M.Sc. Fenet Jima Bedaso
Externe Doktorandin
E-Mail s4febeda@uni-trier.
Recent Working Papers
"The Labor Market Intergration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany", GLO, No. 884, 2021
"Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia," GLO Discussion Paper No. 1393, 2024.
"Her Job, her Safety? Domestic Violence and Woman's Economic Empowerment: Evidence from Ethiopia," GLO Discussion Paper No. 1436, 2024.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role? British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 62, 2024, pp. 262-292 (with Uwe Jirjahn)