Dr. Diana Teubner
Publications in international peer-reviewed journals
- Teubner D., Klein R., Paulus M. und Wesch C. (2019): Changes of fish growth in German rivers. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, (11), 59-64
- Dreyer A., Neugebauer F., Lohmann N., Rudel H., Teubner D., Grotti M., Rauert C. und Koschorreck J. (2019): Recent findings of halogenated flame retardants (HFR) in the German and Polar environment. Environmental Pollution, 253, 850-863
- Fliedner A., Rudel H., Teubner D., Buchmeier G., Lowis J., Heiss C., Wellmitz J. und Koschorreck J. (2016): Biota monitoring and the Water Framework Directive-can normalization overcome shortcomings in sampling strategies? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(21), 21927-21939
- Fliedner A., Lohmann N., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Wellmitz J. und Koschorreck J. (2016): Current levels and trends of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority substances in freshwater fish from the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Pollution, 216, 866-876
- Teubner D., Wesslein A.K., Browne Rønne P., Veith M., Frings C. und Paulus M. (2016): Is a visuo-haptic differentiation of zebra mussel and quagga mussel based on a single external morphometric shell character possible? Aquatic Invasions, 11(2), 145-154. http://www.aquaticinvasions.net/2016/AI_2016_Teubner_etal.pdf
- Lohmann N., Rolle S., Paepke O., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Koschorreck J. (2015) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in fish of German waters: a study in the conctext of the EU Water Framwork Directive. Organohalogen Compounds, 77, 538-541
- Teubner, D.; Paulus; M., Veith, M. & Klein, R. (2015): Biometric parameters of the bream (Abramis brama) as indicators for long-term changes in fish health and environmental quality – Data from the German ESB. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 22(3), 1620-1627
- Paulus, M.; Teubner, D.; Hochkirch, A. & Veith, M. (2014): Journey into the past: Using cryogenically stored samples to reconstruct the invasion history of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis) in German river systems. Biological Invasions, 16, 2591-2597
- Rüdel, H.; Böhmer, W.; Müller, M.; Fliedner, A.; Ricking, M.; Teubner, D. & Schröter-Kermani, C. (2013): Retrospective study of triclosan and methyl-triclosan residues in fish and suspended particulate matter: Results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Chemosphere, 91(11), 1517–1524
- Teubner, D.; Müller, P. & Paulus, M. (2013): Derivation of dynamic reference values for the classification of contaminant concentrations in bream (Abramis brama) of German rivers and lakes using data of the Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators, 25, 162-165
- Klein, R.; Bartel-Steinbach, M.; Koschorreck, J.; Paulus, M.; Tarricone, K.; Teubner, D.; Wagner, G.; Weimann, T. & Veith, M. (2012): Standardization of egg collection from aquatic birds for biomonitoring - a critical review. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (10), 5273-5284
- Teubner, D.; Tarricone, K.; Veith, K.; Wagner, G.; Bartel-Steinbach, M.; Klein, R.; Körner, A; Quack, M. & Paulus, M. (2011): Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators, 11 (5), 1487-1489.
- Paulus, M.; Bartel, M.; Klein, R.; Nentwich, K.; Quack, M.; Teubner, D. & Wagner, G. (2005): Effect of monitoring strategies and reference data of the German Environmental Specimen Banking Program. Nukleonika, 50 (Supplement 1), 53-58.
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
- Paulus, M.; Teubner, D.; Rüdel, H. & Klein, R. (2015): Bioaccumulation and long-term monitoring in freshwater ecosystems - Knowledge gained from 20 years of zebra mussel analysis by the German Environmental Specimen Bank. In: Amon, R.H., Hänninen, O. (Eds.): Environmental Indicators. Springer Science+Business Media, Dodrecht, pp. 781-803.
- Paulus, M.; Quack, M.; Teubner, D.; Bartel-Steinbach, M.; Klein, R.; Tarricone, K.; Wagner, G.; Körner, A. & Veith, M. (2010): Climate impact research - contributions and options of the German ESB. In: Isobe, T.; Nomiyama, K.; Subramanian, A. & Tanabe, S. (Eds.) (2010): Interdisciplinary studies on environmental chemistry-Environmental Specimen Bank, pp. 95-101. TERRAPUB, Tokyo. www.terrapub.co.jp/onlineproceedings/ec/04/pdf/PR095.pdf
Thesis Dr. rer. nat.
- Teubner, D. (2010): Aufbau eines nationalen Referenzsystems für das Biomonitoring aus den Daten der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes. Dissertation. Universität Trier, FB VI - Geographie / Geowissenschaften. ubt.opus.hbz-nrw.de/volltexte/2010/602/
Publications in national journals
- Klein, R.; Koschorreck, J.; Bartel-Steinbach, M.; Naulin, A.; Paulus, M.; Quack, M.; Tarricone, K.; Teubner, D. & Wagner, G. (2009): Ergebnisse des Workshops "Vogelei-Monitoring" der Umweltprobenbank. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 15 (4), 101-102.
- Klein, R., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D., 2012. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment bream (Abramis brama), in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Bream.pdf.
- Klein, R., Bartel, M., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. and Wagner, G., 2010. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Eelpout.pdf.
- Paulus, M., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. and Wagner, G., 2010. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment feral pigeon (Columba liviaf. domestica), in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Pigeon.pdf.
- Paulus, M., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. and Wagner, G., 2010. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment herring gull (Larus argentatus) in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Herring_gull.pdf.
- Wagner, G., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D., 2009. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment red beech (Fagus sylvatica) in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Beech.pdf.
- Wagner, G., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K. and Teubner, D., 2009. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment lombardy poplar (Populus nigra 'Italica') in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Poplar.pdf.
- Bartel, M., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. and Wagner, G., 2009. Guideline for sampling and sample treatment Norway spruce (Picea abies) / Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in: Environment Protection Agency (Eds.), Guidelines for sampling, transport, storage and chemical characterisation of environmental- and human organ samples. Environment Protection Agency, Berlin. http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/upb_static/fck/download/SOP_Spruce_Pine.pdf.
- Teubner, D. (2005): Einfluss ausgewählter abiotischer Faktoren auf das Wachstum einjähriger Fichtentriebe. Diplomarbeit. Universität Trier, FB VI - Biogeographie.