
Entrepreneurial failure and success, entrepreneurial satisfaction

  • Fisch, C., Block, J. (2021). How does entrepreneurial failure change an entrepreneur’s digital identity? Evidence from Twitter data. Journal of Business Venturing. 36(1): 106015.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F., Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2020). The survival of business takeovers and new venture start-ups. Industrial and Corporate Change. 29(3): 797-826.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Hoogerheide, L., Thurik, R. (2012). Are education and entrepreneurial income endogenous? A Bayesian analysis. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2(3).
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Sandner, P., Wagner, M. (2011). Selbständigkeit von Ausländern in Deutschland: Einkommenseffekte und Implikationen für die Gründungsförderung. Soziale Welt Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, 62(1): 7-23.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2010). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in Germany: characteristics and earnings differentials. Schmalenbach Business Review, 62(2): 154-174.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Köllinger, P. (2009). I can’t get no satisfaction – necessity entrepreneurship and procedural utility. Kyklos, 62(1): 191-209.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs and their duration in self-employment: evidence from German micro data. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 9(2): 117-137.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Lutz, A., Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2009). Unglücklich trotz Erfolg – Faktoren für die Zufriedenheit von Gründern. Wirtschaftpsychologie aktuell, 1: 9-11.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Sandner, P., Block, J., Lutz, A. (2008). Determinanten des Erfolgs staatlich geförderter Existenzgründungen – eine empirische Untersuchung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft,78(7/8): 753-777.
    (article, working paper version)

  • König, C., Steinmetz, H., Frese, M., Rauch, A., Wang, Z.-M. M. (2007). Scenario-based scales measuring cultural orientations of business owners. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(2), 211-239.

Entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial intention, and entrepreneurial propensity

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Gnad, M. (in press). Religion and entrepreneurship through the lens of the theory of planned behavior: a systematic literature review. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship.

  • Krieger, A., Block, J., Stuetzer, M., Obschonka, M., Salmela-Aro, K. (2022). Closing the gender gap in entrepreneurship: The importance of skill variety. PLOS ONE.
    (article - open access)

  • Abbasianchavari, A., Block, J. (2022). Perceptual factors explaining the gender gap in entrepreneurial propensity: A replication and extension. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 17 (June): e00303.
    (article, data set)

  • Fisch, C., Wyrwich, M., Nguyen, T. L., Block, J. (2021). Historical institutional differences and entrepreneurship: Socialist legacy in Vietnam. International Review of Entrepreneurship. 19(4).
    (article, working paper version)

  • Steinmetz, H., Isidor, R., & Bauer, C. (2021). Gender differences in the intention to start a business: An updated and extended meta-analysis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 229(1), 70-84.

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Rehan, F. (2020). Religion and entrepreneurship: a map of the field and a bibliometric analysis. Management Review Quarterly. 70(4): 591-627.

  • Jakob, E. A., Isidor, R., Steinmetz, H., Wehner, M. C., & Kabst, R. (2019). The other side of the same coin–how communal beliefs about entrepreneurship influence attitudes toward entrepreneurship. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 112, 431-445.

  • Rehan, F., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2019). Entrepreneurship in Islamic communities: How do Islamic values and Islamic practices influence entrepreneurship intentions? Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 13(5): 557-583.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Krieger, A., Block, J., Stützer, M. (2018). Skill variety in entrepreneurship: A literature review and research directions. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16(1): 29-62.

  • Verheul, I., Rietdijk, W., Block, J., Franken, I., Larsson, H., Thurik, R. (2016). The association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) symptoms and self-employment. European Journal of Epidemiology, 31(8): 793-801.

  • Zapkau, F., Schwens, C., Steinmetz, H., & Kabst, R. (2015). Disentangling the effect of prior entrepreneurial exposure on entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Research, 68(3), 639-653.
  • Verheul, I., Block, J., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Tiemeier, H., Thurik, R., Turturea, R. (2015). ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurial intentions. Small Business Economics, 45(1): 85-101.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Parboteeah, P., Walter, S., Block, J. (2015). When does Christian religion matter for entrepreneurial activity? The contingent effect of a country's investments into knowledge. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(2): 447-465.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Haus, I., Steinmetz, H., Isidor, R., Kabst, R. (2013). Gender effects on entrepreneurial intention: A meta-analytical structural equation model. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 130-156.

  • Block, J., Thurik, R., Van der Zwan, P., Walter, S. (2013). Business takeover or new venture? Individual and environmental determinants from a cross-country study. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 37(5): 1099-1121.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Hoogerheide, L., Thurik, R. (2013). Education and entrepreneurial choice: an instrumental variables analysis. International Small Business Journal, 31(1): 23-33.
    (article, working paper version)

Entrepreneurship support, entrepreneurship policy, and entrepreneurial context

  • Darnihamedani, D., Block, J., Jansen, J. (2024). Institutional reforms and entrepreneurial growth ambitions. International Small Business Journal. 42(7): 805-840.
    (article - open access)

  • Moritz, A., Block, J., Morina, F. (2024). Entrepreneurship in post-conflict countries: a literature review. Review of Managerial Science. 18: 3025-3083.
    (article - open access)

  • Bertschek, I., Block, J., Kritikos, A., Stiel, C. (2024). German financial state aid during COVID-19 pandemic: higher impact among digitalized self-employed. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 36(1-2), 76-97.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Kritikos, A., Priem, M., Stiel, C. (2022). Emergency aid for self-employed in the COVID-19 pandemic: a flash in the pan? Journal of Economic Psychology. 93(December): Article 102567.
    (article, data set).

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., van Praag, M. (2018). Quantity and quality of jobs by entrepreneurial firms. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 34(4): 565-583.
    (article - open access, working paper version)

  • Darnihamedani, P., Block, J., Hessels, J., Simonyan, A. (2018). Taxes, start-up costs, and innovative entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 51(2): 355-369.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J. (2016). Corporate income taxes and entrepreneurship activity. IZA World of Labor.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Kohn, K. (2011). Sozialpolitische Ziele der Gründungsförderung am Beispiel von Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. in: N. Irsch, P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, KfW Research, S. 69-93.
    (working paper version)

  • Sandner, P., Block, J., Lutz, A. (2008). Determinanten des Erfolgs staatlich geförderter Existenzgründungen – eine empirische Untersuchung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft,78(7/8): 753-777.
    (article, working paper version)

Image of entrepreneurs

  • Adam-Müller, A., Andres, R., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2015). Socialist heritage and the opinion on entrepreneurs: Micro-level evidence from Europe. Die Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration Review), 75(4): 211-232.
    (article, working paper version)

Innovative entrepreneurship

  • Block, J., Diegel, W., Fisch, C. (2024). Schumpeterian entrepreneurial digital identity and funding from venture capital firms. Journal of Technology Transfer. 49:119-157.
    (article, working paper version, data set)

  • Brandstetter, C. (2023). Makers and entrepreneurial opportunities. Dissertation an der Universität Trier.

  • Hossinger, S., Block, J., Chen, X., Werner, A. (2023). Venture creation patterns in academic entrepreneurship: The role of founder motivations. Journal of Technology Transfer. 48: 68-125.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., van Praag, M. (2017). The Schumpeterian entrepreneur: A review of the empirical evidence on the antecedents, behavior, and consequences on innovative entrepreneurship. Industry and Innovation, 24(1): 61-95.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Thurik, R., Zhou, H. (2013). What turns knowledge into innovative products? The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(4): 693-718.
    (article, working paper version)

Necessity entrepreneurship

  • Block, J., Sandner, P., Spiegel, F. (2015). How do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? The role of motivation and procedural utility. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(1): 183-206.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Kohn, K., Miller, D., Ullrich, K. (2015). Necessity entrepreneurship and competitive strategy. Small Business Economics, 44(1): 37-54.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2010). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in Germany: characteristics and earnings differentials. Schmalenbach Business Review, 62(2): 154-174.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Köllinger, P. (2009). I can’t get no satisfaction – necessity entrepreneurship and procedural utility. Kyklos, 62(1): 191-209.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs and their duration in self-employment: evidence from German micro data. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 9(2): 117-137.
    (article, working paper version)

Personality of entrepreneurs

  • Verheul, I., Rietdijk, W., Block, J., Franken, I., Larsson, H., Thurik, R. (2016). The association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) symptoms and self-employment. European Journal of Epidemiology, 31(8): 793-801.

  • Verheul, I., Block, J., Burmeister-Lamp, K., Tiemeier, H., Thurik, R., Turturea, R. (2015). ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurial intentions. Small Business Economics, 45(1): 85-101.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J. (2011). Zur Gründungskultur in Deutschland: Persönlichkeitseigenschaften als Gründungshemmnis? in: N. Irsch, P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, KfW Research, S. 131-143.
    (working paper version)

Part-time entrepreneurship

  • Block, J., Landgraf, A., Semrau, T. (2019). The differential impact of societal cultural practices on part-time and full-time self-employment: A multi-level, multi-country study. International Small Business Journal, 37(1): 43-68.
    (article - open access)

  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F. Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2018). Mode of entry into hybrid entrepreneurship: new venture start-up versus business takeover. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16(2): 217-240.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Landgraf, A. (2016). Transition from part-time entrepreneurship to full-time entrepreneurship: the role of financial and non-financial motives. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(1): 259-282.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Landgraf, A. (2016). Part-time entrepreneurship: micro-level and macro-level determinants. Dissertation an der Universität Trier.