Dr. Christoph Geißler

Managing Director ICAN
Trier University
Room D 406
54286 Trier
Tel.: +49 (0)651 201 2956
E-Mail: geisslercuni-trierde
Since Aug. 2023
Managing director, Institute for Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience (ICAN) @Trier University
Nov. 2021 – Jul. 2023
Postdoc position, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Prof. Dr. Christian Frings, University of Trier
Nov. 2021
PhD, University of Trier
Title of dissertation: "The role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in executive functioning and action control: Insights from functional near-infrared spectroscopy"
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christian Frings, University of Trier, & Prof. Dr. Gregor Domes, University of Trier
Aug. 2018 – Nov. 2021
Research assistant (PhD student) at Department of Cognitive Psychology, Prof. Dr. Christian Frings, University of Trier
Apr. 2015 – Sep. 2018
Master of Science in Psychology, University of Trier
Feb. 2016 – Jun. 2016
ERASMUS University of Stockholm
Oct. 2011 – Sep. 2015
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Trier
Research at the ICAN
- Neurophysiological correlates of stress and working memory
- Neuro-hemodynamic correlates of feature response binding
Grant | Name | Principal Investigator |
German Research Council (DFG) GE 3703/2-1 | Towards a Holistic Model of Time Dependent Stress Effects on Working Memory I: Investigating the Effects of Naturalistic Interventions Targeting Central Noradrenaline and Cortisol | C. Geißler |
Journal articles (peer reviewed)
He, Q., Geißler, C. F., Ferrante, M., Hartwigsen, G., & Friehs, M. A. (2024). Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on reactive response inhibition. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 157, 105532. doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105532
Geissler, C. F.*, Schöpper, L.-M.*, Engesser, A. F., Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Frings, C. (2024). Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36(1), 95-106. https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_02071 *shared first-authorship.
Geissler, C.*, Gauselmann, P.*, Jilek, C., Maus, H., Frings C., & Tempel, T. (2023). A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study on the prefrontal correlates of cognitive offloading via a personal knowledge assistant. Scientific Reports, 13, 13938. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39540-5 *shared first-authorship.
Geissler, C. F., Friehs, M. A., Frings, C., & Domes, G. (2023). Time-dependent effects of acute stress on working memory performance: A systematic review and hypothesis. Psychoneuroendocrinology148, 105998. doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105998
Friehs, M. A.*, Stegemann, M.*, Merz, S., Geißler, C., Frings, C., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2022). The influence of tDCS on perceived bouncing/streaming. Experimental Brain Research, 241, 59-66. doi.org/10.1007/s00221-022-06505-5
Geissler, C.F., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2021). Illuminating the prefrontal neural correlates of action sequence disassembling in response-response binding. Scientific Reports, 11, 22856. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02247-6
Geissler, C., Schneider, J., Frings, C. (2021) Shedding light on the prefrontal correlates of mental workload in simulated driving: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Scientific Reports, 11, 705. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80477-w
Geissler, C.F., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2020). Shedding light on the frontal hemodynamics of spatial working memory using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Neuropsychologia, 146, 107570. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107570
Geissler, C.F., Hofmann M. J., & Frings, C. (2020). It’s more than interference: Examining the neuro-hemodynamic correlates of the flanker task with fNIRS. European Journal of Neuroscience, 52, 3022-3031. doi.org/10.1111/ejn.14708
Frings, C., Domes, G., Friehs, M. A., Geissler. C., & Schneider, K. (2019). Food for Your Mind? The Effect of Tyrosine on Selective Attention. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 4, 285-295. doi.org/10.1007/s41465-019-00146-3
Invited Talks
Geißler, C. F. (2020, January 16). Kognitive Beanspruchung messen mit funktionaler Nahinfrarotspektroskopie. {Invited Talk]. Fachsymposium zur Eröffnung des Fahrsimulators der Fachhochschule Trier, Trier, Germany.
Geißler, C. F. (2019, May 9). Die elektrophysiologischen Korrelate abrufinduzierten Vergessens in einer Motoraufgabe: Ein Anstieg in My- und Betapower während des Abrufübens sagt späteres Vergessen voraus. [Invited Talk]. Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls Allgemeine und Biologische Psychologie Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany.
Talks and posters
Geißler, C.F., Frings, C., Engesser, A.F., & Schöpper, L.-M. (2023, October 06-08). Task-related prefrontal activity facilitates distractor-response-binding-effects [Poster]. 55th Herbsttreffen der Experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKop) Hildesheim, Germany.
Schmalbrock, P., Geißler, C.F., & Frings, C. (2023, June 13-16). Intentional weighting is context-dependent [Poster]. BRAC Annual Meeting 2023, Trier, Germany.
Nemeth, M., Geißler, C. F., & Moeller, B. (2023, June 13-16). Response-response binding effects do not vary shortly after integration [Poster]. BRAC Annual Meeting 2023, Trier, Germany.
Engesser, A. F., Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Geißler, C. F. (2023, March 27-29). Pressing the light switch for binding: Stimulus-response binding depends on prefrontal cortical activity [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
Geißler, C. F., Selimi, S., Schmalbrock, P., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2023, March 27-29). Binding Interactions in Working Memory [Talk]. 65th. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
Geißler, C.F., Selimi, S., Schmalbrock, P.P., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2022, Oct. 7-9). Competition Without Unbinding: Event File Interaction in Response-Response Binding [Poster]. 54th Herbsttreffen der Experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKop) Greifswald, Germany.
Schmalbrock, P., Geißler, C., & Frings, C. (2022, Oct. 7-9). Spatial Information and Predictability in Stimulus-Response Binding [Poster]. 54th Herbsttreffen der Experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKoP), Greifswald, Germany.
Schmalbrock, P., Geißler, C., & Frings, C. (2022, July 22-25). Predictability modulates distractor-response binding effects, but modulation depends on spatial information [Poster]. Handling Visual Distraction, Munich/Ammersee, Germany.
Geißler, C.F., & Frings, C. (2022, May 18-22). Time-Dependent Effects of Stress on Working Memory Related Prefrontal Processing [Poster]. International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Helsinki, Finland.
Geißler, C.F., & Frings, C. (2021, October 8-10). Stress strikes twice: Working memory capacity is reduced under 10 and again over 20 minutes post stress [Poster]. 53rd Herbsttreffen der Experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKoP), Würzburg, Germany.
Geißler, C. F., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). Binding under light: An fNIRS study to the prefrontal neural correlates of response-response binding [Talk]. 63rd. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
Geißler, C. F. (2019, October 18-20). Die Kosten der Identität: Reiz- und Antwortinterferenz entflochten mit fNIRS [Talk]. 52. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.