
From the point of view of a software developer, LEDA is a platform for solving combinatorial and geometric problems. LEDA is the abbreviation for "Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms".

LEDA makes it easy for the developer to transform his algorithms into efficient C++-programs, because it provides a lot of basic (array,list) and advanced (graphs,dictionaries) data structures.


  • various efficient number types

  • a graph data type and a broad range of graph algorithms

  • two- and three-dimensional geometry kernels

  • algorithms and data structures form the field of geometric computing,
    for instance convex hulls, triangulations and Voronoi diagrams

  • visualization tools

LEDA is at the moment in use at more than 1500 institutions worldwide.


Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Algorithmic Solutions GmbH


AGD (Algorithms for Graph Drawing) is a LEDA-based C++-library for automatic graph drawing. Criteria for aesthetic drawings are for instance few edge crossings or well-balanced distributions of objects.

The AGD-library offers a broad range of two-dimensional graph drawing algorithms and provides tools for implementing new layout algorithms.


Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
University of Cologne
TU Wien
Algorithmic Solutions GmbH


CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library) is a flexible and generic C++-libray providing algorithms and data structures in the field of computational geometry.


  • robust and exact arithmetics

  • various flexible geometric kernels

  • a collection of standard data structures and algorithms,
    for instance maps, polyhedron, convex hulls, (Delaunay) triangulations, arrangements

  • geometric optimization algorithms and data structures for searching

  • supports various visualization tools


Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik ETH Zürich
Freie Universität Berlin
INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Tel Aviv University
University Utrecht
Algorithmic Solutions GmbH