E.; Mayer, Andreas; Erb, Karl-Heinz (2017): Exploring potential socio-ecological impacts of changes to the Loliondo Gamed Controlled Area, Northern Tanzania: the case of the pastoral village Ololosokwan. In: Journal of Land Use Science 12 (1), S. 87–103. DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2016.1249972. (Full text)
Gerend, Jennifer (2017): The impacts of e-commerce on the high street: Nascent responses in Germany. In: Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal 10 (3), S. 266–275.
Gerend, Jennifer; Novak, Mathew (2017): Planning for retail change: a survey of municipal governments in Washington State. In: Planning Practice & Research 32 (2), S. 120–131. DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2016.1222145. (Full text)
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny; Baghel, Ravi; Bruns, Antje (2017): Institutional bricolage and the production of vulnerability to floods in an urbanising delta in Accra. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 26, S. 57–68. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.09.030. (Full text)
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny; Bruns, Antje (2017): Disparities in the implementation gap: adaptation to flood risk in the Densu Delta, Accra, Ghana. In: Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 37 (1), S. 1–16. DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2017.1343136. (Full text)
Huq, Nazmul; Bruns, Antje; Ribbe, Lars; Huq, Saleemul (2017): Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services Based Climate Change Adaptation (EbA) in Bangladesh: Status, Challenges and Opportunities. In: Sustainability 9 (6), S. 926. DOI: 10.3390/su9060926. (Full text)
Li, Yangfan; Qiu, Jianhui; Zhao, Bo; Pavao-Zuckerman, Mitchell; Bruns, Antje; Qureshi, Salman et al. (2017): Quantifying urban ecological governance: A suite of indices characterizes the ecological planning implications of rapid coastal urbanization. In: Ecological Indicators 72, S. 225–233. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.08.021. (Full text)
Nüsser, Marcus; Baghel, Ravi (2017): The emergence of technological hydroscapes in the Anthropocene: Socio-hydrology and development paradigms of large dams. In: Barney Warf (Hg.): Handbook on geographies of technology. Cheltenham, UK, Northhampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing (Research handbooks in geography), S. 287–301. (Full text)
Patterson, James; Schulz, Karsten; Vervoort, Joost; van der Hel, Sandra; Widerberg, Oscar; Adler, Carolina et al. (2017): Exploring the governance and politics of transformations towards sustainability. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 24, S. 1–16. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2016.09.001. (Full text)
Schulz, Karsten (2017): Decolonising the Anthropocene: The mytho-politics of human mastery. In: Marc Woons und Sebastian Weier (Hg.): Critical epistemologies of global politics. Bristol, England: E-International Relations, S. 46–62.
Schulz, Karsten (2017): Decolonizing political ecology: ontology, technology and 'critical' enchantment. In: JPE 24 (1), S. 125. DOI: 10.2458/v24i1.20789. (Full text)
Faling, Marijn; Garard, Jennifer; Schouten, Greetje; Schulz, Karsten; Veeger, Mareike; Vervoort, Joost; Rutting, Lucas (2017): Innovative Participatory Research Methods in Earth System Governance. In: Annual Review of social Partnerships (12), S. 76–80. (Full text)
Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny (2017): GIS – what can and what can’t it say about social relations in adaptation to urban flood risk? Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier. WaterPower Working Paper, No. 15. (Full text)
Bartels, Lara E. (2016): Contested Land in Loliondo: The Eastern Border of the Serengeti National Park Between Conservation, Hunting Tourism, and Pastoralism. In: Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Helmut Haberl et al. (Hg.): Land Use Competition, Bd. 52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 149–164. (Full text)
Alba, Rossella; Bolding, Alex (2016): IWRM Avant la Lettre? Four Key Episodes in the Policy Articulation of IWRM in Downstream Mozambique. In: Water Alternatives 9 (3), S. 549–568. (Full text)
Alba, Rossella; Bolding, Alex; Ducrot, Raphaëlle (2016): The Politics of Water Payments and Stakeholder Participation in the Limpopo River Basin, Mozambique. In: Water Alternatives 9 (3), S. 569–587. (Full text)
Bolding, Alex; Alba, Rossella (2016): Viewpoint – IWRM and I. A Reflexive Travelogue of the Flows and Practices Research Team. In: Water Alternatives 9 (3), S. 662–678. (Full text)
Bruns, Antje (2016): Wasser- und Bodenschutz. In: Wolfgang Riedel, Horst Lange, Eckhard Jedicke und Markus Reinke (Hg.): Landschaftsplanung. 3., neu bearbeitete, aktualisierte Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum (Springer Reference Naturwissenschaften), S. 411–418. (Full text)
Bruns, Antje; Kondra, Maria; Alba, Rossella; Akubia, John E.; Bartels, Lara E.; Frick, Fanny; Schulz, Karsten (2016): WaterPower. Studying physical and sociopolitical factors in water security. Kumasi, Ghana (Briefing Paper for the 39th WEDC International Conference)
Bruns, Antje; Krueger, Tobias; Lankford, Bruce; Frick, Fanny; Grasham, Catherine; Spitzbart-Glasl, Christina (2016): A Water Perspective on Land Competition. In: Jörg Niewöhner,
Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Helmut Haberl et al. (Hg.): Land Use Competition, Bd. 16. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 313–332. (Full text)
Frick, Fanny (2016): Travelling Through the Densu Delta: Location, Place and Space in the Waterscape. In: Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Helmut Haberl et al. (Hg.): Land Use Competition, Bd. 23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 333–346. (Full text)
Krueger, Tobias; Maynard, Carly; Carr, Gemma; Bruns, Antje; Mueller, Eva Nora; Lane, Stuart (2016): A transdisciplinary account of water research. In: WIREs. Water 3 (3), S. 369–389. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1132. (Full text)
Müller, Daniel; Haberl, Helmut; Bartels, Lara E.; Baumann, Matthias; Beckert, Marvin; Levers, Christian et al. (2016): Competition for Land-Based Ecosystem Services: Trade-Offs and Synergies. In: Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Helmut Haberl et al. (Hg.): Land Use Competition, Bd. 68. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 127–147. (Full text)
Niewöhner, Jörg; Bruns, Antje; Haberl, Helmut; Hostert, Patrick; Krueger, Tobias; Lauk, Christian et al. (2016): Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives. In: Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Helmut Haberl et al. (Hg.): Land Use Competition. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 1–17. (Full text)
Niewöhner, Jörg; Bruns, Antje; Hostert, Patrick; Krueger, Tobias; Nielsen, Jonas Ø.; Haberl, Helmut et al. (Hg.) (2016): Land Use Competition. Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Full text)
Schulz, Karsten; Siriwardane, Rapti (2016): The Risk Frontier: Perceiving Social Transformations in Rural and Peri-urban West Africa Through a Territorial Lens. In: Joseph Awetori Yaro und Jan Hesselberg (Hg.): Adaptation to climate change and variability in rural West Africa. Switzerland: Springer, S. 171–189. (Full text)
Bruns, Antje (2016): Syllabus: Teaching Socio-Hydrology. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 13 (Full text)
Alba, Rossella; Bartels, Lara E. (2016): Stakeholder Mapping. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 12 (Full text)
Schulz, Karsten; Bruns, Antje (2016): Toward a Political Ecology of Biosocial Relations. Rethinking the Urban Water Metabolism Beyond the City. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier. WaterPower Working Paper, No. 11 (Full text)
Akubia, John E. (2016): Coastal Urbanisation and Urban Land-use change in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 10 (Full text)
Kondra, Maria (2016): The status of the wetlands in the Greater Accra Region. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 9. (Full text)
Wiegleb, Viviana (2016): Transition Pathways towards Sustainability and Hydro-Social Arrangements in Global Environmental Governance: An Analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier. WaterPower Working Paper, No. 8. (Full text)
Tyroller, Larissa (2016): Changing Socio-Ecological Dynamics in an African Peri-Urban Wetland. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 7 (Full text)
Alba, Rossella; Bartels, Lara E. (2016): Featuring water infrastructure, service provision and access in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 6 (Full text)
Wiegleb, Viviana (2016): A Literature Review on Wetlands in Accra. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 5 (Full text)
Alba, Rossella (2016): Featuring Urban Water Supply Governance: an overview. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 4 (Full text)
Bartels, Lara E. (2016): The Uneven Waters of Accra and the Concept of Environmental Justice - Towards New Pathways of Analyzing Water Inequalities. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 3 (Full text)
Frick, Fanny (2016): Risk and Adaptation in (African) Cities. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier.
WaterPower Working Paper, No. 2 (Full text)
Bruns, Antje (2016): Urban Waterscapes. Collision of Mega-Trends in Accra, Ghana. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier. WaterPower Working Paper, No. 1
Find full publication lists on the individual websites of the Lab staff and on WaterPower
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