Lara Esther Bartels

Lara has a sound interdisciplinary background. Trained as a sociologist in Bielefeld, she focused on developmental and environmental sociology as well as qualitative methods. At the Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna she completed her M.Sc. in Social- and Human Ecology with a specialisation on land use change. She then worked as an intern for the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) on the project "Natural Resource Management" in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, before coming to start her PhD
in the WaterPower project at the Geography Institute at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, now based at Trier University.

Doctoral Thesis
Access to land and water in a rapidly urbanising Accra, Ghana. Taking the peri-urban interface into focus

Research Interests

Access to and control over land and water, conflicts over resources, socio-ecological inequalities, (peri-) urbanization, peri-urban spaces, Sub-Saharan Africa, political ecology


Bartels, L.E. (2019): Peri-urbanization as "Quiet Encroachment" of the middle class. The case in P&T in Greater Accra. In: Urban Geography.

Alba, R., Bruns, A., Bartels L.E., Kooy M. (2019). Water Brokers: Exploring Urban Water Governance through the Practices of Tanker Water Supply in Accra. In: Water 11.

Bartels, L. E.; Bruns, Antje; Alba, Rossella (2018): The production of uneven access to land and water in peri-urban spaces: de facto privatisation in greater Accra. In: Local Environment 23 (12), 1172–1189.

Bartels, L. E.; Mayer, A.;  Erb, K.-H. (2017): Exploring potential socio-ecological impacts of changes to the Loliondo Gamed Controlled Area, northern Tanzania: the case of the pastoral village Ololosokwan, Land Use Science 12 (1), pp 87-103

Bartels, L. E., Bruns, A. (2016). Land Disputes and Water Business? The Privatization and Commodification of Land and Water and its hidden Solidarities, Insights from Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana. paper presented at the international conference: Accessing Water in Africa: emerging paradigms between risks, resiliences and new solidarities. 4th – 6th of July 2016, Paris.

Bartels, L. E. (2016): Contested land in Loliondo: the strip along the eastern boarder of the Serengeti National Park between conservation, hunting tourism and pastoralism. In: Niewöhner, J., Bruns, A., Hostert, P., Krüger, T., Nielsen, J.Ø., Haberl, H., Lauk, C., Lutz, J., Müller, D. (Eds.) Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives, Springer
Müller, D.; Haberl, H.; Bartels, L. E.; Baumann, M.; Beckert, M.; Levers, C.; Schierhorn, F.; Zscheischler, J.; Havlik, P.; Hostert, P.; Mertz, O.; Smith, P. (2016): Competition for land-based ecosystem services: Trade-offs and synergies. In: Niewöhner, J., Bruns, A., Hostert, P., Krüger, T., Nielsen, J.Ø., Haberl, H., Lauk, C., Lutz, J., Müller, D. (Eds.) Land Use Competition. Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives, Springer

Bartels, L. E. (2016): The Uneven Waters of Accra and the concept of Environmental Justice. Towards new pathways of analyzing water inequalities. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier, WaterPower Working Paper, 3

Alba, R.; Bartels, L. E. (2016): Featuring water infrastructure, service provision and access in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier, WaterPower Working Paper, 6

Alba, R.; Bartels, L. E. (2016): Stakeholder Mapping. Governance and Sustainability Lab, Trier University. Trier, WaterPower Working Paper, 12

Exner, A.; Bartels, L. E.; Windhaber, M.; Fritz, S.; See, L.; Politti, E.; Hochleithner, S. (2015): Constructing landscapes of value. Capitalist investment for the acquisition of marginal or unused land - the case of Tanzania. In: Land Use Policy 42, pp 652-663

Bartels, L. E. (2014): Socio-Ecological Impacts of Land Grabbing for Nature Conservation on a Pastoral Community: A HANPP-based Case Study in Ololosokwan Village, Northern Tanzania,
Social Ecology Working Paper 149


Email: bartelsluni-trierde
Phone: +49 (0)651/201-4317

Governance & Sustainability Lab
Fachbereich VI - Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften
Universität Trier
54286 Trier