Dr. Moritz Liebe

Postdoctoral fellow at the Chair for Comparative Politics

Research interests

International political economy | Public investment and project finance | European integration, notably economic and monetary union and financial single market.


Moritz Liebe is a postdoctoral fellow at the Chair for Comparative Politics since 2017. He provides, among other things, the academic support for the Master in European and East Asian Governance. He holds a PhD from the University of Luxembourg, where he wrote a thesis on the political economy on the use of public-private partnerships in Europe.

Master in European and East Asian Governance

For general enquires about the Masters programme or if you are interested in studying with us, please contact me under liebeuni-trierde.

Recent publication

[Translate to Englisch:] Buchcover

Liebe, M. (2022) ‘The determinants of PPP uptake in Europe: a mixed methods approach’. In: G. Hodge und C. Greve (ed.) A Research Agenda for Public-Private Partnerships and the Governance of Infrastructure. Cheltenham, UK: Edgar Elgar, 275-299.

Selected Publications

Liebe, M. (2022) ‘The determinants of PPP uptake in Europe: a mixed methods approach’. In: G. Hodge und C. Greve (ed.) A Research Agenda for Public-Private Partnerships and the Governance of Infrastructure. Cheltenham, UK: Edgar Elgar, 275-299.

Howarth, D. and Liebe, M. (2021) ‘Regional Development Banks and the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships: The EIB as a Case Study’. In: J.Clifton, D. Fuentes and D. Howarth (ed.) Regional Development Banks in the World Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 283-310.

Liebe, M./ Howarth, D. (2020): The European Investment Bank as a policy entrepreneur and the promotion of Public-Private Partnerships in Europe. In: New Political Economy, 25 (2), S. 195–212.

Quaglia, L./ Howarth, D./ Liebe, M. (2016): The Political Economy of European Capital Markets Union. In: JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 (annual review), S.185–203.

Pollock, A.M./ Price, D./ Liebe, M. (2011): Private finance initiatives during NHS austerity. In: British Medical Journal, 342 (d324), S. 417–419.