Workshop Scholarly Writing and Publishing Today (January 2020)

Key information

  • Venue: University of Trier, Campus I, Guest room of the Mensa
  • Date: from January 30, 2020 at 10:30 to January 31st, 2020 at 17:00
  • Coordination and contact: Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch,

Description of the Workshop

Over the last five to ten years, many tools and services for schlolarly writing have appeared that break the boundaries of established Word processing applications used on an individual desktop computer. Typically, these writing tools are web-based, can be used collaboratively and allow for flexible output formats. Some of them, like Google Docs, do not require payment to be used, but raise issues related to data privacy. Others, like Citavi, may not raise this type of concern but require universities to purchase campus licences for their students and staff. Other platforms still, like, provide a free service but embed adverstisements into the website and sometimes lack functionality that is essential to researchers.

This workshop on Scholarly Writing and Publishing aims to introduce the participants to state-of-the art tools and services for writing and publishing in the digital age that are adapted to scholarly use, are available for free, are web-based and allow for collaboration and exchange. They range from the management of bibliographic data, to writing of scholarly articles and the dissemination of research using scholarly blogging. The workshop will be concluded with a lecture on the future of scholarly publishing.

The workshop targets advanced Master students and Early Career Researchers from the University of Trier, the University of Luxemburg and beyond. All sessions will be conducted in English. The workshop will take place at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities; it will start on January 30 at 10:30 and end on January 31 no later than 16:00. Registration will be possible starting in early December on this page.

This workshop is offered in cooperation with C2DH (Center for Concemporary and Digital History) of the University of Luxemburg as well as with DARIAH-DE (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).

Provisional Programme

Thursday, January 30

  • 10:30: Registration
  • 10:45-11:00 Welcome and Introduction
  • 11:00-12:30 Scholarly Blogging (1): Motivations and ways to become a scholarly blogger; types of scholarly blogs and suitable themes (Dr. Ulrike Stockhausen, Bonn)
  • 13:45-15:15 Scholarly Blogging (2): Setting up a blog on and first steps with Wordpress: writing, theming, media, publishing (Dr. Ulrike Stockhausen, Bonn)
  • 15:30-17:00 Bibliography management (1): Using Zotero to collect, curate, organize, store and retrieve bibliographical data for research (Ariadne Baresch, Trier)
  • 17:00-18:00 Lecture: Scholarly Publishing Beyond the PDF: Publication of Data, with Data and as Data (Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch, Trier)

Friday, January 31

  • 9:00-10:30 Bibliography management (2): Three ways to build a bibliography when writing a paper using Zotero: copy single references; using tags and copying bibliography; fully-automated integration. (Julia Röttgermann, Trier)
  • 11:00-12:30 Writing Scholarly Publications with Fiduswriter (1): An introduction to Fiduswriter. First steps: account, basic functions. (Henning Gebhard, Trier)
  • 13:45-15:15 Writing Scholarly Publications with Fiduswriter (2): Integrating a bibliography, exporting with templates.
  • 15:15-15:30 Wrap-up session (Henning Gebhard, Trier)


  • Dr. Ulrike Stockhausen
  • Henning Gebhard
  • Julia Röttgermann
  • Ariadne Baresch


Description of the Workshop Series

The workshop described here is part of a series of workshops jointly organized and conducted by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH, University of Trier) and the Center for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH, University of Luxemburg). The aim of the workshop series is to provide a co-ordinated and coherent programme of workshops on Digital and Multimedia Literacy aimed specifically at early-career researchers (particularly Ph.D. researchers, Post-Docs and Junior/Assistant Professors) who wish to expand their range of use and their competencies of digital and multimedia tools and services in their scholarly work, both in the sense of research methods and in the sense of techniques for scholarly work. The methods and tools taught in the workshops are not specific to any one discipline, but can be useful in a wide range of disciplinary contexts in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Beyond the skills and competencies taught, the aims of the workshop series also extend to fostering exchange and mutual knowledge between the early-career researchers at the two institutions involved in organizing the workshop series as well as at all the institutions in the Université de la Grande Région.